Lets recap for a short bit yar. My weekends were great as it sums up the Amir As Sufuf and Munadil Mukmin Workshop conducted at En-Naeem Mosque. The practical was very meaningful as Ustaz Abdul Rahman came up with scenarios that one would never think of. But as future Imams/Muazzins, we need to act accordingly to any situation..Like what to do when the Imam batals when he's doing the sujud sahwi? Hahs, pening kepale kn? Haha. And I finally find someone whom I can look up to. None other than Ustaz Abdul Rahman(: Man, he's a great & nice guy..His background can be closely related to mine, hee!
So yesterday there was no S&W! Urgh. Damn.. Guess have to wait for next Monday before I can wear the Certified Fit Shirt..Hahaha. As for today, Accounting class ended at 11 so we had 3 hours of break as the next class BZF, would only starts at 2! And today there was a blood donation drive. The rest of my buddies, Wee Kiong, Shameer and Rajiv were busy helping out so we're left with Roy, Ibrahim & me..hahs. The three of us headed to AMK HUB planning to watch the 'Red Cliff' but was told that the movie's duration is 2 hours 40 mins! Like Whaat?! hurrhurr..so yeah, the plan's cancelled. Had lunch there anyways before going back to sch at 1.15..
K done..hahs.. Mr Foong's extending the Powerpoint Presenation after our Excel CA whch is on the 29th.. PhEW..then have to burn into CD somemore..haixz.. so troublesome
AAAh.. tmr can't go sch late as I have the EC's Racial Harmony thingy. Setting up a stalll selling the tradional ethnic kuehs of different races.. Till then..
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