Monday, December 31, 2007

The weekend getaway to Batam wf my family & Cik Ani's family(ibu's fren) ws simply worth while. Dad ws lucky to come across his cuzz at the harbourfront terminal who helped us out by contacting his adik angkat there. Upon arrival to Batam, she(my dad's cuzz adik angkat) & her kakak ipar ws already waiting fr us. It ws an enjoyable & fun journey wf the hlp of those two ladies. We went thru all the bargainings wf ease & basically gt we wanted.

Batam ws a shopping paradise!! My brother & I did the frst wave. I gt myself an Aramis leather belt, a black shirt frm Hong Kong, a pullover, bag & a bst seller book. While bro gt his Converse hoody & black shirtjacket frm Boss. The only thng tt I reaaally missed out ws the the brand new Converse hi-top shoe. It ws black & red wf an anarchy sign at the side. They only gt a size 7 bt I prefer an 8 halves fr comfort.ARRRGH! Why no size?? I missed out on my boot cut jeans too.urgh.

After all the shopping, ape lagi? Biase ar..Makan! haha. We ate padang style where they wld serve the various dishes on a plate. Once u sentuh, u pay. If nt, they won't count. Simple. blahblahblah..Funny thng though. While waiting fr our ferry to arrive, my bro & I went to tis cafe at the terminal name,WafflesTown USA. Name je wafflestown bt, " sory mas, adunannye sdh hbs".-_____-" So we gt ourselves a hot cappucino & hot chocolate instead.

And Im finding myself wf diarrhoe nw. haixz. mcm mane aku nk gemukk..Makan, berak, makan, Ws shocked to fnd Nasuha's medical fees to be like $90 fr juz sakit perut? Gt well soon yar.

Isn't she cute? awwwh. (Auni Nasuha)

Look wat my bro ate..(hantu ayam!)

Indon's trademark drink =)

Am gonna be engrossed wf tis book fr sure ((:

Movie outing wf the colleagues cancelled! haixz

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Urgh! Merepek sungguh hari ni. Dh lah bangun lmbt nari, blm sarapan lagi(dh nk masuk tgh hari pun) ok ni tk psl...Slmt dh mandi!lol.Gt a call frm my auntie asking me to 'escort' bck my datuk frm polyclinic. She said my datuk went without informing them & she cant' fetch his own father coz dia barun bangun,blm mandi,his husband's car can only strt when its 3(weekend car) yadayadayada.. So, as my hse is nearer to the polyclinic, cucuni le yng gi ambk datuknye...haixz

And Im quite seriously pissed off wf our MRT on the train to Orchard juz nw when suddenly it stopped at Bedok.Long pause.Dlm hati aku ni mesti ade bende nye..Waited & waited and there goes the announcement,"Everybody pls alight the train".wth. They didn't even give us sufficient info bout the fault. Luckily, met Saiful's cuzz and we( Mine bro,Saiful,His cuzz,Hafiz & me) took bus 7 instead..then alight somewhere in stamford watever to take bus 14..alight at Scape..

All these delay coz us to miss the majlis penyampaian sijil to all Al-Falah activist. Nvm. We gt there juz to makan..There'e lots of food!Delicious!

Am gg to Batam early in the morning tmr.. Cya!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Im gg indie lately..Not tt I totally shun off mainstream bt I feel tt there's more substance to these underground bands.. their lyrics.. It pretty defines my mood, well yeah sort off.ahahs.

Did you hear me call your name?
Did you hear me call
or were your thoughts just too loud,
or were your thoughts just loud enough
for you to miss it?
I thought you'd be listening
a little more intently for me.
But I'll be here when you're ready.
Until then, just be still and breathe.

But I was screaming.
I was screaming.

Everything they said about you
Everything they've known was wrong.
The outside doesn't feel
what the inside knows is real.

Did you see me walking back
through the same door that I left?
The same door that I left.
Why didn't you stop me if you could, stop me?
There was something that I missed.
Probably cause I didn't want to find it.
I didn't want to find it.
Then came the arguments, now there is silence.
Just be still and breath. Be still and breath.

We're both breathing.

Just walk away and save everything you can.
Just walk away and save anything you can, anything.

Everything they said about you
Everything they've know was wrong.
There's a place that they don't know
and that's where I call my home

Thursday, December 27, 2007

It was worth my money. phew! At first, I was sceptical to watch the Warlord movie as I was thinkin' whthr it ws worth it juz gg to the movie to read sub-titles? Bt, i soon relented as it hd been quite some time my homes' went out tghtr.. So, well the Warlords movie ws a complete movie..Frm the fighting scences to the prt where emotions gt the bttr of u..ahahs.. U really feel when they potray bout the loyalty, brotherhood stuffs...

After the movie, hd an hrs play of pool wch i totally sucks, honestly.. Frst time lar.. Kental kn? lol. Fnshed off wf food at Long John Silvers where the three of us ordered the same combo! Jiwa or juz plain economical? Hmms..

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I felt as if I totally celebrated Cristmas man! Haha. On the eve ystrdy, my bro & I gt ourselves a new bike..My bro opted fr the Haro stuntbike while I chose a mountainbike. And tdy, hd lots of fun wf my family. We headed down to Suntec and gt on the Singapore Duck Tour. It feels soo gd as we were treated like VIPs!! We need nt queue & the bst prt is, its free..haha. Tt ws bcoz my dad knws the captain there =) We became tourists in our own country fr a day,ahacks. ((:

Here's some wacky stuffs:

After all tt ride on sea & land, we headed to Lau Pa Sat..FOOD..FOODD and more

Hd our stomach filled & went to Masjid Haji Mohd Salleh or famously knwn as Masjid Makam Habib Noh..Alhamdulillah..finally managed to gt there..After the Maghrib prayers, went to visit the makam to pay respects..Al-Fatiha to tis alim ulama' Habib Noh Al-Habsyi...

Okkayy.. wat a day..igtkn nk went strght home bt ended up at CS Food Junction coz ibu wntd to meet hr fren...So we ordered food Again! ahacks..Chicken Chop & Fish & Chips hahahahah..Oh, sw Sani Hussein there too...(:


Monday, December 24, 2007

Watched the shw 'Christmas with the Kranks' on Chnnel 5 ystrdy and I was left wonderin' whether some ppl in our Malay community do the same thng, albeit Hari Raya! Its like Mr Krank ws a total cheapskate guy..Haji And personally, I thnk ystrdy's edition of THE NOOSE ws the mst funny.. I wndr hw they managed to escape defamation suits and stuffs. Oh wells. haha. Tts pretty mch an antidote fr me every Sunday,I guess.

Christmas will be like one and a half hrs away...hmms. Santa, I wnt a 5 mp hp, a fred perry shirt,blablabla ahacks..Merry Christmas to all who celebrates it =)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Burrrpppp..haha,alhamdulillah. Had luch juz nw at Eastpoint's>>>> wf Cik Pah & Cik Kadir. Poor adik couldn't tag along bcoz he was sick. Tkpelah..nxt outing they'll still blanje wf u ard tis time of coz :)hehex. I hd roasted turkey & chicken ham served wf chestnut stuffing & gravy frm the X'mas celecration lunch menu =) The turkey was oh so succulent!
Here's the pics:

And last bt nt least, my cntrct at Singpost will officially ends at 2130 later.. Hmms. Bt ibu wnts me to continue on Jan till Chinese New Year prhps? haha.I'll c hw it goes..


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Allahuakhbar,Allahuakhbar,Allahuakhbar. Laillahailallah Allah huakbar. Allahuakbar Walillah Ilhamd.

Praise to Allah the Almighty fr tdy historic event. Its the Hari Raya Aidil Adha & proud to say tt I played a huge part in the korban held at Madrasah Al-Junied. Tis yr I totally slug it out unlike lst yr where I hd to only weigh the meat at En-Naeem... Tis time rd, waduh btol2 gue membanting tulang! I carried 21 sheeps wf 19 of them me holding the head=)
Lts strt my journey early in the morning to Sultan Msque. Funny incident happened. Check tis out:

After the solat at Sultan, went ahead to the Madrasah.. here's an intro:

Here's some pics to tell the stry..more pics to come:

Monday, December 17, 2007

There's plenty of actions & excitements gg on at the weekend the lst two days. There's the big four matches on the EPl whch Im proud to say tt my team, Manchester United won & also nt frgtting the LA LIGA & SERIE A matches where bth Barcelona & Juventus won their matches respectively ((:

And on the entertainment scene, congrats to Hady Mirza on being named the frst Asian Idol..Oh, nt frgtting fans of Chinese serials, Metamorphosis hv been named the bst drama serial at the Star Awards held at Caldecott Hill. I like,hahs. Bt sadly, Fiona Xie was nt one of the top ten female artistes..): Guess its still being dominated by the veterans.Oh wells.At least Rui En was in the list,hahaha.

Hmms. Gt a call frm Ustzh Zanariah early in the morning asking me to volunteer fr Al-Istighfar tis Thurs..Sry, I can't coz Iv given my name to Ustz Yousef to hlp Al-Falah wch will be doin' the korban at Madrasah Aljunied. Poor Al-Istigfar..its like every yr they lacked the manpower! And I don't see myself helpin' out fr any of Al-Istighfar's programmes in the near future as I juz don't like their management. My services are either at En-Naeem or Al-Falah..sorry aytes. =)

Friday, December 14, 2007

This may sound contradictory bt Im beginning to feel bored at wrk! Its like my contract ends nxt Sat and Im like semakin malas?!wth. The tght of renewing my cntrct till Jan is being put on hold fr nw. And I was like totally moody workin' alongside aunt Soo Chai. She's really getting on my nerves. Ni tk blh,tu tk blh..ngade2...nasib Cik Anuar ade if nt I gt to do lots of wrk. Cik Siti came to my rescue at 1830 as Soo Chai hd done wf hr wrk. Am dreading to wrk alongside hr on Mon,Wed & Fri...Will only gt to wrk wf Cik Ana on Tue,Thr & Sat..-___-" Gt to knw frm Cik Ana tt Soo Chai mmng perangai mcm gitu. Cerewet! Mentang2 lah dh kerje 14 tahun..Aaaarghh tk tahan aku nk dngr luahan rase dia whenever she's unhappy bout.bleargh.

On the way home frm wrk, had a great conversation wf Saiful & Azhar inside the MRT. Saiful strted the conversation when he said,"Gi balik lah negri kau & bwk skali culture kau balik kt Europe!".He was referring to tis Eurasian guy who stared at him as soon as he went inside the train. And we're like talking politics while tryin' nt to be racist. We three agree tt the Chinese nw are like 'disrespecting' us & stuffs bcoz of their social position nw..Eyh, ingatlah skit ni tetap tanah Melayu yng kau pijak tau! The idea of nuking the Chinese sounds great.Hmms. Im beginning to tlk like Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! Azhar really hates their race though dia ade campuran Cine..He's one rare breed, I tell u..His hatred is darn real as he didn't even study anythng tt hd to do wf Chinese fr Hist,ahacks.. :))

And one funny thng was when I raised the idea of Singapore adopting the 'bumiputra' policy & Saiful ws gg, "Err tu tk pyh psl kau tgk sendiri ah kt Malaysia, org Melayu jadi malas"..Hmms.He hd a pnt though. He even supported Hindraf! Watevalah eyh..

All these talk make us sounds like politicians in the making, doesn't we? kwakwakwawka

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Okayyy..its been a week since I started work at Singpost and Im lovin' it. Its been full of letters & letters...& cards of coz each day,haha! Wat do u expect? Dh kerje kt Singpost. The makciks & aunties there are well generally friendly, esp Cik Fatimah who always tegur the three of us (Saiful,Junaidi & Me) wf hr smile without fail..And guess wat? I meet up wf a childhood fren of mine(ex PPIS)=) Its been sooooo long, 10 yrs mind u! Yes, Abdul Aziz. To be honest, Im more close to his cuzz Ahmad Hakim bt we lst cntct too. Tk sangkekn blh jumpe kt Singpost? Tis is prove tt the world is small indeed.

Finally, a fren of mine can breath easy as her love probs hv been solved. Gd fr u.. :) Aku plk? Nth eyh..Susah nk ckp.Hmms.

Perjalanan cintaku penuh onak dan duri
Namun,cabaran ini harusku tempuhi
Ku tak sanggup membiarkan ia pergi;
Jauh dari hati ini

Walaupun kekeringan tinta
Kan ku tetap ukir namamu
dengan apa yang ada
Kerana cintaku abadi nan setia

Percayalah wahai kejoraku,
Cinta boleh datang dan pergi;
Tetapi cinta sejati hanya datang sekali

Dengan kesucian hatiku ini
Ku harap kali ini kau benar-benar mengerti
Akan ketulusan cintaku ini...

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Soal hati dan perasaan adalah sesuatu yang pelik
Aku tak pernah minta untuk jatuh cinta denganmu
Tapi apakan daya, namamu telah bertakhta di dalam lubuk hatiku...

Berapa lamakah lagi
Terpaksa aku menanti
Sehingga pedihnya penyiksaan di hati

Bukan hanya kepentingan
Malahan keegoan telah ku korbankan
Berlimpahan kasih sayang... aku curahkan
Buat mu seorang...

Kiranya semua itu
Tak bermadai bagi mu
Apa sebenarnya yang kau mahu
Ku tak tahu...

Kau hilang bila ku tiba
Kau datang bila ku kecewa...
Terasa diri...di persenda...
Dimana berakhirnya nanti
Permainan sendiwara mu ini...
Sesungguhnya aku... tak mengerti...