Saturday, April 09, 2011


Before I turn 21, let me express my feelings here since its a been a long time I wrote anything here, hahs

Well, my life's pretty much the same..only that I got a new responsibility on the back of  my shoulder as Nur Ikhwan's Chairman. Speaking of NI, there's lots that went through my mind the day after the EXCO Handover. Like all sorts of negative thoughts.. the feeling of people don't actually care about u.. I mean damn, the devil was full of tricks to mess up my mind coz the day after Iv to sit fr BA2 supp wch sux..

Fortunately all that is done and over with shukr Alhamdulillah.. though some Ni stuffs are yet to be settled but most importantly Iv come to term wf this new responsibility..and the gd part is no need to retake BA2! Yes,Yes..Alhamdulillah..

Moving on with relationships... I think my role is more suited to be a 'ttm' than anythng else.. well its nice if i do 'dipertemukan' wf my real jodoh.. cz im a guy who gets bored easily..nyeahs..Whatever it is, having the close bind with the Beloved Rasulullah s.a.w. is what that matters most though.. And Im thankful I gt close frens..mre like brothers that hopefully walaupun kerap ketemu tidak ku berasa bosan bersama mereka kerana merekalah sahabat islam yang sejati...


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