Well, today's the start of the new month, 1st July and school's starting soon! Boohoo. As you can see, got myself a new skin, nyeahs. Simple but a little change would do some good rite? Been sitting in front of my pc for long hours these 2 days as I need to complete my 'Metholoji Kajian Ilmiah' thesis which is due tis Subday! Man.. I'v still got Tamadun thesis yet to be done..Help!!! Aah, before I forget, 'Viva La Espana'(: Finally after 44 years of wait, Spain shrugged off their 'quater-finals' tag and emerged winners of Euro 08. Alright, now let us backtrack on the past few days.
Sat: The initial plan was to watch the film screening of >>> with Aizuddin at Madrasah Al-Junied Auditorium at 8 p.m but sadly,the tics were sold out. Oh wells. Miss the comentaries by Sheykh Khalil Moore. So, the first half of the day I was doing the household chores. Got a message from Azhar asking me whether I wanna follow him and Ridwan to TM to gt some stuffs. So, yeah I agreed as it had been so long since I saw Ridwan. Got myself a pair of shades at TM, =) Reached home at 5 p.m and tuned in to Vasantham Central to watch Hidustan! Haha. I don't remember the last time I watched a Hindi movie..A few years back, if I'm not mistaken,hahs. Sanjay Dutt play as Munna Bhai who tries to practice Gandhi's teaching. 'Gandhi-ism'..hehe.
Sun: Went out with dear bestie, Hanna, my Pixel Lab fren. Her god-sis and bro were there too. Nice getting to know both of u Abg Fadzil and Kak Irfani(: So we went to Esplanade and sit by the river juz to chill..snap some pics.. After which, Abg Fadzil brought us towards the Singapore Flyer where there is a mini-park? Yakult, smth is the name..Haha. Walk2..And guess what? There's a Teddy-Bear Factory where one can adopt and dress it like a real baby..Hmms..more economical than to adopt a real baby?hee! After enough sight-seeing,haha..off to Raffles Place. We guys need to do our Asar..Its the first time I pray at the underground mosque, 'Moulana Mohd Ali'. Abg Fadzil also frst time,hahs. After Asar, meet the gals at Mac'd where I asked Hana for help with my Accounting hwk, Cashbook. Thanks yaw! For teaching me and checking the other Cashbook qn tt Iv done. Left with Petty Cashbook nw..haha. Its been a great day..Initially slow start lahh..Biaselah mcm tk tahu gitu..Need warm-up frst mah..lol. But after awhile, its been easy mixing around wf them. Like what Hana said, all of us have something in common (:
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