Let's do a short recap of yesterday's lecture by Sheyk Khalil Moore at Singpost Auditorum which I went with Aizuddin..Well, basically the talk was about our beloved prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. The title was, 'A rose in the desert, remembering Muhammad p.b.u.h.'. I'm not actually qualified to speak about the gretest man ever but I'll try to share what Iv learned with you guys, InsyaAllah.Innallàha wa malâikatahû yusallûna 'alan-nabiyy, yâ ayyuhalladhîna âmanû sallû alayhi wa sallimû taslîmâ. (Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.) 33:56
The Sheykh was telling all of us that we need to know more bout our Prophet to really understand and appreciate him. Most of us think that we've already know the Prophet well enough, but in actual fact, we don't,sadly. And he reminded us that we need to have a sheykh/spiritual teacher or asatizahs to guide us to the light. For those who have not yet have a teacher, ur teacher for the time-being would be the selawat to Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h as Allah said that those who recites selawat, HE will giude us from the darkness to the light. MasyAllah, there's so much to talk bou. REaders, you can go to his website to listen to his lecture: www.reflectonthis.com Aah, I saw Revilenna's lead singer at the talk too. And Bro Chaled, my kakak's sedare's husband who's a German convert. Glad he recognised me when I tegurred me, hee. ((:
Lots of converts there I would say..Oh man.. those beautiful eyes of the Arab women..Foo! Only the husband can see the real beauty..tsktsk.ahaha.
So, the Ubin cycling trip was fun. Aziz tagged along for the first time(as in fr cycling expedition). The usual mates were there, azhar, Ahmad & Saiful(: Yeah, we went to Chek Jawa and climbed the viewing tower which is 120 steps high. The view from up there was simply panaramic..Left the island at ard 12+ cz the cloud's getting dark and we would'nt wanna be stranded..Reach mainland at 1.30? Walked towards OCH and explored the place. It was the 3rd time exploring the place but for Aziz, the first time. He was hesistant to enter..yada2..Saiful will elaborate on theOCH trip, hopefully.
Guess the next time we'll have another expedition after another 10 weeks of study? hahaa. Guess what? Talked to Aizuddin yesterday and he told me he and Imran went to KL 4 days 3 nights without parents..Cool..I'm planning to go overseas at the end of the year..Anybody wanna tag along? hee.

The Sheykh was telling all of us that we need to know more bout our Prophet to really understand and appreciate him. Most of us think that we've already know the Prophet well enough, but in actual fact, we don't,sadly. And he reminded us that we need to have a sheykh/spiritual teacher or asatizahs to guide us to the light. For those who have not yet have a teacher, ur teacher for the time-being would be the selawat to Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h as Allah said that those who recites selawat, HE will giude us from the darkness to the light. MasyAllah, there's so much to talk bou. REaders, you can go to his website to listen to his lecture: www.reflectonthis.com Aah, I saw Revilenna's lead singer at the talk too. And Bro Chaled, my kakak's sedare's husband who's a German convert. Glad he recognised me when I tegurred me, hee. ((:
Lots of converts there I would say..Oh man.. those beautiful eyes of the Arab women..Foo! Only the husband can see the real beauty..tsktsk.ahaha.
So, the Ubin cycling trip was fun. Aziz tagged along for the first time(as in fr cycling expedition). The usual mates were there, azhar, Ahmad & Saiful(: Yeah, we went to Chek Jawa and climbed the viewing tower which is 120 steps high. The view from up there was simply panaramic..Left the island at ard 12+ cz the cloud's getting dark and we would'nt wanna be stranded..Reach mainland at 1.30? Walked towards OCH and explored the place. It was the 3rd time exploring the place but for Aziz, the first time. He was hesistant to enter..yada2..Saiful will elaborate on theOCH trip, hopefully.
Guess the next time we'll have another expedition after another 10 weeks of study? hahaa. Guess what? Talked to Aizuddin yesterday and he told me he and Imran went to KL 4 days 3 nights without parents..Cool..I'm planning to go overseas at the end of the year..Anybody wanna tag along? hee.

ubin & OCH Trip |
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