Dear readers, its been a while since I last post an entry(Im well aware of it, thank you). So, without making as if my blog's dead, I'll post wat I hd been doing the past days..since Im getting my feet back, thank Allah.
20Feb- Went wf dad to appeal at NP bt they say they cldn't do anythng though I meet the requirements..'Ur results not bad at all bt bcoz of one sbj..' tsktsk. And all bcz of the new cop wch left me wf 2 pnts short! Then went to some privates schs fr enquiry. Dad went bck aftr lunch and I met up wf Hazwan & Azhar. Went to ITE College East..After wch, we chill out at T3! ((: Its like we w so engross gg thru all the slf-help books at HARRIS without taking note of the time, nyeahs. Ate at the staffs canteen..REX satay's the best man..
21-23Feb- Made new frens wf Samantha & Jia Yuan(: Bth of them are like 7 yrs my senior,haha. Bt its cool though. Learn lots of things. Various issues were discuss while keeping an open mind..And we're like being 'racist' as Samantha's started tis game of counting the no of Indians,hahs. She hates them & African men too! And like bth of them loves to tlk bout gay men & lesbians! Wats up wf tt man? lol. "Gay men make themselves handsome bcoz they're vain.." And yeah, I enjoyed myself greatly on the 23rd. B-quartet hd an awesome performance at Esplanade. To tell u the trth, tts my frst visit to esplanade! -_-" kental kn?haha. aah..if u wanna gd food and service,eat at Sourpuss!((:
24Feb- DPIC class! yayy..I love attending it though I feel sleepy at times. Ustz Lukman gt lots of storys to share... haaha. If I hv the chance to share wf u ppl I will, hee((: Ok, I need to finish up my assignment fr aqidah islam. Submission is on 16 mrch! And I hav'nt even do half of it, yet Usul-tafsir's assgnmnet are out. Gosh! Usul-tafsir's assgnmnt is easier bt the topics semakin pening! Hahs.
OK tts bout it! bye..And Im okayy ppl. Greatly appreciate your concern((:
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Bulan Kesedihan
Just as I thought I was picking myself up literally, another problem crops up. Masalah demi masalah sedang melandaku. My probs, ibu's...Bout ibu's prob, I played dumb alrite. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I hope tt all those shits can be solve soon.. .Ibu, pls don't shed tears. Coz jz thinking bout it, makes me wanna cry too. I felt guilty jz nw when I hear ur voice breaking up over the phone. Am really sorry if I have disappoint you, really. My eyes are beginning to tear as I type all these. U ppl always think tt Im strong enough to handle all these, bt in actual fact, Im not. Apa gunanya hidup? I feel tt Im always on the losing end of things. Aku slalu menolong orang tetapi diri sendiri terkapai-kapai... Somebody, guide me before I do something stupid. And I really hope tt I pass the NIE EPT fr Malay Language wch I sat fr jz now. Please don't turn out to be anthr disappointment, ya Allah. I don't wanna hancurkan my prnts hearts and waste their money..
I know tt all these happen fr a reason. Allah's testing me. My iman to overcome tis. I need to be redha. Bt its not even half the year! And Im not even 18 bt the cubaan's tremendous!Sounds paradoxical ain't it? I jz need a hug and a shoulder to cry upon...
Re: Kita tk bermusuhan kn? I jz need time to recover. Been bz and nw there's probs tt I need to overcome. Honestly, I feel lost. I don't wanna lose a great individual as of you. And its really sad tt it turned out to be like this.Throughout our friendship, iv been putting my egos aside. I wish we can forget the past and reconcile. Only time will tell..
I know tt all these happen fr a reason. Allah's testing me. My iman to overcome tis. I need to be redha. Bt its not even half the year! And Im not even 18 bt the cubaan's tremendous!Sounds paradoxical ain't it? I jz need a hug and a shoulder to cry upon...
Re: Kita tk bermusuhan kn? I jz need time to recover. Been bz and nw there's probs tt I need to overcome. Honestly, I feel lost. I don't wanna lose a great individual as of you. And its really sad tt it turned out to be like this.Throughout our friendship, iv been putting my egos aside. I wish we can forget the past and reconcile. Only time will tell..
Friday, February 08, 2008
Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah for giving me the time & opportunity to attend Habib Umar's lecture((:My usual buddies can't make it so I felt really blessed to meet an alim. It was really a spiritual cleansing for me. Though how I wished I understand Arab(there's translation in Malay) but its different):The joy of understanding directly is what I hope to achieve, InsyaAllah. And there's this last part of his lecture tt really made me down to tears...
"Perbaikilah diri kita untuk menjalankan perintah-perintahnya. Mengikuti cara hidup yang telah ditunjuki oleh Nabi s.a.w. Bersihkanlah hati kita dari penyakit2 hati barulah Allah akan merubah nasib kita. Kerana dalam firmanNya, 'Dia tidak akan merubah nasib seseorang atau sesuatu kaum, melainkan mereka merubah diri mereka'. Kita harus memiliki hati yang suci, yang tawadhuk, khusyuk, yang takut kepada Allah. Banyak yang diantara kita mungkin satu minggu penuh tidak pernah menangis kpd Allah s.w.t. Berlinangan air mata kerana takut. Kalau kita tidak bersikap begitu, dimanakah fitrah Allah akan datang. Contohilah para sahabat Rasul yng paginya berkerja tetapi malamnya beribadah. Merekalah ahli Qiamulail..."
Ya Allah... SubhanAllah... :'( What made me want to cry more was when I remembered Dr Dato' Fadzillah Kamsah saying tt para ulama' said tt eventhough ur arnd org2 soleh dan mengaminkan doa habib, ur doa tidak akan diterima to those yng tk jaga his or her solat! MasyaAllah, Im only human..Kadang2 ade termiss jgk..Oh Allah janganlah kau tolak doa hambamu ini... :'( Andai kata kau menolaknya, aku termasuk dlm orng2 yang rugi..Naudzubillah...
Got myself a book entitled: 'The Glittering Illumination, A Maulid Eulogy in Remembrance of the Intercessor Prophet'.(May Allah's Blessing be upon him And Grant him peace) Arranged by the Habib himself.
Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurku supaya ku dapat beribadah kepadaMu dan dapat barakah dlm menghadiri majlis2 ilmu ...Dan panjangkanlah juga umur para alim ulama' kita Ya Allah...
A glimpse of Habib:
"Perbaikilah diri kita untuk menjalankan perintah-perintahnya. Mengikuti cara hidup yang telah ditunjuki oleh Nabi s.a.w. Bersihkanlah hati kita dari penyakit2 hati barulah Allah akan merubah nasib kita. Kerana dalam firmanNya, 'Dia tidak akan merubah nasib seseorang atau sesuatu kaum, melainkan mereka merubah diri mereka'. Kita harus memiliki hati yang suci, yang tawadhuk, khusyuk, yang takut kepada Allah. Banyak yang diantara kita mungkin satu minggu penuh tidak pernah menangis kpd Allah s.w.t. Berlinangan air mata kerana takut. Kalau kita tidak bersikap begitu, dimanakah fitrah Allah akan datang. Contohilah para sahabat Rasul yng paginya berkerja tetapi malamnya beribadah. Merekalah ahli Qiamulail..."
Ya Allah... SubhanAllah... :'( What made me want to cry more was when I remembered Dr Dato' Fadzillah Kamsah saying tt para ulama' said tt eventhough ur arnd org2 soleh dan mengaminkan doa habib, ur doa tidak akan diterima to those yng tk jaga his or her solat! MasyaAllah, Im only human..Kadang2 ade termiss jgk..Oh Allah janganlah kau tolak doa hambamu ini... :'( Andai kata kau menolaknya, aku termasuk dlm orng2 yang rugi..Naudzubillah...
Got myself a book entitled: 'The Glittering Illumination, A Maulid Eulogy in Remembrance of the Intercessor Prophet'.(May Allah's Blessing be upon him And Grant him peace) Arranged by the Habib himself.
Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurku supaya ku dapat beribadah kepadaMu dan dapat barakah dlm menghadiri majlis2 ilmu ...Dan panjangkanlah juga umur para alim ulama' kita Ya Allah...
A glimpse of Habib:

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Im having imsonia these pst few days. Tired bt can't sleep! ): So like usual, I woke up at 1.47 a.m. in the morning and started to listen to the radio on my mp3. Im thankful tt most of the mediacorps' channels are 24 hrs nw(: Bt then, I hd this terrible stomach ache at 2.30! Gosh. Went to the kitchen, make myself a cup of milo and ate some plain biscuit..God! I still can't sleep..My inner feelings ws like urging me to talk to Allah. Well yar, I did fr bout an hr.(Im hoping I gt HIS redha and everythin' tt I ask termakbul,amin) After wch, baru blh tido..finally.hee! And tt ws at 4.09,mind u!
Woke up at 6.30+ fr subuh then went bck to sleep again.huhu. At 8.30, gt myself set fr the cycling trip. Gave a ring to the guys(saiful,ahmad & azhar) at 9 to make sure they hv woken up,haha. Ahmad ws 20 mins late! I ws like telling Saiful:" Eh, ni kalau tadi kite sembahyang dhuha pun sempat seyyh"(coz we're waiting outside al-istighfar msque) =)
Alas, we're off to East Coat via the Changi Coastal connecter at 10.30. Reached East Coast at 12.30. I felt really segan coz its like we're 'gatecrashing' ahmad's cuzz picnic! Bt his makciks & nenek we really nice to pelawa us mkn..hehe. I gt myself a plate of rice wf lemak lodeh & ikan pari while azhar ate noodles((: After wch, ahmad & I proceeded to the beach to berendam, hwuaha.
We thanked ahmad's makciks & nenek b4 heading towards Al-Taqua msque fr our Zuhur prayers..We relax and chill fr a moment b4 gg to Bedok Food Centre wch ws alrdy nearby((: Azhar blanja all of us. Sweeeet(: Thanks a lot, dude! Ehks, benda yng aku ambk fr rojak cepat eyh korang sebat..mentang2 ler aku tgh shiok santap aku nye tahu telur,hehe. tkpe bkn rezki aku ): Bt janji kite smue kenyang, rite((: Prayed asar bck at Al-Taqua after wch went bck using the Bedok Reservoir Park connecter tis time rnd..And guess who I saw? Its Cik Anuar(one of my supervisor at Singpost) (: He's cycling too,alone. hee!
Reached home at 18.00 Aytes, ahmad nxt time hor..Dngr azhar ckp aku nk blanja dessert je terus tk sabar eh,lol. S11 kt tamp tutup larr..there's always next time. Thanks guys fr a great & wonderful day! =)
'Ghost town'..Chinese New Year mah!lol
Hehehee..siapa ni?
Me and my bike wch I bought lst Christmas(:
Awwwwh! haaha (:
Berendam sendiri nmpk, oii!
Buat ape tu? haha

Lepakz..Dh penat nye psl..hwuaha
Terrorists dari mane plk nii?!

Alhamdulillah makan kenyang seyyh..Azhar blanja!((:haha
Ehks, baju colour same nmpk? Korang plan
Peace out...(:
I'll try to post the vids..can't post it nw coz its too big and its frm ahmad(videoman:ahmad, anchorman:me!) =)
Woke up at 6.30+ fr subuh then went bck to sleep again.huhu. At 8.30, gt myself set fr the cycling trip. Gave a ring to the guys(saiful,ahmad & azhar) at 9 to make sure they hv woken up,haha. Ahmad ws 20 mins late! I ws like telling Saiful:" Eh, ni kalau tadi kite sembahyang dhuha pun sempat seyyh"(coz we're waiting outside al-istighfar msque) =)
Alas, we're off to East Coat via the Changi Coastal connecter at 10.30. Reached East Coast at 12.30. I felt really segan coz its like we're 'gatecrashing' ahmad's cuzz picnic! Bt his makciks & nenek we really nice to pelawa us mkn..hehe. I gt myself a plate of rice wf lemak lodeh & ikan pari while azhar ate noodles((: After wch, ahmad & I proceeded to the beach to berendam, hwuaha.
We thanked ahmad's makciks & nenek b4 heading towards Al-Taqua msque fr our Zuhur prayers..We relax and chill fr a moment b4 gg to Bedok Food Centre wch ws alrdy nearby((: Azhar blanja all of us. Sweeeet(: Thanks a lot, dude! Ehks, benda yng aku ambk fr rojak cepat eyh korang sebat..mentang2 ler aku tgh shiok santap aku nye tahu telur,hehe. tkpe bkn rezki aku ): Bt janji kite smue kenyang, rite((: Prayed asar bck at Al-Taqua after wch went bck using the Bedok Reservoir Park connecter tis time rnd..And guess who I saw? Its Cik Anuar(one of my supervisor at Singpost) (: He's cycling too,alone. hee!
Reached home at 18.00 Aytes, ahmad nxt time hor..Dngr azhar ckp aku nk blanja dessert je terus tk sabar eh,lol. S11 kt tamp tutup larr..there's always next time. Thanks guys fr a great & wonderful day! =)

Alhamdulillah makan kenyang seyyh..Azhar blanja!((:haha

I'll try to post the vids..can't post it nw coz its too big and its frm ahmad(videoman:ahmad, anchorman:me!) =)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Woohoo! I did lots of productive things today(: My day started off with a cyling trip at around 7.15 to Fisherman's Village(Pasir Ris Park) alone. Its been a while since I really exercise! God, the morning wind tt swept me as I cycled was darn cold. Naik bulu romaku.Hee. Along the trip, there were lots of ppl jogging and doing big walks. There were'nt much cyclists around. I could barely count them wf my fingers, hahs. Manage to do some light exercises and took a whole load of fresh air as I sat by the rocks, enjoying the serene beauty. The trip wld be much sweeter if I cld share it wf tt special someone. Oh wells.
So I was back at 8.30,gt myself all cleaned up and I made a trip to the market next. Man, there were lots of ppl. Ya hor, Chinese New Year coming..Silly me! Haha. Went back, did some household chores and I spring-cleaned my room, nyeahs. Cleared the shelves so it looks more systematic wf diff genres of books on a diff section of shelves, gt rid of old & unecessary stuffs etc. ((: Mop the room and ws quite shocked to see the amount of dust accumulated! Hee. I enjoyed cleaning up. Once u strt , u cld feel the momentum building up, hurrhurr
Ps. Ehks, I make a good husband tau! I can go to the market, sweep the floor, clear the dishes, hang launderies blablabla...And yes, I can masak two things! Pandai2 lah teka ape eyh.((:Almk, mcm promote diri sendiri plk..main2 je lah.. bt all those things I mentioned are definitely true hor..Don't believe me, ask my mum (: Im saying these coz the ratio of women to man is 6:1 So, lelaki yng dibolehkan kawhin 4 pun tk cukup to close up the gap. Its way out of propotion dudes & dudettes!
K lah, tts bout tdy...Feel Highly Accomplished (((:
Seeing the face of an Ulama' is already a blessing.. what more, hear his words and saying ameen to his doas...
So I was back at 8.30,gt myself all cleaned up and I made a trip to the market next. Man, there were lots of ppl. Ya hor, Chinese New Year coming..Silly me! Haha. Went back, did some household chores and I spring-cleaned my room, nyeahs. Cleared the shelves so it looks more systematic wf diff genres of books on a diff section of shelves, gt rid of old & unecessary stuffs etc. ((: Mop the room and ws quite shocked to see the amount of dust accumulated! Hee. I enjoyed cleaning up. Once u strt , u cld feel the momentum building up, hurrhurr
Ps. Ehks, I make a good husband tau! I can go to the market, sweep the floor, clear the dishes, hang launderies blablabla...And yes, I can masak two things! Pandai2 lah teka ape eyh.((:Almk, mcm promote diri sendiri plk..main2 je lah.. bt all those things I mentioned are definitely true hor..Don't believe me, ask my mum (: Im saying these coz the ratio of women to man is 6:1 So, lelaki yng dibolehkan kawhin 4 pun tk cukup to close up the gap. Its way out of propotion dudes & dudettes!
K lah, tts bout tdy...Feel Highly Accomplished (((:

Sunday, February 03, 2008
Alhamdulillah, after two weeks of missing class at DPIC, I felt kinda refreshed coming back after a long 'break'. Finally, it was back to learning new and informative stuffs bout religion. U see, it doesn't get bored when u have a lecturer like Ustaz Lukmannul Hakeem((: U wld normally associate mst young asatizahs as graduates of Al-Azhar Cairo bt he's different. He graduated frm the the Mutaah Univerity of Jordan. All right, enough said bout him...haha. Every week there's sure to be new topics to be discussed and in tt sense, I love Sundays. Honestly unlike previous Sundays, I did hd the malas feeling of attending madrsh coz mst of the topics taught ws either repetitive or I hd alrdy knwn frm my visits to syarahans..Oh wells.
Aniwaes, today's the lst modul fr Aqidah Islam and we covered the topic, 'Ilmu Al-Quran Mengatasi Ilmu Moden'. Pretty interesting(: Basically, its about science in the Quran. There's ilmu Geologi, ilmu Botani etc tts alrdy being mentioned 1400 years ago! Cool..
And before I end tis post, I wld like to share an info I gt frm Ustaz. He said tt Rasullullah s.a.w. melarang kita untuk menyebut perkataan 'sayyidina' semasa tasyahud( tahiyyat akhir). If ur blurr at tis moment, here's wat I mean: ....'Allhumma solli ala Muhamad wa ala alihi Muhammad'. Don't add the 'sayyidina' to it. Dibolehkan hanya diluar sembahyang. PS. Personally, I hd always mentioned 'sayyidina'. Tis is bcoz the wrd 'sayyidina' comes frm 'sayyid' wch brings means 'tuanku'(seperti mengagung-agungkan). Wallahua'lam...
Ahh food fr thought(: Don't u knw tt org kt UK called us Asians 'Yellow Monkey' eventhough u have black hair or have dark complexion! Yes, Im not kidding coz my Ustz wrkd there b4 and definitely he's nt makin' tis up. So, to those Malay mats out there wf streaking yellow, orange hair etc, fikir-fikirkanlah ape yng akan dikatakan oleh mat UK if they see u in tt state. Hee.
Aniwaes, today's the lst modul fr Aqidah Islam and we covered the topic, 'Ilmu Al-Quran Mengatasi Ilmu Moden'. Pretty interesting(: Basically, its about science in the Quran. There's ilmu Geologi, ilmu Botani etc tts alrdy being mentioned 1400 years ago! Cool..
And before I end tis post, I wld like to share an info I gt frm Ustaz. He said tt Rasullullah s.a.w. melarang kita untuk menyebut perkataan 'sayyidina' semasa tasyahud( tahiyyat akhir). If ur blurr at tis moment, here's wat I mean: ....'Allhumma solli ala Muhamad wa ala alihi Muhammad'. Don't add the 'sayyidina' to it. Dibolehkan hanya diluar sembahyang. PS. Personally, I hd always mentioned 'sayyidina'. Tis is bcoz the wrd 'sayyidina' comes frm 'sayyid' wch brings means 'tuanku'(seperti mengagung-agungkan). Wallahua'lam...
Ahh food fr thought(: Don't u knw tt org kt UK called us Asians 'Yellow Monkey' eventhough u have black hair or have dark complexion! Yes, Im not kidding coz my Ustz wrkd there b4 and definitely he's nt makin' tis up. So, to those Malay mats out there wf streaking yellow, orange hair etc, fikir-fikirkanlah ape yng akan dikatakan oleh mat UK if they see u in tt state. Hee.
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