Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm in a kinda topsy-turvy mood. And don't bother asking me why..hahs. Certain people have begun to irk me. Urgh. Damn.. The panic button gonna activate soon..hurrhurr scary. Have to set my priorities straight now..Exams are nearing.. Weird lah.. Ni smue my 'evil twin' nye pasal ah tts making me feeling tis way. Gah! I think am gonna adopt a 'US isolation' stance(btl tk Hafiz?) for the time-being...

"Andai merindu lebih indah, andai tanpa bicara tiada kebencian, andai hadirku tergugat damaimu, andai berpisah itu lebih baik, siapalah aku untuk pertahankan rasaku untukmu" ( Credits to tis Malaysian author, which I don't rmb his name,hahs)

Anw bros, correction. Sheykh Hisyam Kabbani's lecture is next Fri nt tis, Sry aytes...

Anw, tis Sat event >>

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