First and foremost, MERDEKA!MERDEKA!MERDEKA! Haha. Oops. 'Feel' jadi Malaysian skejap.Lol. Anw, Happy Birthday to Ayah (: So..tmr's Teaher's Day and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all asatizahs and to all teachers who have thought/still teaching me no matter where they are now. The knowledge that you guys passed on over the years are truly appreciated(:
But one thing that I would like to emphasize here is the true teacher is non-other than Nabiullah Muhammad S.a.w. He's our true Mu'allim. Here's the vid to explain why He's our true teacher..
And as promise, here's a short notes on Ramadhan as tomorrow will be the frst day of fast. Ah Lan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan. I'm not gg to sound preachy as I know some of u guys suffer frm 'syarahan-phobia'.Hahs. So the thing that I would like to remind my felow bros and sis is to make full use of tis blessed month. Don't spend unnecessarily(don't be like me, I splurged $80 on my Topman shirt! Bt tts b4 Raamadhan..haha). Don't use Ramadhan as an excuse to be weak(ppl like tis pissed me off..)We in fact, shld shw to the non-Muslims tt we can still be productive. Those who like to laugh, kurangkanlah ketawa tu eh..And janganlah nk sibuk2 nk berbazzar, bazzar tk lari sepanjang 30 hari ni..U guys shld check out tis vid..There's 4 prts to it and its related to Ramadhan..I shall not 'preach' anymore here..Haha. The link is :
Gg to En-Naeem fr terawih.. Yeah Ustz Fahmi Hamdan Ali Al-Hafiz. The atmosphere there like as if ur in Mekkah. MasyaAllah.Bt I'm a little bit segan though as since the lst raya, I didn't resume my tahfiz clss wf him and its been a long time since I went there..Haixz..Ade hasrat nk sambung tahfiz balik bt nd to fnd the rite time. The discipline needed is top-notch. Environment kt sch lagi..Hmms.To end off tis post, I hope that this Ramadhan will be much better than previous Ramadhan & Selamat menjalani Ibadah Puasa((:
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Yo peeps! I know that I had been gone for some time and people have been asking me to start blogging back. So yeah, here I am blogging. Haha. Well there's a smorgasbord of topics that I would like to talk bout man. First and foremost, lets sum up the month of August since it gonna leave us soon.
The month of August have been a 'Random Month' for me. Yeah, random. Full of randomness I should say. Haha. Random stuffs, encounters do make my life interesting. Coz you can't really expect what things will come in your way,hahs.
The month of August have been a 'Random Month' for me. Yeah, random. Full of randomness I should say. Haha. Random stuffs, encounters do make my life interesting. Coz you can't really expect what things will come in your way,hahs.
Wats ur name? Hanis. Oh, kwn2 panggil Han? Nope, they call me Nis. kite Yusuf & Kamal. Hahaha. Ish, tk baik ketawakan name orang.. Biar betul seyyh name Yusuf.. Btl lah.. Yusufiah & Kamaliah.
That convo started while I was waiting for the bus to ITE Dover for the LKY Technology award. Hahs, that Sis..And speaking of the award, I do hope we'll start on it soon as it can surely boost my CV. I'll share with u peeps nw the talk that I went last week. Sheyh Hisyam's talk on 'Conversation WIth God' basically reminded all of us to be sincere when asking Allah. Follow His orders and leave what he displease. Afterall, "Ud uni as tajib lakum"(Mintalah padaKu, nescaya AKU perkenankan). Most importantly, never give up hope when our doas have not yet been fulfilled as it'll surely be fulfilled in Paradise.
Women make bad drivers(nt all, bt majority lah..there's no denying tt). Why tis statement? Coz I nearly lost my life early morning! This lady with tudung swerve without looking. Im clearly nt at fault. The rule clearly indicates tt she by rght, shld lt the pedestrian cross first. Haixz. Nasib baik seyyh.. Ku ingin bertemu dgn bulan Ramadhan..Allah still loves me ((: when Yesterday went back to PRCS straight after the teacher's day celebration. Nthng much..Met up with several teachers..GLad had real conversations with Mr Ridzuan & Ms Zaidah though it wasn't a long one. As for othr teachers, didn't berbasi-basi like I did with the the stall amkciks and the first2 tchrs mentioned as I'm not that close. So yeah.
Wooohoo! Went down for Baybeats yesterday alone. Only met up with Shaiful, Nazirul,Fauzi & Sally's fren there. The atmosphere's great. Got to meet some familiar faces and an ex-Crestian. Force Vomit the local veteran last song, Siti, was an all time fav classic. People were moshing and body-surfed. Sally and Fauzi left. Shaiful, Nazirul, Angel, Joline(2 of Shaiful's fren) & me waited fr the second lst performances and last performance at the NOKIA POWERHouse. Typecast frm the Philippines were freaking awesome. Siiikkk. Left with Nazirul at 11.. reached hme at 12.05. Luckily there's the last feeder bus 358 or I'll hv to wlk hme.Huhu." "Luckily, u guys still hv ur heads".Haha.
Sorry Aziz fr nt gg to the RSAF open hse. And to Ustz Yousef too as I didn't go down to Sultan Mosque fr RYC'S official opening.
And oh, will be posting shrt notes on Ramadhan too as requested. First terawih tmr((;
Women make bad drivers(nt all, bt majority lah..there's no denying tt). Why tis statement? Coz I nearly lost my life early morning! This lady with tudung swerve without looking. Im clearly nt at fault. The rule clearly indicates tt she by rght, shld lt the pedestrian cross first. Haixz. Nasib baik seyyh.. Ku ingin bertemu dgn bulan Ramadhan..Allah still loves me ((: when Yesterday went back to PRCS straight after the teacher's day celebration. Nthng much..Met up with several teachers..GLad had real conversations with Mr Ridzuan & Ms Zaidah though it wasn't a long one. As for othr teachers, didn't berbasi-basi like I did with the the stall amkciks and the first2 tchrs mentioned as I'm not that close. So yeah.
Wooohoo! Went down for Baybeats yesterday alone. Only met up with Shaiful, Nazirul,Fauzi & Sally's fren there. The atmosphere's great. Got to meet some familiar faces and an ex-Crestian. Force Vomit the local veteran last song, Siti, was an all time fav classic. People were moshing and body-surfed. Sally and Fauzi left. Shaiful, Nazirul, Angel, Joline(2 of Shaiful's fren) & me waited fr the second lst performances and last performance at the NOKIA POWERHouse. Typecast frm the Philippines were freaking awesome. Siiikkk. Left with Nazirul at 11.. reached hme at 12.05. Luckily there's the last feeder bus 358 or I'll hv to wlk hme.Huhu." "Luckily, u guys still hv ur heads".Haha.
Sorry Aziz fr nt gg to the RSAF open hse. And to Ustz Yousef too as I didn't go down to Sultan Mosque fr RYC'S official opening.
And oh, will be posting shrt notes on Ramadhan too as requested. First terawih tmr((;

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm in a kinda topsy-turvy mood. And don't bother asking me why..hahs. Certain people have begun to irk me. Urgh. Damn.. The panic button gonna activate soon..hurrhurr scary. Have to set my priorities straight now..Exams are nearing.. Weird lah.. Ni smue my 'evil twin' nye pasal ah tts making me feeling tis way. Gah! I think am gonna adopt a 'US isolation' stance(btl tk Hafiz?) for the time-being...
"Andai merindu lebih indah, andai tanpa bicara tiada kebencian, andai hadirku tergugat damaimu, andai berpisah itu lebih baik, siapalah aku untuk pertahankan rasaku untukmu" ( Credits to tis Malaysian author, which I don't rmb his name,hahs)
Anw bros, correction. Sheykh Hisyam Kabbani's lecture is next Fri nt tis, Sry aytes...

Anw, tis Sat event >>
"Andai merindu lebih indah, andai tanpa bicara tiada kebencian, andai hadirku tergugat damaimu, andai berpisah itu lebih baik, siapalah aku untuk pertahankan rasaku untukmu" ( Credits to tis Malaysian author, which I don't rmb his name,hahs)
Anw bros, correction. Sheykh Hisyam Kabbani's lecture is next Fri nt tis, Sry aytes...

Anw, tis Sat event >>

Friday, August 08, 2008
Today's an auspicious day as the Chinese believe - 8/8/08! And its officially the start of the Beijing Olympics ((: Was watching the opening ceremony on TV just now and I was really impressed by the Chinese! Their acts were totally awesome man. Their nationalism..cultures.. The ceremony could be reagarded as one of the best Olympics opening ever.
And speaking of nationalism, had our National Day celebration in sch.. new environment.. Overall, it went well. There's the usual singing of medley songs..and oh, there's performances by the Malay dancers and Latin dancers too! Best part was after all the performances, went to watch Home United FC take on our Bishan soccer team at the school field..kecoh dok..Berebut2 perempuan nk ambik gambar ngan Indra Shadan..haha. Ibrahim & me gt to take pic with him,nyeahs.
K lah, tmr's National Day. Gotta be a long day fr me.. Gg out to snap pics fr my porfolio.. Vivo, Henderson Waves, Raffles? Perhaps watch fireworks skali? Hmms..We'll see, hahs.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Went to see the doctor yesterday..Alhamdulillah, nothing serious but I'm still having discomfort. Hopefully when I finish up the painkillers tomorrow the pain would be gone. Oh wells.
Urgh. Today I feel lost. Gah!
Hmms. Reached home only to find out there's no one at home..Its so quite. Kinda ironic though. When mum isn't working the last time, I asked her to go out and work. Now both dad & mum isn't at home coz coincidentally at certain days, both started work in the afternoon so will be back only at night. Bro pulak tgh sibuk ngan NDP practice(waiting fr him to cme bck so we cn finish up 'The Legend' dvd..hoho). Haixz semenjak jadi percussionist, sibuk je dengan drumstick. Guitar yg diminta padi hari jadi yg lalu, dh tk dihiraukan. Bertuah nye budak..haha.
Alright, Iv been wanting to post tis up actually. Here's some reasons why I don't talk as much( certain peeps may think that Im anti-social? Boring? hmms..) sO HERE IS IT:
Anw, thanks peeps for the concern. I'll try NOT TO FALL, nyeahs (;
Urgh. Today I feel lost. Gah!
Hmms. Reached home only to find out there's no one at home..Its so quite. Kinda ironic though. When mum isn't working the last time, I asked her to go out and work. Now both dad & mum isn't at home coz coincidentally at certain days, both started work in the afternoon so will be back only at night. Bro pulak tgh sibuk ngan NDP practice(waiting fr him to cme bck so we cn finish up 'The Legend' dvd..hoho). Haixz semenjak jadi percussionist, sibuk je dengan drumstick. Guitar yg diminta padi hari jadi yg lalu, dh tk dihiraukan. Bertuah nye budak..haha.
Alright, Iv been wanting to post tis up actually. Here's some reasons why I don't talk as much( certain peeps may think that Im anti-social? Boring? hmms..) sO HERE IS IT:
- I'm generally a quiet guy lah, haha. ( But if you do start a conversation wf me, I can talk a lot. Seriously,heh)
- When there's no topic of conversation, I don't see a point to talk. No offence man (:
- Sometimes, things are juz going ard my head, so the silence (:
- Certain things that may displeased me, so I jz kept mum.
- There's a hadis frm Muadz bin Jabal which goes, "Sesungguhnya engkau sentiasa sejahtera selama engkau diam. Tetapi apabila engkau berkata, ditulis bagi engkau atau atas engkau(yang baik atau yang jahatmya). And another riwayat by Nabi S.a.w. :"90% dari kesejahteraan itu terdapat pada diam kecuali waktu zikir kepada Allah". Note: I'm not trying to be super alim here, juz stating the facts that I know.
- Lastly, there's like a certain barrier when talking to certain peeps ( ade2 saje kau Nis..hahs)
Anw, thanks peeps for the concern. I'll try NOT TO FALL, nyeahs (;
Monday, August 04, 2008
Hehe..Klaka betul pagi tadi. I almost carried my bro's bag to school(the bag which I had long passed to him by me, so yeah the blurness) Hahs. Luckily bro's still having his breakfast and noticed I carried the wrong bag. Or else..
First period was Accounting..Nothing much..Go thru some papers. Gonna start on a new topic tomorrow.. OFA. Grr!! That Mr Foong was merely talking to himself lah.. Managed to only cacth up on the first part and the rest of it, gone. Dh tentu2 start on a new thing, MS Access..then go thru like nobody's business..Gah! As for BZF, Treble in a Teacup(not all members are present, no suprise here) presented our presentation..
S&W was superb lah seyyh.. Actually, Roy & me were like 'grumpling' among both of us as we wanted to have outdoor games. Seriously, the weather wasn't that hot. It was windy man..Come on lah peeps..But oh wells.We did manage to have a great time in the hall. Ms Gladys Leong asked me, Wee Kiong & Roy to choose our teammates for a captain's ball match. The three of us were chosen as the captain as we're the only ones who wore the Certified Firt Shirt, hee! And am so happy as my team won both matches..Weehoo..First match against Wee Kiong's team, we beat them 7-6. Then proceed on to play against Roy's team. Man, against Roy's team, it was one hell of a match. They gave us a scare by scoring first but I equalized(: We scored, they equalized..Perfect match. But in the end, I scored the winning goal.
Oh yeah, I fell again! Gosh..Took a damn hard landing. Initially I didn't feel any serious pain but now..hmms.. The pain seems unbearable when I bent (rukuk). Urgh ):
First period was Accounting..Nothing much..Go thru some papers. Gonna start on a new topic tomorrow.. OFA. Grr!! That Mr Foong was merely talking to himself lah.. Managed to only cacth up on the first part and the rest of it, gone. Dh tentu2 start on a new thing, MS Access..then go thru like nobody's business..Gah! As for BZF, Treble in a Teacup(not all members are present, no suprise here) presented our presentation..
S&W was superb lah seyyh.. Actually, Roy & me were like 'grumpling' among both of us as we wanted to have outdoor games. Seriously, the weather wasn't that hot. It was windy man..Come on lah peeps..But oh wells.We did manage to have a great time in the hall. Ms Gladys Leong asked me, Wee Kiong & Roy to choose our teammates for a captain's ball match. The three of us were chosen as the captain as we're the only ones who wore the Certified Firt Shirt, hee! And am so happy as my team won both matches..Weehoo..First match against Wee Kiong's team, we beat them 7-6. Then proceed on to play against Roy's team. Man, against Roy's team, it was one hell of a match. They gave us a scare by scoring first but I equalized(: We scored, they equalized..Perfect match. But in the end, I scored the winning goal.
Oh yeah, I fell again! Gosh..Took a damn hard landing. Initially I didn't feel any serious pain but now..hmms.. The pain seems unbearable when I bent (rukuk). Urgh ):
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Yesterday was hell of a stupid day! Thought I could earned myself $35 in a day as a kendarat but it was not to be. Reached Admiralty MRT at 12.45 and waited for Nani's uncle as he msged me the day before to meet him at 1.15 p.m Called Cik Mar as instructed but was told that she's in the bus otw from Geylang. Told me to wait there..So I waited till 1.15 and msged Nani's uncle. Was told to contact Cik Mar again. Like whaat?! -_-" Must be some kind of a communication breakdown. I thought that Nani's uncle goona be there. And by right, that Cik Mar (whoever she is, shld gt bck to me. Msgd her bt gt no rply..GRRR!) Waited patiently till 2.15.. left the place at once since there's no progress..Geramnye aku!!!
As soon as I reached home, zonked myself in front of the TV and began to watch the Korean DVD titled 'The Legend'. Finally, am now at the third disc. And its only the 11 epsd! Mind you, there's a total of 8 discs, hwuaha.
As soon as I reached home, zonked myself in front of the TV and began to watch the Korean DVD titled 'The Legend'. Finally, am now at the third disc. And its only the 11 epsd! Mind you, there's a total of 8 discs, hwuaha.
Why should I be angry?
Am I?
Maybe I shld adopt a could not careless attitude,rite?
Coz tts nt fully my prob anw..
Sometimes, I tried to husnozon(as our religion preaches)
Am I?
Maybe I shld adopt a could not careless attitude,rite?
Coz tts nt fully my prob anw..
Sometimes, I tried to husnozon(as our religion preaches)
But honestly, I do doubt ur intentions at times..
Hahs, the complexities of the female mind
Hahs, the complexities of the female mind
Friday, August 01, 2008
Well, its the first of August! Time flies..And its the end of Rejab too ( the Islamic calender). Definitely can't wait for Ramadhan to come.. Wa balighna Ramadhan Ya Allah.. Anw, here's some tausiyah. If possible, do recite these wirid when the khatib is at the mimbar for Friday prayer later. Ahmadurrasulullah, Muhammadurrasulullah s.a.w. 35x For the Muslimah, recite it after Zuhur. InsyaAllah, whoever recite the above mentioned wirid, their rezki tidak akan putus sepanjang tahun (constant) Credit to para SAUDARA iSLAMku di luar sana..
Namun harusku tinggalkan cinta,
ketika ku bersujud...
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