Monday, May 05, 2008

Yaaaay!!! Finally Blogger tk buat hal...I thought of changing my blogskin if my post don't appear but Alhamdulillah its okay now! ((: Well today S&W was fun. Like finally there's 'real' running and stuffs. Its good to know that I'm fit, nyeahs. Though I may be small in physique, underestimating me is oh so not the right option yawz. Had a street soccer match with the ISO guys and I'm super glad coz I scored the first goal and saved a couple of shots( hahs, I did pretty well though I'm not a born keeper). Its been 3+ years since I last played competitive soccer. We beat them 7-5 ((:

That's about today.. Go spend your time viewing the pics taken on Saturaday yar fellow readers(:

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