Thursday, November 08, 2007

Yippeee! Had mine graduation cum adil fitri concert at Victoria Theatre juz nw. It marked the end of madrasah at al-istighfar msque fr me. The sweetest prt of it was i gt 1st in position on my final yr as an al-istighfar student. After so long of having to contend wf 3rd & 2nd pos. respectively, getting 1st was definitely nice. Moreover, i beat Sis Marliah who is a yr 1 NUS student! :)
And thnks Sis Marliah fr ur advice. The contemplating tght of gg to MI is fading... I'll try to go to JC even if it goes wrng on my 1st yr...

And lstly, i'll prove u wrng ibu wf mine 'O' lvls rslts.. Yar prelims rslts i admit rabak sampaikan ur laughing it off tt i can make it to JC.. InsyaAllah i will...

Here's some pics to sum up my happiness..

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