Wednesday, September 23, 2009

House visits; an eye opener


Here we are, Eid Fitri in the month of Syawal 1430H. Though we hate to leave the previous month, Ramadhan before us, we can only pray that we are given another shot at tasting that special month.

So yeah finally the month some of us can't wait to celebrate. The month where the norm for people to start visiting relatives etc. And speaking of my title, yeah you really can take alot from different house visits. Take a moment to reflect...

Its been months and when Syawal comes about we visit our mom & dad's aunts/uncles. And sometimes especially when visiting someone who's already considered senior citizens, its a pity sight I must say. Pity to those that their health have deteriorate badly. Their physical apperance...But not all like that. Some masih lagi segar bugar, sihat wal'afiat Alhamdulillah..

Another thing that I'm utterly suprised about is how fast technology have come about in our daily lives. I mean to small kids to be precise. I talked to my cousin's son who's only in Pri 2 and she has a FACEBOOK account! Amazing? I don't think so.. I mean its good but the bad factors are more than the benefits. Exposing young kids to especially social networking sites brings about the dangers of them being victims of cyber preys...

Don't you share my views? No wonder we can't wholly compare what our younger generations did when we're at thier age..Totally different...



Friday, September 18, 2009

Inallah ha wamala ikatahu yu sollu na alan nabiy'. Ya aiyuhal ladzi na amanu sollu alaihi wasallimutaslima...Allhuma Solli wa Sallim wa Barik alaih..


Its the last Friday in Ramadhan and also the last terawih ): And right now, Masya'Allah its raining too... Well, hope that we leave Ramadhan 'suci' as sememangnya Eid Fitri itu sendiri bermaksud kembali kepada fitrah..

Anw, Eid Mubarak to all...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Alhamdulillah its yaumul Juma'ah, penghulu segala hari. And not forgetting we'rse in the last 10 nights of Ramadhan. Allah, ya Allah, ya Allah!!!

Tribute to Sheikh Ali Jaber. May Allah be pleased with him. So far in Singapore Ustaz Fahmi Hamdan Ali comes closest in sounding like him (:

Wanna highlight another local ustaz that sounds like Sheykh Mishary Rashid al-Efasy. None other than Ustaz Zakariah Sharif which posess the 10 types of Qir'aat. His son is a Qari too wchch represented Singapore in many competitions.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah
Wassolatu ala Rasulillah

Masa cepat berlalu buat Ramadhan kali ini, Masya'Allah. And yes tidak dapat dinafikan, ada segelintir perubahan yang amat ketara. Kadangkala ku rasakan bahwa ia sebenarnya begitu ironis. Hairan? Takjub? Ish.. Allah Maha Mengatahui..

So Alhamdulillah al faqir dapat terawih bersama pertama Ustaz Noor Deros di al-istighfar. Seorang ustaz yang amat ku kagumi. Intellectual sesangat (: Kedua, ustaz hasan saifouridzal; salah satu anak murid Habib Omar di Singapura (: And tak lupa juga, diri ini bahagia sangat rasanya dapat bertemu bersama kaka angkatku wchc is also my neighbour btw, wf her Moroccan hubby! Its been so long since we met, Masya'Allah. Brought them to Mawaddah as Ustaz Fahmi; mudarris tahfizul Qura'an ku was imam di sana. And yes happy to see that Bro Muhammad loves ustaz's recitation and planning to study with him. Oh, Bro Muhammad is opening an Arabic class and is not imposting any fees. Help Spread the word ya ukhtis & akhinas.

Anw, reminder of Lailatul Qadr & its importance/significance in this clip. May we get to attain it, Insya'Allah Amin.