Friday, July 13, 2007

Hey guys & gals check tis vid out & tell me wat do u thnk bout it. Darl,wat i meant was tis vid lah...enjoy!

Also, im quite happy tdy as iv comleted my Juz Am'ma Alhamdulillah. Nw the daunting tsk fr me is to recall bck all the previous surahs ahacks!

Mum hd a co-worker as her godson hurrhurr.Its like every day the 'son' would sms her & nw he's started to call my dad his 'Ayah' too! hmms..why am i sayin' tis? Jealous kot? Ishh tkdelah main2 jk.

Another thng tt suprised me in sch was when Mr Ong said to us tt if u thnk u gonna gt an F9 fr any one of ur sbjs at 'O' lvls, might as well no need to come as the wrd 'Absent' wld be stated & it seems 'nicer'! wat the hack! My prob arr if i wnt to come or nt. HELLO... Iv paid fr my papers kay.. .hahahaha

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