Urgh! Merepek sungguh hari ni. Dh lah bangun lmbt nari, blm sarapan lagi(dh nk masuk tgh hari pun) ok ni tk psl...Slmt dh mandi!lol.Gt a call frm my auntie asking me to 'escort' bck my datuk frm polyclinic. She said my datuk went without informing them & she cant' fetch his own father coz dia barun bangun,blm mandi,his husband's car can only strt when its 3(weekend car) yadayadayada.. So, as my hse is nearer to the polyclinic, cucuni le yng gi ambk datuknye...haixz
And Im quite seriously pissed off wf our MRT nowadays..ws on the train to Orchard juz nw when suddenly it stopped at Bedok.Long pause.Dlm hati aku ni mesti ade bende nye..Waited & waited and there goes the announcement,"Everybody pls alight the train".wth. They didn't even give us sufficient info bout the fault. Luckily, met Saiful's cuzz and we( Mine bro,Saiful,His cuzz,Hafiz & me) took bus 7 instead..then alight somewhere in stamford watever to take bus 14..alight at Scape..
All these delay coz us to miss the majlis penyampaian sijil to all Al-Falah activist. Nvm. We gt there juz to makan..There'e lots of food!Delicious!
Am gg to Batam early in the morning tmr.. Cya!
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