Monday, April 28, 2008

Wow! Today I reached home late from school due to the Pixel Lab official meeting thingy. Urgh. It was drag... And can you people imagine that I'm the only one from ISQ among 150+ other students. I really wasn't expecting the membership to be that big for a club. I'm tired now but can't sleep. Too early deh fr me.. Gotta do Accountings hw before I sleep, nyeahs.

Well, on the brighter side of things, had lots of fun playing captain's ball during S&W. ISQ were split into two different groups to play against the other class and yes, we won our matches respectively((: Ooh, during break at the canteen just now, I actually did step up to the counsellor and dedicated a message to all my ISQ frens. Bt I doubt you people could hear the message, tsktsk. Felt highly accomplished lahh seyyh.. Haha, Vas, Shaiful, Iyliaq were like : "Eh, u go lahh and dedicate..Naz & Shaiful pulak: "Eh2, go ask for Paramore song, haha."

Ok then, I'm done for today. Hahahaha. Tomorrow got 2 hrs of break! Hmms.. I'm wondering what we'll be doing...

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