Tuesday, September 30, 2008

SubhanAllah.. yesterday was the last terawih and the Qunut, MasyaAllah was 15 mins long led by this imam from Ghana. If only we knew Arab, I think the dua' would definitely left a bigger impact. This year En-Naeem only invite 2 other imams from overseas. Unlike last year there were 4! This year there's the imam from Yaman and the other, Ghana...

"Amacam Nis dgn hafalan?"
"Erm..blhlah sikit2.."(shrugs)

Haixz. Again, I've been 'slapped' with this question by Ustaz Fahmi. I feel so guilty, heck. To be honest, I didn't revise back my previous hafalan throughout this Ramadhan
;only normal reciting. Man I've been missing since last Raya! :-S

"Ah, Nis ustz dh tanye tu..kirekan dia tk lupe kau"
"Dia nk kau sambung balik"
"Don't disappoint him.."

Bah! And I'm like finally downloading back all those surahs for hafalan and putting it inside my Zen V Plus. Guilty.Guilty.Guilty.Disciplined.Disciplined.Disciplined. Its like pure coincidence Ustz popped up that question to me as I just spoke to Syafiq a few days back bout this. He himself quit MKS 2 yrs back. Man..we both agreed that external factors definitely played a part in quiting. Phew..

Enough said. Ustaz expecting me to continue after Raya...

And as I'm blogging, I'm listening to this:
http://radionasyidfm.blogspot.com/ Hahs.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Let me take this opportunity to sum up my Ramadhan yar since today's the last terawih and tomorrow gonna start the takbir. Well, I should say that the last few days of Ramadhan have been meaningful/fruitful in terms of ibadah, house work( tapi kalau dh slack, slack hbs..hoho) Though no doubt there's obstacles along the way, I managed to overcome it with ease. Had a father-son bonding,haha, these few days. Since dad had his break for the end of Ramadhan, I find myself unusually close to him. We went to the mosque together, helping him around the house..etc Heh. But thinking back, I am close to my dad since young. Hee. "Ayah, nk kong.. (dokung)". HAha. And ehks, we make great impersonators. Hwuaha. Oh, Alhamdulillah managed to khatam the Qur'an again. Whee((:

Enough bout dad. I would like to make a tribute to mum too. Throughout Ramadhan, she never fails to wake up at 4 a.m. to prepare for the family sahur. Would only wake the rest up like 10 min b4 5. Best mom ever! I would never treat her with any other mum.

Oh wells. Its confirmed. Nenek & atuk gonna Raya here for the first time. And its like for the first time too we have a dozen of F&N bottles! Hahas. Alright before I end my post, I would like to seek forgiveness to those out there who knows me. Pardon me if my past actions(sengaja atau tk sengaja), anything that makes u peeps uncomfortable or sewaktu dgnnye.. yar. Minal Eidil Wal Faezin Wal Makbulin..

P/s: Sebenarnya kalau dapat jumpe dan bersalaman lebih baik, ukhwah lebih terjalin..More ikhlas gitu. Tapi maklumlah dh zaman IT ni..Haixz..Faham2jelah.. Miss jugak kad2 Raya tu..

(Semoga amalan kita diterima Allah)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bought these on Thursday (((:

Anyway, Alhamdulillah I've finally found the missing spark that I had been searching for this whole month of Ramadhan. The voidness of it and its lost of significance were clearly diminished after I've gone through these last few days of the blessed month. As many would know, yesterday was Night of 27..The 'it' time they would call it.. Hopefully I get the pahala of Al-Qadr. Amin. (: Got to meet a few peeps which I have not been seeing them for a looong time. Glad had the opportunity to engage in genuine conversations.

Oh, peeps u guys should really click on the 'play' button of this embed podcast created by my friend. Totally cool =)

saifulakhir.wma - saiful

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I have not been blogging due to the time factor. Oh wells. I'll backtracked then. This gonna be long..Kalau rajin, bacelah..haha

Friday: Went to Kampong Siglap Mosque with Aziz. The khatib Jumaat sounded like Syekh Abdurrahman As-Sudais the Mekkah imam! Well, decided to go to that mosque as I'm oh so missed my old estate, Marine Parade! And f.y.i...that's the mosque where I first learned my Iqra', hee. After prayers, went to East Coast Park Beach to catch the sea breeze.Haha.Main-main air laut jap..(tpi tk minum tau..hehe) then proceeded to block 47, my old home. Blah2.. At night, went to Al-Istighfar mosque for Terawih prayers. Dinie tagged along (: But she left soon after Isyak prayers for some urgent reason wch she's nt gonna tell me. rawr(my mum asyik tanye tau, "asl dgn dinie?". hmms, i'll wait for that day once ur ready to tell me hor..heh). Anw, tanpa ku sangka, that's the last kiss from the Syeikh as I was literally cheated! ): Haixz..Panjang kisahnye..Nk blog nanti takut menambah dosa pula..so buat siapa yg tahu tu, fhm2 je lah. (;

Sunday: Had my DPIC exams..Weehoo! Confident beb. Haha. Maklumlah ade soalan bocor( oh, tt snd so wrng) No lah. Hahaha. Finally gt a break for two Sundays. So yeah. Ibu's side came over for iftar. Last week it was at Aunty Noni's place so it was our turn. Ibu made Nasi Ayam! Laku seyyh..dh boleh buka kedai,hehe. My bro & I while breaking fast tk tambah coz we thght of continuing it after terawih but after terawih dah sold out ): Hahs. Nevermind..

Monday: Dad loves me! Hahaha. Initially ajak Hafiz go terawih at Mydin mosque at Kembangan but he can't coz he broke his spectacle lens and his dad was working the night shift so his mum will only allow him to go to Istighfar. Nyeahs. Didin't expect dad to follow (: The imam there plk sounded like Syeik Saud As-Shuraim. 23 rakaat but by 9.20 p.m dh hbs. Cool kn! Musollah air-conditioned plk tu..Sedap sembahyang..Haha.

Tuesday: Went Qiam at Istighfar wf dad (: Then morning, dad started to paint the house while I did a lot of wiping..Wiped the windows..the walls of the room..etc. That's it folks.

Seriously, as we're nearing the end of Ramadhan, we tend to face heavy challenges to get to that elusive finish line. Dah masuk mlm tujuh lekor skrng..(as the Malays used to call it)The final stretch..Only a few days before Ramadhan leaves us. Ni lah time dimana Allah s.w.t. menguji tahap keimanan seseorang itu. Peeps starting to feel lazy...busy with Raya preparations.. etc

Ya Allah, terimalah amalan hamba2 mu yg tk seberapa ini..
Tulus dari hati hambumu yg penuh dgn noda dan kemaksiatan,
Ya Allah, lihatlah kami,
Pandanglah kami,
Dengarlah rintihan kami, Ya Allah..
Perkenankanlah doa2 kami, Ya Rahman..
Sesungguhnya KAU telah berfirman bahwa di bulan Ramadhan ini KAU telah menganugerahkan suatu mlm yg cukup istimewa,
yakni Malam Al-Qadr...
Maka kami memohon padaMu..
Supaya dengan izinmu, anugerahkanlah kami dgn Malam Al-Qadr itu..
Allah Humma Ya Allah.. kami ialah hamba2 yg dhaif,
Sekiranya KAU tolak amalan2 kami, maka kami akan tergolong dlm org2 yg rugi Ya Allah..
Maka perkenankanlah segala niat, hajat yg tersirat mahupun yg tersurat, dlm setiap hamba2Mu...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hehehe. Finally got the email from Ustaz! Sekarang bolehlah aku belajar utk tis Sunday...lol

1) Huraikan peringkat ilmu menurut Imam Ghazali dan perbincangan beliau mengenai kaedah ilmu.

2) Fahaman Muktazilah yang muncul pada zaman akhir pemerintahan Bani Umayyah mendapat reaksi tertentu umat Islam. Bincangkan fahaman dalam aliran Muktazilah dan kesan kemunculannya.

3) Bincangkan secara ringkas pelayaran dan penyelidikan al-Mas’udi serta faktor-faktor yang mendorongnya menjadi ahli pelayaran.

4) Jelaskan pandangan Islam berhubung konsep penjelajahan dan penerokaan dengan mengetengahkan tujuan-tujuan aktiviti tersebut dibenarkan oleh Islam.

5) Bincangkan sumbangan dan pencapaian Ibn Hawqal dalam bidang geografi dan pelayaran.

6) Seni bina Islam bermula daripada pembinaan masjid pertama dalam Islam. Terangkan pencapaian dan sumbangan seni bina Islam pada zaman Khulafa’ al-Rasyidin.

7) Terangkan perkembangan intelektual Islam pada zaman permulaan Islam.

8) Bincangkan perkembangan intelektual pada zaman Abbasiyyah dengan memaparkan ketokohan al-Biruni sebagai ahli astromoni.

9) Bincangkan faktor-faktor yang membawa kepada kelahiran pelbagai mazhab dan kesan-kesannya ke atas umat Islam.

10) Penjelajahan dan penerokaan dalam Islam mempunyai kepentingan tertentu. Huraikan konsep penjelajahan dan penerokaan serta kepentingannya menurut perspektif Islam.

11) Bincangkan sumbangan dan pencapaian al-Istakhri dalam bidang geografi dan pelayaran.

12) Salah satu cabang seni dalam Islam ialah seni khat atau seni kaligrafi. Bincangkan.

13) Huraikan takrifan dan ciri-ciri seni bina Islam.

14) Jelaskan sumbangan dan pencapaian seni bina Islam pada zaman Bani Abbasiyyah.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well, without us even noticing it, its already the second week into Ramadhan and in fact its malam Nuzul-Qur'an (malam ke-17). But there's a little thing missing this Ramadhan. And it is really sad come to think bout it. Read one of the blogs I frequently visited and that post sort of coincides with what I'm kinda feeling right now.. Qouted, " This year really felt like nothing. Totally void... ". Ramadhan kali ini adakalanya seperti sudah hilang serinya.. Its like just going through another motion.. a kind of routine which technically speaking, should be more than all those mentioned. Oh wells. Hopefully, we'll get the Night of Laitul-Qadr..Malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan..apprx. 87 yrs?

So anyway, I'm done with my Usul Fiqh exams last Sunday. Overall, manageable..just like any other religous exam I sat for previously. But the thing is, I kinda screwed myself from getting an A for the open book part. Hahs. However, I'm totally confident for the second paper. hee. Left with the last exams..Sejarah & Tamadun Islam 2 which I have acquired some hints from Ustaz Lukman as I met him during the Youth Dialouge the day before..hoho.

Iftar at Aunty Noni's place. Not all were present. Not a single member from Long's family..while dad had to work. Aunt made Nasi Beryani which I didn't jamah at all as I had been eating Beryani Rice for the past 2 weeks. Haha. Had Beryani from Shaik Sabri's, Islamic Restaurant's and oh, during Iftar at An-Nahdhah. So yeah. Opted for the Macaroni instead which nenek fried. After all that, wanted to head to the mosque as that night was Ustaz Faezin but had a request from Cik Kader to lead the terawih prayers so that all the women in the house and all my little cuzzies can follow. I relented. Asked Uncle Es to lead the Isyak prayer (tuan rumah lebih afdal..) but he asked me instead. So Alhamdulillah, managed to lead Isyak and the terawih. Akulah imam, akulah bilal....

As of yesterday, I shouldn't be in Singapore alright. Boohoo. But yeah, am still here! Went to Al-Istighfar and boy it was worth it. Yesterday, they invited this Sheykh from Cairo...Sheykh Mustafa Masry. Man, he's tall..Beautiful prayer led by him..Oh, yesterday was the start where you have Qunut during the one rakaat of Witr..SubhanAllah..the Qunut with the doa'. And guess what? After the prayers I went over to salam him, he bowed down and I said something to him in Arab and he kissed me! (You know the Arabs..) That's the first time man..Hee ((:

Ya Allah.. lembutkanlah hatiku adikku ini.. Haixz degil betul. Kalau cakap ngan dia, he'll reply,"tahu,tahu.."

Apa sebenarnya
yang kau mahu..
Ku tak tahu...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gosh! I can't believed that I actually debited $445.15 of my own money on a single day, which was on a Thursday. Hahs. Went to Comfort Driving Centre before noon to register as a student there. Took the Class 3A License. I'm sooo excited. My first practical will be on the 3rd next month while my BTT, on the 14th. Wee! InsyaAllah if I pass all my tests, I'll be getting my driving license within 6 months,hoho. After that, headed to the ICA building to apply for my Biometric Passport( I knw maybe I'm slow coz some of u guys hd urs alrdy, bah!) as my old passport have expired. Meet Hafiz at Sultan as he wanted to buy himself a pocket-sized Qur'an. Hehe. He's been wanting to buy one for a long time ever since he first saw mine whch my parents bought fr me 7 years ago from Mekkah. But mine still smaller dude, hwuaha. Though its small(fr sme ppl, actually the fonts are small alrght, bt its still READABLE, fr me). Terawih at Al-Istighfar..the Imam didn't disappoint me. Ustaz Mehdar sounded like Sheikh Maahir Al Muaiqly, one of the Haramain Imams. After terawih and a shrt tazkirah by him, Ustaz Hasbi Hasan led a zikr session...

As of Friday, dad & I had a tiff wf mum over which place to break our fast. Adik have left the hse early to buka wf his fren. Mum wanna go Fig & Olive wch have just opened another outlet at E!Hub. While dad wanna go to Bedok Corner. Hahs. Finally, we decided to go to Rasa 21 at Tampines. Ended up, its the same place as adik went. Hurrhurr. Thank God its worth it. Seriously, ibu's Hor Fun was super nice and berlambak fr one person, Ayah bought a Hot Soup Noodle while I got myself a Black Pepper Beef Rice. (: Maghrib & had terawih at Darul Ghufran. Man, the imam who's a Hafiz there is young( I think bout my age or older by 2-3 yrs?) and most probably come from Terrengganu or Kelantan as the way he led the prayers was super super fast! To be honest, I couldn't grasp some of the ayats which he recited.

Anyway, after Asar later will be meeting other yths frm various schools ranging frm Primary to Tertiary Institutions for a youth dialogue held at An-Nahdhah mosque which is commonly known as the Harmony Centre too. 200 youths are expected to be there and there'll be MPs too. Issues ranging from Sexuality, Gangsterism and (there's 1 more topic I couldn't rmb, actually ustz Lukmannul Hakeem cldn't rmb,hahs). Programme will end with the breaking of fast together...

By right, I should like 'mug' for Usul Fiqh as it is by far the most toughest module I have ever encountered. But I'm like taking it easy,hahs. A few more topics to be covered and to really memorize and I'll be safe ((: Hee.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

LALALA! Weehoo!! Its the start of my holidays. Yeah baby... Can wake up late now, nyeahs (; So Business Fundamentals paper wasn't difficult, just a tad tricky. But I'm pretty confident I can get that A grade of mine, InsyaAllah. Accounting was manageable. And yes, no more of that module. My batch is the last batch of Business Admin students that'll have to sit for it. Bye2 numbers..lol. Looking forward to Business Communications and the elective that I chose, Tourism ((:

Anyways, my parents still can't figure out till now why the neighbor in front, I mean the wife, find it so difficult to strike a conversation. She would hurried off as if she's seeing a ghost? Haha. And if she's back from somewhere, she'll quickly closes her door like as if we want to peek into her house. Oh, her house is usually in a mess, so the malu factor kot? Unlike her husband, which is friendly and would strike a conversation before entering his house. BUT the weird thing people, she can easily talk to me! And she even knows my name,huhu.
Ibu: "Ehks, heran eh dia blh berbual ngan kau plk.."
Me: "Nthlah, and she always ask abt me..hahs"
Ibu: "Kalau gitu, kau tanye lah dia balik bout her children.."
Ayah: "Agaknye dia minat kt kau,haha. Nk jodohkan dgn anak dia"
Ibu: "Ish, jauhkan..merepek je tau ayah kau"
Me: " Eeeuuu! Merepek sungguh! Tapikn Bu, smlm Nis mimpi having a Chinese girlfren,haha"
Ibu: "OOh.. boleh tahan eh anak Ibu ni..Haha"

Random convo! haahaha. Coolness rite? Talking with your parents on random stuffs. Hahs. I love random stuffs..They kinda make part of my life interesting. Hee! But certain random on-goings makes me uncomfortable. *shrugs*

And oh, I can't 'escape' from Ustaz Fahmi coz everytime Ayah salam him, he'll ask- "Hanis mane?". Haha. But its really nice when Ustaz cares bout you. Anak murid ni yg 'lenyap' frm tahfiz class aftr lst Raya.
He did ask me the othr time, "Kt rmh ade hafal tk?". "Erms, Ustaz susah sikit ahh..saye sch.. (agn, i use sch as a reason..haixz). Tapi ustaz saye mmng nk sambung balik."
"Ok, kalau gitu lps Raya."

I think Ustaz knows the potential in me and he don't wnt the potential within me to be left wasted. I guess I should try and get back to hafal-ing. Am so guilty tt I have actually frgt most of the surahs wch I have cleared the last time! I remembered an Arab proverb, 'Man Jadda Wa Jada'. Whoever works towards what he desires, he'll get it.( Sesiapa yg berusaha, dia akn dpt). Help me God.

Anw, Dinie, plz make up ur mind will you? Haha. Anw, ape azimat awak pakai ah? Iv never won any contests ): Tix to DRUMFEST! Nyeahs. Ehks, ur not complaining to me lah..ur jz sharing ur joys and yes I'll listen anytime. Just give me a dial yar if u got any good news aytes (;

Oh, if only Cik Leha have told Ibu that she's leaving fr Umrah tis coming Monday, 15th Sept, Ibu could have ask her to see whether I could tag along... I wanna go!!! Its during my hols somemore..And its on my Islamic birthday, 15 Ramadhan,hahs. Oh wells. I sad. ): Blm tibe mase nye lagi...Honestly, Iv been going on a slow pace wf my tadarrus but since its the strt of my hols, im gonna chiong and InsyaAllah, khatam it again like previous Ramadhan. Amin. ((:

Sunday, September 07, 2008

"Eh, tadi kalau kite puase dh okay.."
"Kt sklh pn tdi cume mkn burger, nasi pn jama2.."

Astaghfirullah... I overheard this conversation between two secondary school mats when I was in the bus on the way back from school. And that time was already 4.15 p.m. Haixz. Its a pity that there's still people out there which till now, have not fully realise the beauty of Ramadhan. Masih lagi jahil akan bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan ini. Salah siapa? First 10 nights, malam dimana Allah membuka pintu RahmatNYA. 10 Malam kedua: Malam Pengampunan, 10 Malam Terakhir: Dibebaskan daripada api neraka..

Actually, the conversations quoted are not new. Been there, But not done that. Hurrhurr. All we can do is hope that these type of peeps will receive taufik & hidayah. InsyaAllah.

Yesterday went to Victoria Concert Hall to watch adik perform in the 8th Junior Band Festival. There's a total of six Secondary Schools & 1 Primary School... Yada2..And yesterday was the first time this Ramadhan that I break my fast without my family as Ayah & ibu kerje petang. Adik pula berbuka with his bandmates. Am thankful that Aziz tagged along...My childhood fren tt I can always count on. (:

Break our fast at Moulana Mohd Ali,Raffles. New experience as breaking fast with the Indian community was way different. The atmosphere, I mean. After Maghrib headed towards the MRT but before that, we sat around the Chevron House enjoying the night sky and cool wind.
"If I'm homeless I'll come here and sleep"
"Yeah, me too!"

Terawih at Sultan Mosque after which singgah-ed Zam2 Restaurant ((: Kalau dh sembahyang kt masjid Sultan, tk singgah Zam2 mcm tk sah gitu. Haha. Talked bout various issues over a cup of teh-tarik & murtabak sardine, hee! It was still raining but no choice, we had to brave the rain as it was already 10.15 p.m.

Oh, let me side-tracked a bit. Call me bias yaw but En-Naeem Mosque is my second home throughout Ramadhan or in fact, even outside Ramadhan too ((: Though Al-Istighfar is in Pasir Ris, I don't see myself frequent it unless Ustaz Fahmi(the En-Naeem imam) whch will be at Al-Istighfar tmrw,yaay! and Ustaz Hafazhah's there. Katakanlah cerewet, tpi ni bukan ape..Masing2 ade their own preferences.. And if I don't go En-naeem, I'll simply conduct my own terawih at home. Simple (:

Alrights..thats basically it. Tomorrow will be having my exams for Business Fundamentals and on Tuesday, Accounting! After which will be the start of my Holidays!!! Woohoo. (Oh, wait) I'll still be having exams next Sunday for my DPIC. Usul Fiqh..Boo. And next2 week, will be Sejarah & Tamadun Islam 2. oh wells.

But I can take into comfort taht I scored an A- for my Sejarah & Tamadun Islam 1 and a B- for Methodoloji Kajian Ilmiah..Alhamdulillah.

To my beloved frens who'll be having PROMOS, Good Luck yar (: