Wow! Today I reached home late from school due to the Pixel Lab official meeting thingy. Urgh. It was drag... And can you people imagine that I'm the only one from ISQ among 150+ other students. I really wasn't expecting the membership to be that big for a club. I'm tired now but can't sleep. Too early deh fr me.. Gotta do Accountings hw before I sleep, nyeahs.
Well, on the brighter side of things, had lots of fun playing captain's ball during S&W. ISQ were split into two different groups to play against the other class and yes, we won our matches respectively((: Ooh, during break at the canteen just now, I actually did step up to the counsellor and dedicated a message to all my ISQ frens. Bt I doubt you people could hear the message, tsktsk. Felt highly accomplished lahh seyyh.. Haha, Vas, Shaiful, Iyliaq were like : "Eh, u go lahh and dedicate..Naz & Shaiful pulak: "Eh2, go ask for Paramore song, haha."
Ok then, I'm done for today. Hahahaha. Tomorrow got 2 hrs of break! Hmms.. I'm wondering what we'll be doing...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wow! Its already two weeks of school and I'm enjoying myself, hee. I feel totally good today, hahs. Am not too sure why but because its a Friday and there's no Accounting class? Haha. I realised that doing double entry accounts wasn't so difficult after all. Its just the speed and accuracy that is needed. Hopefully I can reflect that on tests given by Ms Noraini. Oh Allah please help me (: Business Fundamentals class, as usual, was great. Hmms. I think the feel good factor comes into play when you contribute in discussions((: Wokkays, here's some of the pics taken throughout the two weeks of school : 

i don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday i'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday Wednesday break my heart
thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love
Saturday wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate...
I don't care if Monday's black
Tuesday Wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It's Friday I'm in love
Monday you can hold your head
Tesday Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday watch the walls instead
It's Friday i'm in love
Saturday wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate...
Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's Friday 'm in love
i don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday i'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday Wednesday break my heart
thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday i'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday Wednesday break my heart
thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love
Saturday wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate...
I don't care if Monday's black
Tuesday Wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It's Friday I'm in love
Monday you can hold your head
Tesday Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday watch the walls instead
It's Friday i'm in love
Saturday wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate...
Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's Friday 'm in love
i don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday i'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday Wednesday break my heart
thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Got a new time table just now and it sucks! No more reporting at 9 on Mondays, urgh. Confirm there's gonna be Monday blues, haha. I really don't see the rationale being the change of timings. Now, I gotta like report to sch at 9 on Friday( no longer on Mondays), with no break and it ends at 1! Like wth. I'm thankful that the mosque is nearby (: Bt at least I can look at the brighter side of things, literally. Reporting time on Thursday remains at 10(yaay!) bt I ended up finishing school at 4 of course -_-".. And our breaks for Tuesdays & Wednesdays are like 2 hours! Can you believe that? The school shld by right cut it down to an hour so that we can go home early, hurrhurr..
Well, I gotta grasp accountings concept fast or I'll be in deep shit! Luckily Rajiv( the guy who always comes late & being labelled 'bangla' by Shameer, lol) sat beside me and helped explained some of the terms that I got myself confused with..haixz.. I love it lots when it comes to Business Fundamentals conducted by Ms Harasha (; As for Mr Foong's OFA class(whose also ISQ's class advisor), it was a bore as he teaches little and its really slacking/do your own thngs kinda session( though by right, we shld continue wf our project given, haha).
Wokkays during my 2 hour break jz nw, me, Shaiful, Iyliaq, Naz, Vas , Nura & Hida went window shopping at J8! We even actually talked bout having to catch a movie, haha. Mcm faham.. Woohoo, finally gt myself a B-Quartet album bought at SMC ((:
Well, I gotta grasp accountings concept fast or I'll be in deep shit! Luckily Rajiv( the guy who always comes late & being labelled 'bangla' by Shameer, lol) sat beside me and helped explained some of the terms that I got myself confused with..haixz.. I love it lots when it comes to Business Fundamentals conducted by Ms Harasha (; As for Mr Foong's OFA class(whose also ISQ's class advisor), it was a bore as he teaches little and its really slacking/do your own thngs kinda session( though by right, we shld continue wf our project given, haha).
Wokkays during my 2 hour break jz nw, me, Shaiful, Iyliaq, Naz, Vas , Nura & Hida went window shopping at J8! We even actually talked bout having to catch a movie, haha. Mcm faham.. Woohoo, finally gt myself a B-Quartet album bought at SMC ((:
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Well after going through the different booths on CCA Fair last Friday, I decided to sign up for the NYAA Club and Pixel Club. Hee! Had Friday prayer an Nadhah Mosque and was glad to see that the khatib was Ustaz Hafazhah(: Its been soo long since I last saw him giving the khutbah.
So yesterday, I went to TJC for a youth forum titled, Youth & Meeting Expectations: "When is Good, Good enough?". Saiful & Aziz tagged along too! Am glad that there's ppl to accompany me to the forum iniatiated by TJ's MCS. I have always love to attend these sort of things( theater, pementasan, erms I sound very Melayu nw haha) bt unfortunately my friends ain't interested. So, was thankful tt the 2 guys came along(: Saiful, Im sorry if u feel 'forced' jz like the last time I 'dragged' you to accompany me for Gema Puisi Artistic last yr, hahs. And Aziz, good to knw tt ur searching ur Malay roots. Gt bonus somemore. U gt to see Atiqah! Nyeahs. Ehks, gt a feeling she's Mr Ismail Pantek's daughter..o-oh..haha. I was really hoping to see Dinie in action when the Malay dancers performed the zapin hip-hop bt to my dismay, I found out that she's not in school..Syafakallah..Take good care of urself ok and get well soon (: Well, throughout the session, I fnd Ms Oniatta's the most hip and engaging among the other panelists. I really liked her analogies and views((:
Pointers frm the forum: To overcome challenges, youths need to
Saiful went straight back aftr the forum while me & Aziz headed to PP fr lunch. I love PP not only because of the wide array of shops there, bt bcoz there's a prayer room. So, one cld shop all day without the need to worry bout performing our obligations as a Muslim(: So after lunch, went to the recently opened Borders Bookstore! Spent an hour there and I gt myself a self-help book by the bestselling authors Allen & Barbara Pease, hee. Im nt gonna tell you dudes & dudettes the title of the book. Go figure! Clue: Its a small & handy book, haha. I felt like 'betraying' Kinnokuniya, hurrhurr.
So yesterday, I went to TJC for a youth forum titled, Youth & Meeting Expectations: "When is Good, Good enough?". Saiful & Aziz tagged along too! Am glad that there's ppl to accompany me to the forum iniatiated by TJ's MCS. I have always love to attend these sort of things( theater, pementasan, erms I sound very Melayu nw haha) bt unfortunately my friends ain't interested. So, was thankful tt the 2 guys came along(: Saiful, Im sorry if u feel 'forced' jz like the last time I 'dragged' you to accompany me for Gema Puisi Artistic last yr, hahs. And Aziz, good to knw tt ur searching ur Malay roots. Gt bonus somemore. U gt to see Atiqah! Nyeahs. Ehks, gt a feeling she's Mr Ismail Pantek's daughter..o-oh..haha. I was really hoping to see Dinie in action when the Malay dancers performed the zapin hip-hop bt to my dismay, I found out that she's not in school..Syafakallah..Take good care of urself ok and get well soon (: Well, throughout the session, I fnd Ms Oniatta's the most hip and engaging among the other panelists. I really liked her analogies and views((:
Pointers frm the forum: To overcome challenges, youths need to
- Develop an interest & strong imagination of the past
- Develop a critical appreciation of the present& the need to nurture a progressive vision for the future
Saiful went straight back aftr the forum while me & Aziz headed to PP fr lunch. I love PP not only because of the wide array of shops there, bt bcoz there's a prayer room. So, one cld shop all day without the need to worry bout performing our obligations as a Muslim(: So after lunch, went to the recently opened Borders Bookstore! Spent an hour there and I gt myself a self-help book by the bestselling authors Allen & Barbara Pease, hee. Im nt gonna tell you dudes & dudettes the title of the book. Go figure! Clue: Its a small & handy book, haha. I felt like 'betraying' Kinnokuniya, hurrhurr.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wokkays hands-down, ISQ's the best! Hwuaha. Its been great lahh like seriously. The class bonded so well & there's quite a few individuals who reminds me of my friends. Each one possesses a unique personality which makes the class all the more interesting(: Nura, the prima donna of the class. Vas, who reminds me of Lynnete. Saiful, yayy thank God there's someone like me( as in into indie too!) He's jz like my former classmate Rasyidin, who introduced me into those indie stuffs as he's in the scene. And nw, there's Saiful whom I can talk bout music wf, woohoo. Coolness. Nur Hida's looks like munchkin's 'twin' only tt she doesn't wear specs. Same personality, physique...
Alrite, the talk from Farhan a former ITE Bishan student really inspired me. He's now in SP doing business and my God, a holder of so many awards including the prestigious STEPS Lee Kuan Yew award! I really hope to be like him, InsyaAllah(: Forget the social stigma, focus & say to urself tt u want to succed. Quoted frm the the movie Waterboys: " Its bttr to make a fool out of urself than be nobody.."Tis relates to having high self-esteem(:
Hmms. Decisions & decisions, haha. Tmr's there's gonna be CCA Carnival! I really want to join the Pixel Club as I have interest in photography, thus wanna expose & equip myself wf the skills, hee! But Im thinking too wthr to continue back Taekwondo coz currently, Im a brown-tip and its like a couple of gradings left b4 I attain my black belt, hurrhurr. However, there's a prob in the timing..It ends late.. Modern dance sounds cool too..Hw nice is it fr me if I can do the moves jz like Step Up, haha. Ok lahh, i'll jz have to make my decisions tmr..
Oh, one lst thng. If I were to be shorlisted to become SC, tt wold be a bonus coz there's lots of benefits..Furthemore, Iv hd experienced in sec sch the lst time..Lols..
Alrite, the talk from Farhan a former ITE Bishan student really inspired me. He's now in SP doing business and my God, a holder of so many awards including the prestigious STEPS Lee Kuan Yew award! I really hope to be like him, InsyaAllah(: Forget the social stigma, focus & say to urself tt u want to succed. Quoted frm the the movie Waterboys: " Its bttr to make a fool out of urself than be nobody.."Tis relates to having high self-esteem(:
Hmms. Decisions & decisions, haha. Tmr's there's gonna be CCA Carnival! I really want to join the Pixel Club as I have interest in photography, thus wanna expose & equip myself wf the skills, hee! But Im thinking too wthr to continue back Taekwondo coz currently, Im a brown-tip and its like a couple of gradings left b4 I attain my black belt, hurrhurr. However, there's a prob in the timing..It ends late.. Modern dance sounds cool too..Hw nice is it fr me if I can do the moves jz like Step Up, haha. Ok lahh, i'll jz have to make my decisions tmr..
Oh, one lst thng. If I were to be shorlisted to become SC, tt wold be a bonus coz there's lots of benefits..Furthemore, Iv hd experienced in sec sch the lst time..Lols..
Monday, April 14, 2008
Well, orientation today was a-okay. I think there's like 5 classes fr Business Admin & I gt into class ISQ. The classes were like IPP, IRS etc & it felt like Im at the airport searching fr ur respective 'flight number', nyeahs. Obviously, there's more gals than boys bt its okay coz all of them looked like very nice ppl InsyaAllah(: So our BL's gt us into ice-breaker games and during the course of the games, I fell twice! -_-' The classmates were participative & we enjoyed ourselves. Was given an hour & half of break & I gt to knw 7 othr guys who were sitting at the same table as me. Shameer, an Indian-Muslim guy who's bro is a SC in the campus. Wei Kiong, the guy who wanted to join a dance club as a CCA as he claimed he does'nt knw hw to dance bt wnts to learn, hurrhurr. Roy, the beat-box guy. Saiful who's done wf the 'O's in 06 bt did nthng last yr coz ws staying in London(Cool..) And lst bt nt least are Nazirul,Ilyaq & Ibrahim(: There's actually 3 more guys bt I foresee myself as sticking wf these group, nyeahs. Alrighty, tmr's reporting time is at 8! Omg, by 6.45 mst gt the bus already!!! Haha, nvm inside bus can sleep (;
11 April
Praises To Allah fr giving me the opportunity to live fr 18 yrs on tis planet! Shukur.. Wld also like to thank those ppl who actually remembers my birthday & bothered to drop by a simple sms to wish me. Its really nice to knw tt someone out there actually rmbs though we only knw each othr fr like less than a yr? ( Wf the exception of Nissy, my classmate). It did brighten up my day(: So my day started off early in the morning to accompany Aziz to CMPB at Tiong Bahru. Though its on my birthday & its kinda ironic cz its nt like its a 'treat outing' or anythng bt he jz wntd to c me, I played along. Is like killing 2 birds wf one stone actually as I gt to defer my NS & at the same time, hang out wf my childhood buddy b4 our sch term strts. We hd lunch at Wisma b4 proceedibg to Al-Falah fr Friday prayers. After wch, we spent a looooot of time at Borders! Haha. So 'geram' seeing all those books, nyeahs. We tght we hd browsed enough bt we were 'stuck' at the music section lah plk. Were bz engaging ourselves to all those CDs.(: Went out frm Wheelock & at tt pnt of time, Flo Rida song 'Low' ws playing out loud frm THAT CD SHOP at Pacific Plaza wch kinda 'pulled' us into the shop, haha. Browse more CDs bt soon left as the changed the song, nyeahs. We called it a day at Eunos after asr pryrs at Darul Aman & upon completing our tea break, huhu. Gt bck hme & the strawberry chessecake made by Cik Ani ws alrdy ready. I loikes((: After Maghrib, sent a piece of the cake to Long's hse where I hd a little chat wf atuk & nenek. They advised me to study hard & it felt good talking to them. Its nt like everyday you gt to speak to old ppl, aytes(: Went to PizzaHut( I knw its common bt its an all time family fav anws) Coz we cldn't decided bck then where to go, hrmph. Sakura? Han River? Swensens? And its like alrdy late. Hahs. Bt I did enjoy myself..The food.. We're palnning to go French fr Ibu's brthday on 21st april. We gonna try Delifrance, haha(:
13 April
Sunday classes is no longer the same without Ustz Lukman! I waaaant him to come bck & tch wch is damn long coz our nxt module under him wld only fall on Dec. Tsktsk. Guess Im used to having young asatizahs as my lecturers. Getting Ustz Husny to teach(he's 37) ws total boredom! Maybe its jz bcz he's monotonous or izzit jz the 2 modules; Metodoloji Kajian Ilmiah and Sejarah & Tamadun Islam. Hmms. Bt I cld admit tt he's gt an interesting portfolio. Only entered Madrasah Al-Junied at pri 6 and Sec 1, he ws chosen to study at Kuwait. While studying there, gt an offer to study at Medina. He's a graduate of it and hv been teaching at Al-Zuhri fr 5 yrs. He currently teaches there & at Andulus too. And, he's also currently pursuing his Masters hurrhurr.. Hanis, Hanis.. Istighfar bynk2.. 8 more wks wf him..tahan..hahaha. Oh wells.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
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