Alhamdulillah, Im back in Singapore safely. The much needed getaway to Tiara Beach Resort at Port Dickson had been great. Its like at last I gt to be free frm nyayi( she left fr Bik Idah's hse 2 days prior to our trip) and most importantly, be free from having to hear bout Mas Selamat Kastari on the news every single day! Nyeahs. ( I noticed I havn't really talk bout him..Will do so in my nxt post). Anw, thanks a lot to Abng Udin( my jiran's son, whose also my family angkat) for renting your car to us. I could not ever imagined gg there without a car coz the pekan is so far away frm the resorts! Well, the beaches there are so serene((: We did go-karting at Extreme Park & we also went to the ostrich farm. Lots of barn animals there(well, obviously). Had a feeding session wf the ostriches(hee, badi-badi jgk oi!). And we also tasted ostrich satay! I have tasted the common meat like mutton, chicken, rabbit, deer, duck( ok dah lah tu..cukup2 haha)but ostrich meat? Hmms. Its texture is smooth and sweet. Overall, ok lahh..Ehks, the khatib jumaat there at tis msque tt I prayed looked like Hadi Awang frm PAS! HAHA.Blablabla... End trip, singgah Larkin Terminal where Rosma frm AF4 was performing wf 3 other contestants frm the shw.( I have no idea who Rosma ws actually) What coincidence...
The next day was damn tiring for me in particular coz its a Sunday & I need to attend Cordova for my Akidah Islam exam! I had a hang-over.. Can't think..was very blurr in answering the essays. For the frst time, I think I slacked in an ukhrawi exam! Oh-oooh. I'll be hopping tt I'll be scoring fr my assignment instead wch is 40% of my module,hahs. Enough talk. I need to start studying fr Usul-Tafsir nxt wch is on the 23rd March! And Im like juggling between completing the assignment & studying fr the sbj -_-"( Tis is difficult man..haixz)
Ok, pics frm Port Dickson:

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