Thursday, January 15, 2009

Phew..Finally have the time to update,hahs. So as some of you know that I went to watch the midnight movie, Red Cliff 2 aytes and man it was awesome! And the ride home adds to the coolness yaw. Hitched a ride on Mr Mateen's Phantom at 3 a.m. Hee.

Wokayys.. I'm done wf DPIC exams..Tafsir and Aqidah 2. Next Sunday gonna start on Fiqh Muamalat and yes2..we're officially the seniors now! Haha. The juniors will soon be joining us starting on the next module wch is Fiqh Muamalat. Marketing CA ;done and over wf too..So yeah, I can "gt away frm studying" now..heh. Whats left is the remaining percentage I have to accumulate for the Marketig ,TPS and BZC project..dang!

And Alhamdulillah, Ive secured my first downline! More to come..Oh, after much pondering on what pics to send to suit the theme,' Embracing Global Diversity', Iv managed to send 3 pics for submission. Its fr the Global Education Seminar competition anws..

SO here's the pics Ive submitted..Hopefully one of it is chosen. Amin (:

Will Our Paths Crossed Again..

Smiles For A Brighter Future

End Of A Beautiful Day

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