Alrite, guess I'll be very busy even before my official school holidays starts! Yesterday for DPIC class, was given a couple of topics to choose from for Tamadun & Sejarah Islam. My topic for that module will be: 'Sumbangan Al-Quran Ke Arah Kecermelangan Tamadun Islam'. As for Metodologi Kajian Ilmiah, I chose to do on Imam Asy-Syafi'ie( Jasawan dalam bidang Fiqh). Sounds cheem man and for the record, both topics are not covered in any of the books that Im currently using. So, have to start researching! Gah,haha.
S & W lesson was cancelled today ): And it was like our last practice before Napfa Test next week! So, Sham decided that Roy & me jog at Bishan Park. Put our bags over at Sham's place and off we went jogging from Bishan area 1 to area 2 which was part of Ang Mo Kio. The ambience of the park was cool and serene (:
Oh, I have to give the upcoming street soccer match which is sponsored by Canon a miss coz it gonna be held on 7 June ): And that day I'll be no longer in Singapore as Im at Nur Lembah Lenggong, Perak representing Al-Falah from the 6-8 June! Whatever it is, Im really looking forward to this leadership camp collaborated by 2 other mosques; Assyafaah & Al-Istiqamah. Its been soo long since I last attended camp overseas. Im soo excited, hee! (((:
Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008

As for today, Wee Kiong came over as he needed me to teach him bout mailmerging. So did some practices and after which played PS2 together. Was too engrossed with the game that he dragged all the way till almost 3.30 pm before leaving my hse fr Minds Cafe...
Some of the pics taken yesterday:

Zapin Hip-Hop..( Urgh, its blur coz u gals are moving -_-" Bt nevertheless, its colourful aytes)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wee! Alrite, here's my century post (: Well today I board the new bus 53, hwuaha. And Alhamdulillah, I passed my Accounting test! Though I only scored 67 out of a 100, I believed I could easily score more than that if only I had the time to close all the accounts. But whatever it is, Im contented..The only thing is to improve during CA this Friday, InsyaAllah.
During break, Im actually pretty impressed with my frens. When there's a particular topic we're discussing on, it became more like an 'international forum' as they'll always come out with their sayings in their mother tongue. Its like, " eh u knw in Tamil/Chinese, there's a saying..". Haha. And would go like, " Yeah..In Malay there's some kind of saying too!.." Hurrhurr.
Business Fundamentals class did the usual thing.. During the presentations, most of it were my points actually coz the rest of the members didn't do theirs, gah! Oh wells. And when its my turn to talk, I just went, "We've come out.. " Technically speaking, it should have been " I've come out.." Ms Harasha did share some powerful speeches with us today. Some of her sayings that I took note was when she said, "successful people have a good list of network ard them and move away slowly from the people which only saps your energy.." However, some of her points I believe were an understatement when she's making comparisons of someone who is loud and the other quiet. She said that loud people become loud coz they want to be heard and to compensate fr their insecurities.While quiet ppl are insecure too as in their hearts they're wishing that how great if I could be like the loud ones..
I don't quite agree with her coz as an individual, we are free to choose to be either quiet or loud, rite? And not all quiet people 'wants to be like the loud ones' as some are quite outside, but deep inside they're the ppl wf the mst confidence. Loud ppl need to be loud to grab attention cz in reality, they lacked the confidence the quieter ones have. Sounds superficial but there's a Malay saying, " Seperti harimau menyembunyikan kukunya". It means that the quiet ones have knowledge etc bt chooses to let the loud ones step fwd in a sense. Its like kinda unsung hero sort of thing..
Alrite, pardon me readers if u find that Im making no sense here. Nites anw (: Haha
During break, Im actually pretty impressed with my frens. When there's a particular topic we're discussing on, it became more like an 'international forum' as they'll always come out with their sayings in their mother tongue. Its like, " eh u knw in Tamil/Chinese, there's a saying..". Haha. And would go like, " Yeah..In Malay there's some kind of saying too!.." Hurrhurr.
Business Fundamentals class did the usual thing.. During the presentations, most of it were my points actually coz the rest of the members didn't do theirs, gah! Oh wells. And when its my turn to talk, I just went, "We've come out.. " Technically speaking, it should have been " I've come out.." Ms Harasha did share some powerful speeches with us today. Some of her sayings that I took note was when she said, "successful people have a good list of network ard them and move away slowly from the people which only saps your energy.." However, some of her points I believe were an understatement when she's making comparisons of someone who is loud and the other quiet. She said that loud people become loud coz they want to be heard and to compensate fr their insecurities.While quiet ppl are insecure too as in their hearts they're wishing that how great if I could be like the loud ones..
I don't quite agree with her coz as an individual, we are free to choose to be either quiet or loud, rite? And not all quiet people 'wants to be like the loud ones' as some are quite outside, but deep inside they're the ppl wf the mst confidence. Loud ppl need to be loud to grab attention cz in reality, they lacked the confidence the quieter ones have. Sounds superficial but there's a Malay saying, " Seperti harimau menyembunyikan kukunya". It means that the quiet ones have knowledge etc bt chooses to let the loud ones step fwd in a sense. Its like kinda unsung hero sort of thing..
Alrite, pardon me readers if u find that Im making no sense here. Nites anw (: Haha
Monday, May 19, 2008
Finally I had the opportunity to step into E!Hub..ahaha. Alrite,I make it sound as if there's something great there. Actually was glad that I gt to gather my two sahabats together (: And luckily Hafiz managed to negotiate with his mum to allow him out or else he'll pangsai us at the very last moment,huhu. So, Ayat-Ayat Cinta was great! SubhanaAllah.. Im expecting more movies to adopt a similar approach as AAC if possible. You should watch ppl! Better still, read the novel first to capture the whole experience, aytes.
" Ehks, aku nk nangis tapi tk kluar air mata ahh.."
" Aah lah beb..Tk cukup 'feel'..."
" Bt, watever it is, at least terkesan ahh..haha"
Some of the comments frm Saiful & Hafiz..ahaha. Saiful's comment's left me smiling. ((:
P/s: Sorry fellow ISQ'ans.. Didn't join u guys just nw..
" Ehks, aku nk nangis tapi tk kluar air mata ahh.."
" Aah lah beb..Tk cukup 'feel'..."
" Bt, watever it is, at least terkesan ahh..haha"
Some of the comments frm Saiful & Hafiz..ahaha. Saiful's comment's left me smiling. ((:
P/s: Sorry fellow ISQ'ans.. Didn't join u guys just nw..
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Ya Allah.. To be honest, I feel like its just not me the last few days. Call me emo but Im nOT. I just felt different. Oh wells, shall not elaborate further.So yesterday went to Al-Istiqamah where had the chance to meet up with Saiful. Its been so long since I last attended a syarahan. The title's bout, 'Gejala Sosial, Salah Siapa?' by ustaz Saripi Rawi. But I guess the syarahan's a little bored? Hahs. Its funny though when I came to think bout it. If I were wf Saiful, Hafiz's rarely ard and vice versa. Bt, finally tmr we'll gt to meet yar wahai sahabats ku...Its a pity Aziz can't join us though.
Alrite, it was back to spiritual cleansing for me early in the morning just now. Attended Majlis Sambutan Maulidur Rasul and Meraikan Para Ulama at Hougang Stadium. At first I felt like not gg after waking up fr Subuh coz I wanna gt bck to sleep,hahs. But being a good fren, I decided not to bastard/pangsai Hafiz so I managed to ward off the Iblis distraction! Yes, Alhamdulillah ((: And, guess what? Hafiz told me he had the same feelings too! Haha. Inilah yg dinamakan cinta antara sahabat..
Well, it was worth it man! Though had to brave the sun for like 5 hrs, the chance of getting to see the ulama's faces was enough to make us frgt bout the hot sun, literally. The habaibs frm Indonesia lighten our spirits, our love for Rasulullah s.a.w. But am little jealous though coz the small kids gt to salam wf them bt I didn't have the chance to! ): Oh wells. The most important thing is I received barakah frm their presence and the invaluable knowlege gained (((: Lastly, the gema selawat/qasidah by Ustaz Shafi Nurul Anwar was awesome. It was a totally new experience fr me. Unlike previous majlis selwat/zikr wch I attended by Ustaz Tm Fouzy or Fakhrurazi, his was totally different. And as usual, it really moved me..
Tts bout it.. Tmr morning gonna wtch Ayat-Ayat Cinta at E!Hub.. ISQ'ans maybe i'll join u peeps at vivo bt nt sentosa tmr aytes.. We'll c hw it goes..
Alrite, it was back to spiritual cleansing for me early in the morning just now. Attended Majlis Sambutan Maulidur Rasul and Meraikan Para Ulama at Hougang Stadium. At first I felt like not gg after waking up fr Subuh coz I wanna gt bck to sleep,hahs. But being a good fren, I decided not to bastard/pangsai Hafiz so I managed to ward off the Iblis distraction! Yes, Alhamdulillah ((: And, guess what? Hafiz told me he had the same feelings too! Haha. Inilah yg dinamakan cinta antara sahabat..
Well, it was worth it man! Though had to brave the sun for like 5 hrs, the chance of getting to see the ulama's faces was enough to make us frgt bout the hot sun, literally. The habaibs frm Indonesia lighten our spirits, our love for Rasulullah s.a.w. But am little jealous though coz the small kids gt to salam wf them bt I didn't have the chance to! ): Oh wells. The most important thing is I received barakah frm their presence and the invaluable knowlege gained (((: Lastly, the gema selawat/qasidah by Ustaz Shafi Nurul Anwar was awesome. It was a totally new experience fr me. Unlike previous majlis selwat/zikr wch I attended by Ustaz Tm Fouzy or Fakhrurazi, his was totally different. And as usual, it really moved me..
Tts bout it.. Tmr morning gonna wtch Ayat-Ayat Cinta at E!Hub.. ISQ'ans maybe i'll join u peeps at vivo bt nt sentosa tmr aytes.. We'll c hw it goes..
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Had Accounting test just now to prepare us for the upcoming CA next Friday.. I'm pretty sure I did ok bt didn't have the chance to close all the accounts( I'm sure majority of the rest too faced the same thng,hahs idk..)
Went to watch movie at AMK Hub yesterday. 'What Happens In Vegas' is a good movie! I like the humour, coolnees yawz (: And yesterday was the first anniversary of ISQ. 1 month already together..Time flies.. Characters starts to show..yada2..
Qouted:"Hanis, you got good fashion sense". Hee! Thats random aytes. But thanks for the compliment,huhu.
Went to watch movie at AMK Hub yesterday. 'What Happens In Vegas' is a good movie! I like the humour, coolnees yawz (: And yesterday was the first anniversary of ISQ. 1 month already together..Time flies.. Characters starts to show..yada2..
Qouted:"Hanis, you got good fashion sense". Hee! Thats random aytes. But thanks for the compliment,huhu.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Well, guess Im alrite nw? Hahs. Tdy sch ended early coz there's no BZF wch wld end at 4! So off we go to have lunch in the canteen at 12 wf Shameer, Roy, Rajiv, Ibrahim & Wee Kiong. Then went lepak under void deck where we did some jackass stuffs,lol. The vid's in Rajiv's phone so wld gt it uploaded as soon as I can aytes. Played at the playground, huhu. That really goes to show that there's a kid in every one of us...Chawz at 3 to have food at LJS(Ibrahim & Rajiv we off frst) where Nadia, Syahidah & Fadilah joined us only after we have have finished eating,hurrhurr b4 gg bck home..
Alrite, dudes pls make urself free on tis weekend or Vesak Day coz I want to watch ayat-ayat cinta lah seyyh bt I hv to wait for u guys! Haha...
Ayat-Ayat Cinta OST
Desir pasir di padang tandus
Segersang pemikiran hati
Terkisah ku di antara cinta yang rumit
Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekadar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan
Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cintaku padamu
Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta
Ketika ku bersujud
Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan
repeat reff
Ketika ku bersujud
Alrite, dudes pls make urself free on tis weekend or Vesak Day coz I want to watch ayat-ayat cinta lah seyyh bt I hv to wait for u guys! Haha...
Ayat-Ayat Cinta OST
Desir pasir di padang tandus
Segersang pemikiran hati
Terkisah ku di antara cinta yang rumit
Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekadar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan
Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cintaku padamu
Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta
Ketika ku bersujud
Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan
repeat reff
Ketika ku bersujud
Monday, May 12, 2008
Alright.. here I am blogging in school. Things have not been good these past few days. Well, am trying very hard to switch *snaps hand* but how to when the people aroud you arn't cooperating? Came back yesterday from DPIC class and bang! another problem crops up... aRRGH.. i HATE FEELING THIS WAY.. THIS SHITTY/SUCKY FEELING!!!
Haixz.. Thanks anyway to those people whom I spoke to the past few days aytes. Really appreciate it.
Hmms.. and this lyrics keep buzzing in my head! Total randomness or what?
Mengapa yang lain bisa
Mendua dengan mudahnya
Namun kita terbelenggu
Dalam ikatan tanpa cinta
Haixz.. Thanks anyway to those people whom I spoke to the past few days aytes. Really appreciate it.
Hmms.. and this lyrics keep buzzing in my head! Total randomness or what?
Mengapa yang lain bisa
Mendua dengan mudahnya
Namun kita terbelenggu
Dalam ikatan tanpa cinta
Monday, May 05, 2008
Yaaaay!!! Finally Blogger tk buat hal...I thought of changing my blogskin if my post don't appear but Alhamdulillah its okay now! ((: Well today S&W was fun. Like finally there's 'real' running and stuffs. Its good to know that I'm fit, nyeahs. Though I may be small in physique, underestimating me is oh so not the right option yawz. Had a street soccer match with the ISO guys and I'm super glad coz I scored the first goal and saved a couple of shots( hahs, I did pretty well though I'm not a born keeper). Its been 3+ years since I last played competitive soccer. We beat them 7-5 ((:
That's about today.. Go spend your time viewing the pics taken on Saturaday yar fellow readers(:
That's about today.. Go spend your time viewing the pics taken on Saturaday yar fellow readers(:
Alrite lets repost since the post I copied from Hida's blog can't seem to appear, hahs. Woohoo! Saturday was a blast man;our first ISQ outing though only 1/3 of the class could make it as it was kinda a last minute thing? Initially, the plan was to bring the peeps to my hometown Pasir Ris as there's a new attraction at Downtown which is the E Hub! But after getting feedbacks, we decided to meet somewhere 'centralised' as there's not much at E Hub! aniwaes.. Met them at City Hall to catch a movie IronMan but sadly, tics were not enough at Marina's GV. So, we decided to head down to Suntec at catch it there instead. And guess what? We entered the cinema hall kinda late and had to 'wiggle' ourselves in to find our seats which were at the very end! It was embarassing, mind you -_-" Aah.. Fifi's friend joined us too for the movie. After the movie, went to Esplanade to see who's performing there and yup2, we camwhored haha. Oh, guys, it was a moment of total randomness when I hit the Singtel's mascot guy on the head! 'Bad boy', Hanis... hahs. Sorry aytes!
'Kids' queuing up for free candy floss((:
Hehe.. The gals enjoying their candy.. Queuing up for balloons next -_-"
I was at the 'Oscar Awards' haha!

Hida and me (:
Me and Rafaah (:
Nadia and me (:
The last pic: Help!!! Fifi's taking me hostage.. lol
To put it simply, though we all juz known each other, we have truly B.O.N.D.E.D (((: More outings to come aytes peeps, hee!

To put it simply, though we all juz known each other, we have truly B.O.N.D.E.D (((: More outings to come aytes peeps, hee!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Today's Labour Day which means its a public holiday. Yet, my hp seemed all too quiet. No sms, no calls.. haixz. Haha. Not that I'm complaining.. I understand that most prolly you people had no plans or spend the time mugging or catch up with school work. Oh wells. I myself did mug too at home, hahs. Practised accounting and alhamdulillah I dare say that I have no problems now(: But, am reporting sch at 8 tmr anws to meet Ms Noraini. Also, did some business fundamentals thngy..some exercises for OFA.. Aah, watched 'Love Is Cinta' on Suria which I wanted to catch so badly the last time( Sry, if I do sound ketinggalan) only to find out that the plot's like 'The Ghost' movie, hurrhurr..
Well, let's backtracked a little bit. On the 29th, had lots of fun and crazy moments during that 2 hrs of break. We played card games like 'Mafia' and 'Heart attack' in the canteen and we were oh so kecoh. I believed we did catch a whole lot of attention with our crazy antics. Lol. At night, went to Delifrance Bistro to celebrate Ibu's birthday ((:
Yayy!!! The film Ayat-Ayat Cinta is gonna be released soon in a weeks time(((:

Well, let's backtracked a little bit. On the 29th, had lots of fun and crazy moments during that 2 hrs of break. We played card games like 'Mafia' and 'Heart attack' in the canteen and we were oh so kecoh. I believed we did catch a whole lot of attention with our crazy antics. Lol. At night, went to Delifrance Bistro to celebrate Ibu's birthday ((:
Yayy!!! The film Ayat-Ayat Cinta is gonna be released soon in a weeks time(((:

One of Indonesia’s most phenomenal films, Ayat Ayat Cinta is a religious love story based on a best-selling novel of the same title by renowned author Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Beautifully showcasing a very positive viewpoint of Islam, the film has been received with thundering applause, countless tears and standing ovations nationwide, promising to be the most talked about film in the history of the Indonesian motion picture industry.
This tale centres on Fahri, an intelligent Indonesian who earns a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at the esteemed Al Azhar university in Cario. Innocent, pure and brave, the usually shy Fahri finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women who develop feelings for him. Fahri considers Maria, a shy Coptic-Christian neighbour, as one of best friends but he devotes his love only to Aisha, a German Turkish student in Cairo who haunts Fahri with her beautiful eyes. After a brief courtship, the two are married, resulting in three broken hearts. Nurul, a daughter of a cleric, accepts her fate. Noura, an abused Egyptian neighbour turns against Fahri and accuses him of rape while Maria sinks into depression and illness. As Fahri faces daunting decisions, the controversial topic of polygamy is explored but all the while, the audience is compelled to marvel at his undying loyalty to the true ideas of Islam as he ultimately makes the choice of a lifetime.
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