Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One thing that happened could change the course of everything. Last Sunday, 'dragged' my parents down to Bedok Reservoir to catch Hydro Sapiens by a Dutch theater group as part of the closing act for the Singapore Arts Festival in conjuction with Sg's Water Week too. Its been quite awhile since we had a day out together. The atmosphere was fun and colourful... But the night ended with something sombre..

Ibu had internal bleeding and had to rush off to Changi Hospital at around 11+. After arriving there, was told by doctors to go to KKH. Off ayah & ibu to KKH where they reached at 2+a.m. Its been 2 days now since Ibu's in hospital..Gt a call frm hr saying tt she'll be having her op later at night.. Hopefully everything goes well..

I really hope she cld be bck by tdy if possible..

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