Monday, July 16, 2007

After thinking bout it thru & thru, iv made the decision nt to apply fr the DSA-JC & DPA. Why? Coz its too leceh to apply! Fr JC u need to send resumes & mst of the JCs only look at niche areas. While the decision fr nt applying fr DPA is tis:"What if, after I get my O-level results, I change my mind and would prefer a JC Education?"

"No, you are not allowed to withdraw from your DPA place after the withdrawal date, 5 Oct 07. The DPA is targeted at students who are interested in a particular course in the polytechnics, and the admission is based on the student’s suitability for that course. If you are undecided on the specific polytechnic course that you are keen on, you should apply for a course through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) after receiving your ‘O’ level results." (Qouted frm FAQs).

Therefore, the mst impt thng nw fr me is to do well in prelims so i'll gt a chance fr the 1st 3 mths in JC & score fr my 'o' lvls...

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