The month of August have been a 'Random Month' for me. Yeah, random. Full of randomness I should say. Haha. Random stuffs, encounters do make my life interesting. Coz you can't really expect what things will come in your way,hahs.
Wats ur name? Hanis. Oh, kwn2 panggil Han? Nope, they call me Nis. kite Yusuf & Kamal. Hahaha. Ish, tk baik ketawakan name orang.. Biar betul seyyh name Yusuf.. Btl lah.. Yusufiah & Kamaliah.
That convo started while I was waiting for the bus to ITE Dover for the LKY Technology award. Hahs, that Sis..And speaking of the award, I do hope we'll start on it soon as it can surely boost my CV. I'll share with u peeps nw the talk that I went last week. Sheyh Hisyam's talk on 'Conversation WIth God' basically reminded all of us to be sincere when asking Allah. Follow His orders and leave what he displease. Afterall, "Ud uni as tajib lakum"(Mintalah padaKu, nescaya AKU perkenankan). Most importantly, never give up hope when our doas have not yet been fulfilled as it'll surely be fulfilled in Paradise.
Women make bad drivers(nt all, bt majority lah..there's no denying tt). Why tis statement? Coz I nearly lost my life early morning! This lady with tudung swerve without looking. Im clearly nt at fault. The rule clearly indicates tt she by rght, shld lt the pedestrian cross first. Haixz. Nasib baik seyyh.. Ku ingin bertemu dgn bulan Ramadhan..Allah still loves me ((: when Yesterday went back to PRCS straight after the teacher's day celebration. Nthng much..Met up with several teachers..GLad had real conversations with Mr Ridzuan & Ms Zaidah though it wasn't a long one. As for othr teachers, didn't berbasi-basi like I did with the the stall amkciks and the first2 tchrs mentioned as I'm not that close. So yeah.
Wooohoo! Went down for Baybeats yesterday alone. Only met up with Shaiful, Nazirul,Fauzi & Sally's fren there. The atmosphere's great. Got to meet some familiar faces and an ex-Crestian. Force Vomit the local veteran last song, Siti, was an all time fav classic. People were moshing and body-surfed. Sally and Fauzi left. Shaiful, Nazirul, Angel, Joline(2 of Shaiful's fren) & me waited fr the second lst performances and last performance at the NOKIA POWERHouse. Typecast frm the Philippines were freaking awesome. Siiikkk. Left with Nazirul at 11.. reached hme at 12.05. Luckily there's the last feeder bus 358 or I'll hv to wlk hme.Huhu." "Luckily, u guys still hv ur heads".Haha.
Sorry Aziz fr nt gg to the RSAF open hse. And to Ustz Yousef too as I didn't go down to Sultan Mosque fr RYC'S official opening.
And oh, will be posting shrt notes on Ramadhan too as requested. First terawih tmr((;
Women make bad drivers(nt all, bt majority lah..there's no denying tt). Why tis statement? Coz I nearly lost my life early morning! This lady with tudung swerve without looking. Im clearly nt at fault. The rule clearly indicates tt she by rght, shld lt the pedestrian cross first. Haixz. Nasib baik seyyh.. Ku ingin bertemu dgn bulan Ramadhan..Allah still loves me ((: when Yesterday went back to PRCS straight after the teacher's day celebration. Nthng much..Met up with several teachers..GLad had real conversations with Mr Ridzuan & Ms Zaidah though it wasn't a long one. As for othr teachers, didn't berbasi-basi like I did with the the stall amkciks and the first2 tchrs mentioned as I'm not that close. So yeah.
Wooohoo! Went down for Baybeats yesterday alone. Only met up with Shaiful, Nazirul,Fauzi & Sally's fren there. The atmosphere's great. Got to meet some familiar faces and an ex-Crestian. Force Vomit the local veteran last song, Siti, was an all time fav classic. People were moshing and body-surfed. Sally and Fauzi left. Shaiful, Nazirul, Angel, Joline(2 of Shaiful's fren) & me waited fr the second lst performances and last performance at the NOKIA POWERHouse. Typecast frm the Philippines were freaking awesome. Siiikkk. Left with Nazirul at 11.. reached hme at 12.05. Luckily there's the last feeder bus 358 or I'll hv to wlk hme.Huhu." "Luckily, u guys still hv ur heads".Haha.
Sorry Aziz fr nt gg to the RSAF open hse. And to Ustz Yousef too as I didn't go down to Sultan Mosque fr RYC'S official opening.
And oh, will be posting shrt notes on Ramadhan too as requested. First terawih tmr((;

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