Thursday, October 04, 2007

Surely may wld be wondering where Iv been to ahacks! U peeps miss me tk?(prasan jap..) Actually my com's been dwn fr sch a long time duh! And been busy wf exams too. Nevertheless, Im bck Only fr todae to inform u tt I gt a new OS hohoho..Windows Vista tt is..

Gee..Wat iM talkin' bout. K, tts nt the real reason.... Gt bck by prelim results & honestly I feel tt Im stupid lookin' at the pnts I gt. L1R4=15, L1R5=30...So teruk tau! Hope at 'O' lvls will be a diff. scenario all together. I really wnt to go to Jc. And someone's been challengging to gt 11 pnts.Siapa eh org ni haha! Bt THE BOTTOM LINE FR ME IS TO GT 15 PNTS & BLW!!!

ps. I'll be on hiatus till the 'O' lvls ends..

Here's my 'O' s schedule:

18/10 Sc Prac
24/10 Cs ppr3
25/10 geog elect
26/10 history (modern world)
29/10 eng ppr 1&2, mths ppr 1
30/10 mths ppr 2
02/11 cs ppr 2 , history(southeast asia)
05/11 ss
06/11 cs ppr1

All I need is a prayer.. & hope my brains work to the fullest capacity come the big day!

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