Yesterday was a great and unforgettable day. Me and Aizuddin attended a talk held at SMU and gosh, we were surrounded by 40-50 undergrads from NUS etc. And man, there's even a professor from the University of Birmingham! Though we feel awkward being among the intellectuals, the great thing was that lots of information were gained throughout the dialogue. The cool part was it was a close door session and the speaker was a woman who once worked in Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dept. Not everyone can have a chance like these..nyeahs. So basically the speaker was trying to answer all those questions pertaining to her country's policies..She really got drilled towards the ending with some tough questions and not suprisingly, some of her answers were'nt convincing as she had to defend her country's policies anyway,hahs. But the bottomline was, religion should have no place in politics and we need a paradigm shift when talking bout humanatarian issues. Am glad that I was given the opportunity to get answers from an Israeli perspective and that was frst time in meeting an Israeli!
As of today, went to Jurong East Sports Hub to watch the finals of MYSPEX (Mosque Youth Sports Extravaganza) and there's the CPR(Cakap Pasal Remaja) forum thingy. There's Fauzi Laili, Ustaz Sufyan,a counsellor(frgt hr name) & Fiza-O! Haha. Glad gt to meet some of the other MOYL's there (: Aisey man..tk plan btl2 ahh..kalau tk dh go swimming dgn Aizuddin! Hahaa.
Left the place and went to have lunch at Clementi Hawker Centre as there's no Muslim Food ard Chinese Garden! Duh.. yada2..Time flies.. It ws 3+ alrdy..Planned to meet Saiful at En-Naeem Msque at Hougang to register for a workshop nxt week. Thought I was late cz havn't done my Zuhur..Thank God didn't take the cab. So dropped off at Harbourfront to Kovan Stn and reached the mosque at 4.10. Phew! Hopefully after finishing the Bilal/Imam course nxt week and getting the certificate of participation, I'm trying to apply at An-Nadhah coz I don't see any yth stepping up though there's quite a number of institutions ard the msque..I wanna spent my Ramadhan fruitfully..The msque is sederet and its a waste..Quite sad there's only a handful who goes there..
Ehks sempena Bulan Bahasa..
'Meniti jalan menuju ke syurga
Seiring curahan kasih-Nya
Hanya sedikit goresan cinta,
Demi sebuah pahala'
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