Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Apalah hidup tanpa wanita,
yang sentiasa menyerikan hidup kita,
namun haruskah itu semestinya?

Diri ini penuh dosa dan noda
termakan dengan godaan wanita
yang sememangnya hiasan dunia

Namun ku masih tetap mengharap
bahwa seorang insan yang bernama wanita
bak peribadi Sumayyah yang dapat bersama menuju syurga

Yang cintanya terhadap RabbNYA dan diriku tak luput seperti Rabiatul Adawiyah

Oh Tuhan,
jika itu tak berlaku
ko pohon perlihatkan Ainul Mardhiyah di jannahMU...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bismillah Wal Hamdulillah..

Oh Allah, before I start writing this post of mine, forgive me for all my sins be it past, present or future ya Rabb. In this blessed month of Rejab, I seek solace in U. Allhumma Bariklana fi rejab wa sya'aban wa balighna ramadhan..Istajib du'aa ana Ya Allah...

After much deliberation, I think its important for me to post this up. Though some of my ikwhans may have post this up, here's my personal take on it.

In my opinions, personallly the term, "Im older than you therefore I know better and thus you shall 'respect' me" should not be applied when one is talking on religous terms. Don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to say that we must not respect the elders. You see, the problem in our society is that they tend to stick to that old mantra. And for us to tegur them would be considered wrong or even rude. Times have changed. Some of the cultures that are acceptable last time are no longer accepted in religion today. Therefore, that is the reason for us (me inclusive) to feel hesitant to approach an elder at times...

Another sad thing is some still get confused between culture and reigion. I was walking towards the interchange after Jumaat prayers when I overheard one of the uncle saying:

"Tu kan utk org arab..yg kite ni nk ikut diorang buat ape..."
He then make another statement whch is totally irrelevant.
"Kalau cina masuk islam, tk kn nk suruh dia pakai baju kurung?"

Oh come on..I got a sense he's talking about how the imam dresses..He's confused here. Why I say the second statement is irrelevant? Coz the way the imam dresses is solely based on sunnah and not culture alone. Tk kn arab je kn blh pakai jubah...(btw, the imam ws wearing jubah complete wf the "scarf"..all white). So that is why the second statement doesn't contrast his frst one (;


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