Dear readers, sorry for not updating as there's a problem with the power button of my pc. So oh wells. Lots of things to talk bout man.. Oh, yeah. Lets start with the one day Malacca Trip thingy last Saturday. It was fun & enjoyable. Congrats Wan for making it a success. So, I actually overslept on that day. Hahs. Terpaksa naik cab pagi2..alahai waste duit aku. Nyeahs. We all boarded the Volvo double-deck bus which was only 8 months old! Coolness. Overall the trip was a success. And especially the food..Foo! Power dok ((: But its a pity we have to skip the visit to the Hang Tuah's Well (which I really looked fwd to) as we exceeded the estimated arrival time to Malacca. All because of the long jam at Woodlands Checkpoint, tsktsk. Reached back Bishan at 11+..Missed all the last bus & train,hahs. As I was hungry back then, had supper at Macdonalds' with Rajiv & Wee Kiong before taking the cab ride home..Taxi lagi..Midnight charge..sian. But its kinda cool though getting the opportunity to talk to these cab drivers(: Ye lah, bukan hari2 naik teksi kn? Haha. Well, hoping for more trips to come. Perhaps a 2 day one night thingy? One day too short lah..ahacks. And yes, I did won myself a prize (: The tour guide asked to name the 3 Malaccan Districts and I managed to answer them..Hwuaha. Padahal bile tour guide bobal, bukannye aku pay attention pun..hee!
Next day, Sunday, went for class. And gosh I have to admit that Usul Fiqh is difficult. Our Arab module should come first as it will greatly help in our further understanding of Usul Fiqh. Oh wells. I don't get it how the management arranges the modules.. Now I realize that being an asatizah is not easy. Haixz..Ni baru peringkat Diploma.. Funny though when reflecting back the last time I was bored with secular studies and wanting to change my line of study. Haha. But now am thankful I remain where I am now. Duniawi ade, Ukhrawi pun ade.. The important thing is to remain consistent in whatever line of study I'm into (: And oh, I gt 95 for my BZF Ca..Whee! Alhamdulillah..
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