Guess who make my day today? Its non other than my History teacher Mrs Teo Sok Woon. Had a gd chat wf her while she's gg thru some sbq qns. I'v learnt a lot frm her & mst importantly, im nw fully aware of my future ahead. The advice frm her is truly invaluable. And yes, my hope of being a doctor in future insyaAllah can actually be realised as u cld enter any overseas University as u don't need straight 'A's. Nevertheless, she remind me to hv an alternative whch alhamdulillah i'v alrdy hv in mind...
updates on yesterday...
It was a reminiscent of me running towards the office aftr each class ended as i stepped into Abdul Aleem Siddique Mosque. Tt was my 1st sch & also,my mum used to work there ahacks! It was a totally diff. mosque since i lst stepped into it. It's interior was more of a hotel..So, yesterday me,Hafiz,Saiful,Farihin went to the Mosque to hear a lecture/syarahan by a well known scholar,thinker,spiritual leader,Shaykh Hisham Kabbani…He is also the leader of the famous Naqsyahbandi Haqqani Sufi Order,the most famous Tariqah group in the US…..The topic is on Ramadan:Glimpses of Light……Well,he started with some jokes and along the way during his real lecture too….It was very interesting on how he explains some of the hard to digest stuff,into simple ones….He also gives us some tips and advice on supplication,prayers and other things related to life…..
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