I received an unexpected call at 10.36 a.m. Luckily I woke up early today, nyeahs. Usually most of the time, I would wake up at 11 haha. So, guess who's the caller was? Its from MOE! OMG.. blablabla..The caller asked me to e-mail mine NS deferment letter to his fren and she said everything is in the process stages rite now. I'll hear from her again after Chinese New Year ((: OH ALLAH, PLEASE MAKE TIS HAPPEN!
And so today most of the Waks & bibik congregate at my house to visit my paternal nenek(nyayi). She's been living wf mine family for(thinking) pejam/celik/pejam/celik, like a month or so? Actually, I oh so prefer my ibu's mum over her to stay here but unfortunately, nenek got various reasons that won't allow her to stay here ): *Psst! There's actually some conspiracy gg on here. Tts why nyayi's here. The fact is, her daughters won't take her back! (She's only gt 2 sons anw, my dad & Wak Adam). So they would come here & brought essential stuffs like food etc like stocks in a sense. Oh wells. At least I gt some $$ frm their visit,hee! And Wak Ru gave me a Levis Strauss jacket! Woohoo! Cool shit..
Aaah. I watched the Meet the Spartans movie (300 spoof) and I was like laughing alone throughout the movie. Oh, not throughout as my father soon joined me. Haha. It was damn hilarious man. There's scenes frm American idol, America's Next Top Model, Ugly Betty(Ooh Yeah), Rocky, etc. There's a lot lar seyyh. I won't type it all here.LOl!Lol... Kudos to the directors & producers for making a wonderful movie ;)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
It had been a mundane daily routine for me during the past week. Afterall, I had chickenpox and it kinda made me feel lazy to sit in front of mine pc for a long period of time. So, the schedule's like: Wake up, eat, read newspaper/book,sleep. And it became a cycle, really. Totally bored yea! Bt not anymore, huhu. I was like on the pc for like 6hrs juz nw! E-mailing, chatting and yes I managed to get the movie Juno played by Ellen Page. Her acting is so bersahaja, ahacks(: Gals shld watch the movie like really, especially those out there who dah terlanjur.Oops.No offence. I wonder what movie I'll be watching for tmrw.Hmms.
And yea, my prnts came back from JB and they brought back pizza! Psst, the lasagne tasted like jemput2. What?! I know, bt it really is. Wth. -_-" Im quite pleased wf my prnts as I didn't expect them to buy stuffs fr me. My dad gt me an album frm Ustaz Akhil Hayy titled:'Kembara Sufi' and the red scarf where most Haramain imams wear them during prayers!((: Mu mum gt me a new belt coz my initial Armani belt went to my bro instead coz I can't wear them. Sad! Oh wells.
And yea, my prnts came back from JB and they brought back pizza! Psst, the lasagne tasted like jemput2. What?! I know, bt it really is. Wth. -_-" Im quite pleased wf my prnts as I didn't expect them to buy stuffs fr me. My dad gt me an album frm Ustaz Akhil Hayy titled:'Kembara Sufi' and the red scarf where most Haramain imams wear them during prayers!((: Mu mum gt me a new belt coz my initial Armani belt went to my bro instead coz I can't wear them. Sad! Oh wells.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Well, I stepped out frm the hse fr the frst time since I gt chickenpox! Hwee. Bt actually pretty lamelar coz my trip ws to the polyclinic only as my medications dh hbs -_-" And well, I have to say tt ur bound to meet stupid, inconsiderate ppl tt wld 'ruin' ur day. There was an incident at the polyclinic juz nw. There's this makcik who hd missed hr waiting no. as she ws bz gossiping wf one Chinese nyonya( tts wat my mum told me. I cldn't be bothered as I ws putting my earphones on all along). So when it ws my turn to see the doc, she entered the room too. And guess wat she told the doc as an excuse fr missing hr turn,"I hv to carry a lot of thngs". Wth. Its ironic coz she's sitting on the frst row and tt won't take u 5 secs to the door! Worse. After my mum and I went out frm the room, she gave a passing comment wch went, " Tk mkn saman nye orng!". Ape saje lar ni makcik. Nk pick fght plk! We pretended nt to hear. Hmms. She tght tt the rght thng fr us to do ws to gave way fr hr to see the doc frst. HELLO! Ur the one to blame fr missing ur no! Oh wells. Tts one example of a typical Malay!
Anw, I felt really good after helping and giving advice to Naq on hr decisions. U see, there's a number of my frens out there who hd diff problems in relation to their results. And am glad tt I managed to hlp Naq(: Oh, gt an sms frm my nocturnal fren,Fana at 2.45 a.m. in the morning asking me wthr Im retaking maths -_-". Haha. PPl, focus on the sch u'll be getting frst then the rst can come later hor...
PS. Frens, perform the solat Istikharah. Seek guidance frm Allah. Am planning fr us to gather and do the Hajat prayers together. Nk tk? Hee. U can do tt alone aniwaes, anytime. Lastly, Good luck to all (:
Anw, I felt really good after helping and giving advice to Naq on hr decisions. U see, there's a number of my frens out there who hd diff problems in relation to their results. And am glad tt I managed to hlp Naq(: Oh, gt an sms frm my nocturnal fren,Fana at 2.45 a.m. in the morning asking me wthr Im retaking maths -_-". Haha. PPl, focus on the sch u'll be getting frst then the rst can come later hor...
PS. Frens, perform the solat Istikharah. Seek guidance frm Allah. Am planning fr us to gather and do the Hajat prayers together. Nk tk? Hee. U can do tt alone aniwaes, anytime. Lastly, Good luck to all (:
Friday, January 25, 2008
Well, I admit. Yesterday's post was so emo indeed. Its juz tt I need to vent my frustrations somewhere rite? Yar, I was being cranky & grumpy. Shrugs. Oh wells. Guess I was thinking wf my heart and nt my head while putting down all those stuffs? Hmms. Anw, Iv submitted the necessary forms and am REALLYREALLY hopeful tt I'll be shorlisted by MOE. Ppl let's pray to Allah so tt we all gt what we want. I need ur prayers... " Doa seorang saudara kepada saudaranya, dalam keadaan dia tidak ketahuinya, tidak akan ditolak "
Dua' al akh li akhihi almuslim fi zohri alghaib, la yuroddu "
Anw, tdy was better. Wak Adam came at 9+ tadi and he brought food! There was satay, hor fun & roti john ((: Had a game of Winning Eleven wf abng Is( he's the only cuzz tt am close to) and it was fun yet exhilarating. Frst game : Inter Milan (me) Vs Real Madrid.. I ws leading the game 1-0 when on the 80th+ min, I scored an own goal -_-" damn! Scnd game, were using the same team and unfortunately tis time rnd, I lst!Why? I scored anther own goal! Awwh. Final score: 2-1
Wokkays. Tts bout it. Nites. And oh, I really want to go to Darul Aman msque tmr coz Kiyai Aa Gym frm Indonesia will be there!(: Bt, I can't and u guys shld knw the reason as to why.Urgh. ):
Dua' al akh li akhihi almuslim fi zohri alghaib, la yuroddu "
Anw, tdy was better. Wak Adam came at 9+ tadi and he brought food! There was satay, hor fun & roti john ((: Had a game of Winning Eleven wf abng Is( he's the only cuzz tt am close to) and it was fun yet exhilarating. Frst game : Inter Milan (me) Vs Real Madrid.. I ws leading the game 1-0 when on the 80th+ min, I scored an own goal -_-" damn! Scnd game, were using the same team and unfortunately tis time rnd, I lst!Why? I scored anther own goal! Awwh. Final score: 2-1
Wokkays. Tts bout it. Nites. And oh, I really want to go to Darul Aman msque tmr coz Kiyai Aa Gym frm Indonesia will be there!(: Bt, I can't and u guys shld knw the reason as to why.Urgh. ):
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Well, the release of the 'O' lvl results are out and I basically I missed the whole scenario at the hall juz now. But tts not the point here. I passed. Got an aggregate of 19 bt I felt jealous as eventhough they were others who gt points way higher than me, they got more choices! And its all bcoz I failed maths. Yea, I gt an E8. Sucks isn't it. Numbers, don't count me in.
And its getting frustrating for me by the min. Wait, I think my other 'me' is acting up now. Ok, NIE is the choice bt first I have to take the EPT then baru acceptance. God! I juz don't knw.. Although its good to have some pep talk wf Ms Sherina, my intellectual neighbour( she's a teacher), my former teacher who shares the same name as my mum, kawan dunia akhiratku Hafiz, they all have been very encouraging. Thanks. And Ain, if my results kinda disappoint u( i knw it is), Im sorry. I'll rmb ur quote fr life wch goes, "u can onLy fall so much. the deeper u fall, the higher u bounce back up. knwng u, i knw i've nthng to wrry abt. wf ur strength in character, i'm sure u'll recover in no time".
Man, there's so much gg on in my head rite now. "Stereotypes impedes success" is buzzing ard my head. Personally, Im nt tt disappointed wf my rslts, juz speechless. Hmms. Don't u knw tt I sometimes hv tis 'crazy' contemplating tghts? I once tght of asking my prnts to send me to a pesantren, blaja kt pondok, changing line when thngs juz don't go my way. Bt I knw avoiding won't work. Must take thngs in stride. Frustration. Ni tk blh, tu tk blh. I wanna go out lah seyh. Tis chickenpox kene bynk pantang, dh nk baik tu..yadayadayada.
Tis is catharsis fr me. The every secs Im typing out all these shits...God, I feel like crying bt no worries. I won't cry over worldly matters. To be honest, I feel so sinful at times.
When I cause anyone to weep, My mercy is aroused:
the one with tears drinks of My bounty.
If I don't wish to give,
then I don't show him the gift he desires;
but when I have contracted his heart with grief,
I open it with joy.
My mercy is dependent on that sincere weeping:
when he weeps, waves rise from the sea of My mercy.
- Mathnawi II: 373-375 Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski"Rumi: Daylight"Threshold Books, 1994Persian transliteration courtesy of YahyĆ” Monastra
And its getting frustrating for me by the min. Wait, I think my other 'me' is acting up now. Ok, NIE is the choice bt first I have to take the EPT then baru acceptance. God! I juz don't knw.. Although its good to have some pep talk wf Ms Sherina, my intellectual neighbour( she's a teacher), my former teacher who shares the same name as my mum, kawan dunia akhiratku Hafiz, they all have been very encouraging. Thanks. And Ain, if my results kinda disappoint u( i knw it is), Im sorry. I'll rmb ur quote fr life wch goes, "u can onLy fall so much. the deeper u fall, the higher u bounce back up. knwng u, i knw i've nthng to wrry abt. wf ur strength in character, i'm sure u'll recover in no time".
Man, there's so much gg on in my head rite now. "Stereotypes impedes success" is buzzing ard my head. Personally, Im nt tt disappointed wf my rslts, juz speechless. Hmms. Don't u knw tt I sometimes hv tis 'crazy' contemplating tghts? I once tght of asking my prnts to send me to a pesantren, blaja kt pondok, changing line when thngs juz don't go my way. Bt I knw avoiding won't work. Must take thngs in stride. Frustration. Ni tk blh, tu tk blh. I wanna go out lah seyh. Tis chickenpox kene bynk pantang, dh nk baik tu..yadayadayada.
Tis is catharsis fr me. The every secs Im typing out all these shits...God, I feel like crying bt no worries. I won't cry over worldly matters. To be honest, I feel so sinful at times.
When I cause anyone to weep, My mercy is aroused:
the one with tears drinks of My bounty.
If I don't wish to give,
then I don't show him the gift he desires;
but when I have contracted his heart with grief,
I open it with joy.
My mercy is dependent on that sincere weeping:
when he weeps, waves rise from the sea of My mercy.
- Mathnawi II: 373-375 Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski"Rumi: Daylight"Threshold Books, 1994Persian transliteration courtesy of YahyĆ” Monastra
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Ahh. Note to self,'never judge a book by its cover' is oh so true! I mean when ur talking bout ppl u didn't really knew and tend to come out wf bad jugdements regarding them. I really thought tt guy ws a mat rep bt aftr talking wf him, he wasn't so bad after all. (: And yesterday when taking the lift at the workplace( gg home), the situation inside the lift was so kecoh! I was packed like sardines as all the aunties & makciks tried to squeeze inside. We took it at lvl 3 while it was supposed to go the basement area (lvl 2), it went up to lvl 6! Then it went down again, stopping at lvl 3 tis time rnd -_-" Then one of the makciks went, "Alamak korang ni mcm tk prnh naik lift. Jakon seyh!". Hwuaha. ((:
On a serious note, I was thinking whether I had Chikigunya coz I hd been developing the symptoms like body aches, fatigue & rash. Bt it was not to be. Went to CGH early in the morning and the doctor diagnosed me wf Chickenpox! The doctor gave me 2 weeks of MC. There goes my job.. Luckily I managed to wrk fr at least a week. Tk sangka btol tt yesterday was my so called lst talk wf Aziz. Guess I won't gt to see him anymore. And, luckily I mentioned the wrd InsyaAllah to my ustz coz lst week I kinda stayed awile after class and today I can't make it! Kita manusia ni sentiasa lemah. Allah tarik sikit je kenikmatan dari kita. Wish me a fast recovery yar ((:
Maybe I won't go online as I need plenty of rest..haixz
On a serious note, I was thinking whether I had Chikigunya coz I hd been developing the symptoms like body aches, fatigue & rash. Bt it was not to be. Went to CGH early in the morning and the doctor diagnosed me wf Chickenpox! The doctor gave me 2 weeks of MC. There goes my job.. Luckily I managed to wrk fr at least a week. Tk sangka btol tt yesterday was my so called lst talk wf Aziz. Guess I won't gt to see him anymore. And, luckily I mentioned the wrd InsyaAllah to my ustz coz lst week I kinda stayed awile after class and today I can't make it! Kita manusia ni sentiasa lemah. Allah tarik sikit je kenikmatan dari kita. Wish me a fast recovery yar ((:
Maybe I won't go online as I need plenty of rest..haixz
Thursday, January 17, 2008
"Amacam lame tk nampak...Tgh beli air pe? Ade duit tk?". Tis ws super random! It happened yesterday while I ws having my break and ws 'rumagging' my wallet fr coins. The guy came up to me wf his hand literally a little wet(he juz went fr his abulation), pat my back and tegurred me! I ws like, wth. I didn't even knw him -_-" In my heart went," Siape seyyh org ni?".. Bt after he's done wf his prayers and noticing how the other pakciks treated tt guy, I felt sorry fr him. He's like the low IQ type of a guy and he was juz being friendly to me(: So oh wells, haha!
Tt kejadian really teaches me to be more open to ppl we didn't know. Widen your perspective. Also, it prevents us from berghibah(mengkritik) whch we always tend to overlook it while gg bout our daily lives. Dalilnya :Qola [Syaikh Rabi’] : Wal ghibah Laa Syak annaha haroomun …, dan tidak ragu lagi bahwa ghibah merupakan perkara yang diharamkan dan juga melanggar kehormatan muslimin serta darah-darahnya serta harta-hartanya juga perkara yang diharamkan. wallahu'alam
Tt kejadian really teaches me to be more open to ppl we didn't know. Widen your perspective. Also, it prevents us from berghibah(mengkritik) whch we always tend to overlook it while gg bout our daily lives. Dalilnya :Qola [Syaikh Rabi’] : Wal ghibah Laa Syak annaha haroomun …, dan tidak ragu lagi bahwa ghibah merupakan perkara yang diharamkan dan juga melanggar kehormatan muslimin serta darah-darahnya serta harta-hartanya juga perkara yang diharamkan. wallahu'alam
Monday, January 14, 2008
Well, Im done wf 'ayat-ayat cinta'! ((: I felt terkesan after completing tt novel. It realy teaches me a whole lot of thngs and I really recommend anyone out there and especialy if ur a Muslim, u shld definitely nt miss tis novel. The plot ws beyond wrds. And book like tis are hard to come by nowadays. No wonder its a bst-seller. Its nt juz any literature or love novel, bt it compromises politics, cultures, religion,fikih, ethics,language and mst imptly dakwah. I really can't wait fr the film =)
Though the day ws all gloomy wf heavy showers & thunders, the ppl at Singpost really somewhat made my day. They were all smiles and the frst to tegur me ws Cik Ana. Also, it ws nice having a conversation wf tis Indian lady. She hd a son who's doin' a double degree & a daughter who's wrkin' at Alexandria Hospital as an admin. What really touched me ws when I told hr tt I wanna bond wf NIE, she asked me to think carefully as she told me tt there ws once a case whereby a gal could no longer tahan and went on to break the bond. As a result, she hd to pay bck lots & lots of money. Thnks fr the advice anyway. And I feel so welcome as when I ws talkin' to tt Indian lady, Cik Anuar came up to me and he actually salam me. Hee. I feel so appreciated.
Bt at the end of the day, I still miss you guys lar seyyh. Although I cld see you guys only when you ppl came in at 5.30 & Sats bcoz I masuk lmbt only on tt day, I still feel lonely. Tkde jiwe seyh. I miss Nurul, Sharif, Munzir, Sheikh...
Though the day ws all gloomy wf heavy showers & thunders, the ppl at Singpost really somewhat made my day. They were all smiles and the frst to tegur me ws Cik Ana. Also, it ws nice having a conversation wf tis Indian lady. She hd a son who's doin' a double degree & a daughter who's wrkin' at Alexandria Hospital as an admin. What really touched me ws when I told hr tt I wanna bond wf NIE, she asked me to think carefully as she told me tt there ws once a case whereby a gal could no longer tahan and went on to break the bond. As a result, she hd to pay bck lots & lots of money. Thnks fr the advice anyway. And I feel so welcome as when I ws talkin' to tt Indian lady, Cik Anuar came up to me and he actually salam me. Hee. I feel so appreciated.
Bt at the end of the day, I still miss you guys lar seyyh. Although I cld see you guys only when you ppl came in at 5.30 & Sats bcoz I masuk lmbt only on tt day, I still feel lonely. Tkde jiwe seyh. I miss Nurul, Sharif, Munzir, Sheikh...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I love Sundays! Tis is bcoz week in, week out, Im sure to gt new knowledge & information wch I can impart on others. Though Sunday is a veryveryvery short day and I believe many wld feel the Monday blues, ahacks, I believe we shld nt waste every min of it. True? Watever it is, I love DPIC though Im getting a little bit pressured. I hv to do my assignment mcm 'mini tesis' gitu. Hmms. DPIC rox my socks ((:
Woohoo! Yesterday's cycling trip frm Pasir Ris to East Coast ws one hell of a ride man.Hee. Saiful,Ahmad & Azhar met at my place abt 14.40 and we're off. Our journey started at SunPlaza Park>Bedok Town Park>East Coast Park> Changi Coastal> Pasir Ris((: At 16.44, the rain came dwn heavily while we're at Bedok Jetty. We hd no choice bt to brave the heavy rain home. Haha. Fun gillur. Made lots of noise at East Coast Underpass..mcm2 bunyi ade.lol. suare siape eyh?lol. Camwhored.. Took videos..
Pergi 4 orang tapi balik 3 orang.Hmms. Apsl eyh? Ye lar adelar orng tu dh lapar sgt sampai tk tnggu member. Ko cycle sikit punye laju! Tkpelah aku fhm.. Kau mesti mkn kn. Mklumlah dh kt Changi Village. haha.
Pictures & the vids will be up soon aftr I consolidate them...
Pergi 4 orang tapi balik 3 orang.Hmms. Apsl eyh? Ye lar adelar orng tu dh lapar sgt sampai tk tnggu member. Ko cycle sikit punye laju! Tkpelah aku fhm.. Kau mesti mkn kn. Mklumlah dh kt Changi Village. haha.
Pictures & the vids will be up soon aftr I consolidate them...
Friday, January 11, 2008
Hanis..oh Hanis! Bodohnye engkau. AKU dh ckp jgn tapi kau degil. Kau teruskan jugak. Sekarang kau tgk sendiri ape dh jadi. Betul kata sahabatmu,Saiful. Tu lah tk nk dngr ckp Saiful, ckp AKU! Hmms. Sekarang kau jgk yng kecewa, sekali lagi. Acap kali sudah AKU bilang, jangan. Tapi ingat, janganlah kau salahkan mane2 pihak... Ambil yng positif. Sekurang-sekurangnya kau cuba dan dia pula berterus-terang. Dia tdk mahu kau menunggu. At least she didn't reject you otf...Innii tawakkaltu 'alal hayyil-ladzii laa yamuutu walaahaula walaa quwwata illaa billaahil 'aliyyil 'adziim.
Yang selalu mendampingimu,
Besarnya Cinta, Kecilnya Aku
Yang selalu mendampingimu,
Besarnya Cinta, Kecilnya Aku
Saat ku tatap mendung pagi
sinar mentari seakan menari
Awan biru seakan tahu
gelisah yang ada di hati
Tuhan, adakah secercah harapan itu?
Pelangi datang disaat terik mentari.
Awan membiru disaat hujan.
Tuhan adakah harapan itu?
oh...dunia yang fana.
dunia penuh fatamorgana.
Adakah mimpi2 yg pernh ada dapt kugapai?
Adakah harapan2 yang kupendam dpt kuraih?
Begitu besarnya cinta & harapan ini
Begitu kecilnya diriku
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Rumusan bagi ceramah oleh yang berbahagia Dato' Dr Fadzillah Kamsan
Frst of all, I wld like to thank my 2 sahabats yng selalu menemaniku ke 'taman-taman syurga'(majlis ilmu) iatu, Hafiz & Saiful. Why the need to thank them? This is bcoz in the hadis yang sangat dituntut, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda," Barangsiapa yng tdk tahu berterima kasih sesama manusia, sebenarnya dia tdk tahu bersyukur kpd Allah s.w.t.". Hadis Riwayat Imam Tirmizi. Alhamdulillah, 1429H has come & I'll try to share some of the thngs I'v learnt yesterday...
Tajuknya ialah teguran yang berhikmah...
Frst of all, try to set 10 niat/goals wherever u go. Tis is bcoz, u'll gt 3 pahala fr every intended niat baik yng u perform. Secondly, ada orng bermati-matian memanjat gunung, kemudian menyedari dia memanjat gunung yng silap! What Im tryin' to say is, punca kejayaan yng lalu mungkin menjadi penghalang hari ini...Thirdly, kalau nk tegur orng secara efektif, pertama sekali hati kita mesti baik. Hati kita adalah magnet. Baiknya hati itu maka ia akn menarik rezki, kasih sayang, badan jadi sihat & menarik hidayah. Bt if the opposite happens, it'll tarik da'ayah, sifat benci, bencana & sentiasa sakit.
To sum it up, manusia terbilang sentiasa mendoakan, memaafkan, bantu-membantu, menceriakan dan membangunkan sesam keluarga, jiran & kwn2.. Fr more info, u can try dl the ceramah frm my post..Wallahu'alam
Frst of all, I wld like to thank my 2 sahabats yng selalu menemaniku ke 'taman-taman syurga'(majlis ilmu) iatu, Hafiz & Saiful. Why the need to thank them? This is bcoz in the hadis yang sangat dituntut, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda," Barangsiapa yng tdk tahu berterima kasih sesama manusia, sebenarnya dia tdk tahu bersyukur kpd Allah s.w.t.". Hadis Riwayat Imam Tirmizi. Alhamdulillah, 1429H has come & I'll try to share some of the thngs I'v learnt yesterday...
Tajuknya ialah teguran yang berhikmah...
Frst of all, try to set 10 niat/goals wherever u go. Tis is bcoz, u'll gt 3 pahala fr every intended niat baik yng u perform. Secondly, ada orng bermati-matian memanjat gunung, kemudian menyedari dia memanjat gunung yng silap! What Im tryin' to say is, punca kejayaan yng lalu mungkin menjadi penghalang hari ini...Thirdly, kalau nk tegur orng secara efektif, pertama sekali hati kita mesti baik. Hati kita adalah magnet. Baiknya hati itu maka ia akn menarik rezki, kasih sayang, badan jadi sihat & menarik hidayah. Bt if the opposite happens, it'll tarik da'ayah, sifat benci, bencana & sentiasa sakit.
To sum it up, manusia terbilang sentiasa mendoakan, memaafkan, bantu-membantu, menceriakan dan membangunkan sesam keluarga, jiran & kwn2.. Fr more info, u can try dl the ceramah frm my post..Wallahu'alam

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
As I was looking out at my kitchen window after breakfast, I saw a bus jenazah. Every min of our time, there's someone out there dying & a newborn is created. What upsets me the most was hamba itu tidak diberi kesempatan untuk meninggalkan 1428H dgn doa dan menyambut 1429H... Allah lebih mengatahui. Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rojiuun. Bulu romaku berdiri setiap kali melihat jenazah. Bukan takut akan kematian, tetapi ia adalah pengajaran yng teristimewa bagi kita supaya meningkatkan amalan kita. Kita tidak tahu bila kita bakal pergi. Mungkin slps menulis post ni, malaikat akan mencabut nyawaku? Who knws? Im nt being pessimistic bout life bt at times, u hv to talk bout death. Though nt everyone wld share the same view. Shrugs.
Hidupku tidak lama,
Maut blh dtng dgn tiba2
Maka bilaku sudah tiada,
Panjatkanlah surahtul-Fateha
Bagi bekalan di alam sana...
Today, Muslims wld congregate at various places to recite the doa awal tahun & akhir tahun. Do not let tis moment pass juz like tt. Tis can be done at home, nt necessarily one needs to go to the msque. As fr me, Im gg to Ustz Fakhrurazzi's one held at Expo as pensyarah undangannya is non-othr than the famous motivator frm Malaysia, Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsan.

Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah itu Maha Luas kepada seluruh umat manusia. Selagi kita berpeluang mengecapi nikmat Allah, selagi itulah kita dituntut untuk berjuang di jalan-jalan Allah. Bila kita buat kerja Islam ni, labudda kita akan bertemu dengan pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran. Jalan yang sedang kita lalui ini bukan dihamparkan dengan permaidani merah berwangikan haruman bunga mawar, tetapi yang menjadi santapan kaki-kaki kita adalah onak dan duri. Semoga kita dapat kembali kepada Allah s.w.t di akhirat kelak dengan hati yang sejahtera. Salam Maal Hijrah, salam ceria...wallahualam.
Hidupku tidak lama,
Maut blh dtng dgn tiba2
Maka bilaku sudah tiada,
Panjatkanlah surahtul-Fateha
Bagi bekalan di alam sana...
Today, Muslims wld congregate at various places to recite the doa awal tahun & akhir tahun. Do not let tis moment pass juz like tt. Tis can be done at home, nt necessarily one needs to go to the msque. As fr me, Im gg to Ustz Fakhrurazzi's one held at Expo as pensyarah undangannya is non-othr than the famous motivator frm Malaysia, Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsan.

Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah itu Maha Luas kepada seluruh umat manusia. Selagi kita berpeluang mengecapi nikmat Allah, selagi itulah kita dituntut untuk berjuang di jalan-jalan Allah. Bila kita buat kerja Islam ni, labudda kita akan bertemu dengan pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran. Jalan yang sedang kita lalui ini bukan dihamparkan dengan permaidani merah berwangikan haruman bunga mawar, tetapi yang menjadi santapan kaki-kaki kita adalah onak dan duri. Semoga kita dapat kembali kepada Allah s.w.t di akhirat kelak dengan hati yang sejahtera. Salam Maal Hijrah, salam ceria...wallahualam.
Monday, January 07, 2008
I enjoyed myself yesterday. Finally, am back to studying. As being the frst batch of DPIC, I wld wnt to make an impact. Complete my 32 modules wf flying colours by 2011, InsyaAllah. Gt a young ustz as my lecturer(he's only 24!). Well, as usual, majority of the class were muslimah. There's only 4 guys yesterday. And I commend tis makcik in my class who's alrdy in her 30's bt she's taking her DPI wf us. Life-long journey,it is. We did Ilmu Tauhid fr the three hrs. Am gonna complete tt course as well as Usul Al-Tafsir alternately fr my frst semsester ((: And guess what? Mine ustz full-time job is he's a cook at one of the restaurant at Golden Landmark lvl 2! Cool or what?! Tts takdir..
Aaah. Went grocery shopping wf ayah & ibu early in the morning and as we reached our block, we were suprised by tis act.Haha. Check tis out:
Aaah. Went grocery shopping wf ayah & ibu early in the morning and as we reached our block, we were suprised by tis act.Haha. Check tis out:
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Ws off to an early strt tdy..I hd the MT Teacher Teaching Seminar at MOE whch ws located at Buona Vista whch ws 21 stations away! Damn far seyyh!Without procastinating, I read the novel whch I bought titled 'Ayat-ayat Cinta' by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. A very nice novel((: The seminar really gt me focused on what am gonna do as Iv been keeping my options opened throughout the presentations. So after discussing wf my parents, we agreed tt taking the diploma in education directly aftr my 'O' lvl rslts ws the bst choice. Initially, I planned to take the 'A' lvls frst if given the opportunity bt aftr thinking bout it thru & thru, i'll sign up wf NIE to become a Malay language teacher.. Hopefully I wld make it, InsyaAllah =)
Yeah, " dlm kehidupan tk blh malas. We hv to make life interesting. Take it as if ur in a reality shw..."I'll rmb those wrds, always((: Munchkin cldn't ctch a movie wf me.hmms. Next time k, promise? haha. So, decided to go wf my 2 buddies. We wtched I Am Legend at Cathay Cineleisure Orchard. It ws raining. The frst prt of the movie ws quite slw..I ws lucky nt to fall asleep,ahacks..the mid prt twrds the end ws bttr. There were quite a few 'terperanjat' moments..The sound system ws juz awesome!Keeps the movie at its bst. And yeaaaaah \m/though I didn't bought the album, at least I gt the Mastodon shirt! Hee.\m/
Tmr am gonna strt on my Diploma Pengajian Islam at Cordova. Really lookin' fwd to it ((:
Yeah, " dlm kehidupan tk blh malas. We hv to make life interesting. Take it as if ur in a reality shw..."I'll rmb those wrds, always((: Munchkin cldn't ctch a movie wf me.hmms. Next time k, promise? haha. So, decided to go wf my 2 buddies. We wtched I Am Legend at Cathay Cineleisure Orchard. It ws raining. The frst prt of the movie ws quite slw..I ws lucky nt to fall asleep,ahacks..the mid prt twrds the end ws bttr. There were quite a few 'terperanjat' moments..The sound system ws juz awesome!Keeps the movie at its bst. And yeaaaaah \m/though I didn't bought the album, at least I gt the Mastodon shirt! Hee.\m/
Tmr am gonna strt on my Diploma Pengajian Islam at Cordova. Really lookin' fwd to it ((:
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Goodbye 2007...Personally, it hd been the mst challenging yr fr me. Lots of thngs came by & I've juz gt to take them in stride. It really shwed me the ups & dwns of life. 2007 ws the yr tt really tested my character as in kesabaran, keimanan, etc. The yr where I lst my wallet & shoe in a msque during Qiamulail(its during Ramadhan!!!), the sickness I've gt to endure while fasting and facing wf probs tt I usually helped frens overcame theirs bt I myself can't seem to gt out frm it...
Its truly a rollercoaster yr fr me. Though all tt -ves, there's still some +ves frm 2007. I've finally graduated frm Madrasah Al-Istighfar wf a bang! I gt 1st fr Haflah((: I also finally sat fr the big 'O's wch determines my stepping stone depending on my rslts. Hopefully, it'll be great news fr me, InsyaAllah. 2007 hd also rekindled ties wf frens. I have a fren who hd been in the same class fr 5 yrs yet we hadn't really hd a proper conversation! Funny kn? Haha. Now we're beginning to tlk, eyh? U knw who u are(: And yes,I've met my childhood fren while wrkin' at Singpost. A fren whom I lst cntct fr abt 11 yrs or so. Also, met anthr amazing prsn. TT gal ws the same gal whom always top the class at madrsh until she quit in 2005(sec 2). We havn't met ever since. Bt Singpost allows us to meet each othr again, munchkin =)Hehe. So, lt me take tis opportunity to thnk those who feels tt they hd some prt in my life in the yr 2007. Thank You to Andrew Matthews too whose book,'IKUT HATI ANDA' whch lifts me up when Im dwn.. THANK YOU =)
And yes,my post "won't be complete" without NYR. New Year's Resolution. Fr me, I'll juz improve on lst yrs as no pnt setting up new resolutions bt ending up nt implementing them. True? Basically, I wld wnt Allah's redha tts mst impt & be more discipline & consisitent.Aaaah. Getting a Sicilan gal or one who hv a melodious voice when reciting the Qur'an/hafizah prhps(one who memorises the Qur'an) sounds interesting. Ahacks. Main-main je lah...
I'll close tis post wf a dua': Allahumma Inniasaluka Ridhoka Wal Jannah. Waaudzubika Minsakhothika Wannar. Amin.
Its truly a rollercoaster yr fr me. Though all tt -ves, there's still some +ves frm 2007. I've finally graduated frm Madrasah Al-Istighfar wf a bang! I gt 1st fr Haflah((: I also finally sat fr the big 'O's wch determines my stepping stone depending on my rslts. Hopefully, it'll be great news fr me, InsyaAllah. 2007 hd also rekindled ties wf frens. I have a fren who hd been in the same class fr 5 yrs yet we hadn't really hd a proper conversation! Funny kn? Haha. Now we're beginning to tlk, eyh? U knw who u are(: And yes,I've met my childhood fren while wrkin' at Singpost. A fren whom I lst cntct fr abt 11 yrs or so. Also, met anthr amazing prsn. TT gal ws the same gal whom always top the class at madrsh until she quit in 2005(sec 2). We havn't met ever since. Bt Singpost allows us to meet each othr again, munchkin =)Hehe. So, lt me take tis opportunity to thnk those who feels tt they hd some prt in my life in the yr 2007. Thank You to Andrew Matthews too whose book,'IKUT HATI ANDA' whch lifts me up when Im dwn.. THANK YOU =)
And yes,my post "won't be complete" without NYR. New Year's Resolution. Fr me, I'll juz improve on lst yrs as no pnt setting up new resolutions bt ending up nt implementing them. True? Basically, I wld wnt Allah's redha tts mst impt & be more discipline & consisitent.Aaaah. Getting a Sicilan gal or one who hv a melodious voice when reciting the Qur'an/hafizah prhps(one who memorises the Qur'an) sounds interesting. Ahacks. Main-main je lah...
I'll close tis post wf a dua': Allahumma Inniasaluka Ridhoka Wal Jannah. Waaudzubika Minsakhothika Wannar. Amin.
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