Just pouring out the thoughts in the head and heart (:
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Went to Cairnhill CC as Al-Falah needed volunteers for a Father & Mother's Day event for the less fortunate. It started off quite dry and slow but after awhile, everthing's seemed alright. Me, Saiful, Syed and his friend, Syafiq from Queenstown Sec were tasked to handle the food. Yada2..Helped to carry the habuans..Easy job.. Done deal..Everyone left with satisfaction..And I really hope the less fortunante enjoyed their time too.
I'm soooo happy too coz in like 6 days time, an Islamic scholar is coming to Singapore. Credits to ukhti27.blogspot.com for the info. And yes, Habib Munzir is coming on the 5th of July (:
Shaykhna Khalil Moore embraced Islam at the age of 19, and is an upcoming Islamic Scholar, having spent many years travelling to the Muslim world in search of sacred knowledge, learning the Religion in the hands of Professors and Shaykhs in Madinah, Mauritania, Morocco, Emirates, Egypt and Yemen. He studied the Maliki and Shafi`i Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Arabic Language and has translated and edited several classical and contemporary Islamic books. Among his Teachers are great Scholars like Habibana Umar Bin Hafiz.
Oh lastly, a fren showed me tis vid on youtube. Very touching..An Iranian kid giving a speech about Fatimah Az-Zahrah (Prophet Muhammad's p.b.u.h. daughter) Very emo..But its apity that the speech and subtitles are in Arabic..If only we peeps can understand Arabic, we would surely shed tears too..
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