Saturday, March 08, 2008

"AAAAH!!!WOOO!!ALLAHUAKHBAR!!! haha. Those were random shouts frm our visit at Escape Theme Park jz nw. Those bunch of guys were great. Aziz, Azhar & bro, Ahmad, Saiful, My bro & me! ((: First thng when we reached there we entered 'The Haunted House'. Funny thng happen. It was damn dark inside man. And during our walk, there's this 'hand' wch kept holding Aziz! Aziz freaked. His mind ws like, "oh, siape plk yng pegang tangan aku ni.." When we finally got out, Aziz was relieved as the 'hand' wch kept holding him throughout belonged to tis small chinese kid! -_-" lol.

Next, we tok the 'Rainbow'..Cool as we gt to view parts of Pasir Ris and enjoy the wind, nyeahs. The 'Viking' was next. Hahaha. I will remember Aziz squemish face for the rest of my life! (; Aziz sees himself as a risktaker bt he has his limits. I tried persuading him to ride the 'Inverter' bt he didn't wnt to..So were Saiful, Azhar & his bro. So, in the end only Ahmad, my bro & me rode the 'Inverter'. Gerek gillur! Hee. Took the 'spinning cups'( idk the exact name, lol). Had lunch after tt and decided to queue fr the go-cart. After waiting fr more than 45 mins, enough was enough. We decided nt to continue with the pathetic queue & went home instead...

Well, jz came back frm cuzz wedding actually wch ws held at Elias CC..The food's great, the pelamin looks like a bird cage? hahs. Ok, pics will be uploaded if I hv the time fr bth the Punggol trip, jz nw's outing & wedding. InsyaAllah ( ni kalau aku malas aku tk upload hor..)

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