Alhamdulillah, Ibu's back home now (: As for her condition, I jz gt to knw tt the internal bleeding is actually a miscarriage): Its like the 4th time already? Ibu was'nt aware she's actually pregnant..Oh wells. Guess I won't get another adik anytime soon :/ But the most important thing is she's safe & back home now =)Anw, Thanks to all those peeps for ur do'as and the msgs/calls to check on my mum's condition. Really appreciate aytes.
So yesterday, went to Feefi's hse for makan2 cum movie marathon (like 'housewarming') gitu at Bukit Panjang. wan an ardous journey. Hafiz, I know ur pain now of having to travel from Pasir Ris to Bukit Batok which is even further! Haixz. Kalau macam gini tk sampai2lah ke Ar-Raudhah..Tkpelah eh..Kite jumpe di Raudhatul-Jannah sudah..InsyaALLAH,Amin. Thanks once again Feefi for inviting us to ur hse. And its really nice getting to know ur dad. Hopefully we can talk more ok, uncle? Haha. Oh, don't frgt if have rezki and ur going to Medinah tell me aytes. InsyaAllah, I would love to join u, hee!
Ana Wa Anta umpama ________? (This is just in general. Fill in whatever you feel appropriate)
Ah, Happy 14th Birthday Bro (:
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