Tanpa membuang masa, baik ana di sini mula meniap apa yg mampu lah, hoho.
Selepas melakukan Solat EidlFitri di En-Naeem, ku berpeluang besalaman dengan Syeikhul Fahmi, ustazku, dan berasa lega dapat meminta maaf(cz honestly i feel so guilty and malu terhadapnya) dan menyatakan hasrat untuk menyambung balik selepas Raya. InsyaAllah.. (jgn tk jadilah...). Back at home (aik, dh balik bahasa Inggeris plk? hee) the usual, makan dulu.. (lapar beb) then I actually sleep back okaay. Hahs. Penat sesangat. Bangun kul 11..siap2..bermaaf-maafan and left the house at 2.30 (wch is quite late okayy) All because of Cik Pah as we have to wait for hrh to come visit nenek & atuk here b4 leaving the hse.(mcm pass baton gitu).
Reach Bik Ida's hse to visit Nyayi. Wak Adam was already there wf Wak Suliah & Kak Sutra. Haixz funny thing was I don''t really like get into conversations wf them but thankfully, Bro Chaled came later and me and my dad had great fun talking to him. It was fun talking to this German abang-sedara of mine. So cool ((: Even before Raya, I had met him on several ocassions for talks and he knows and remembers my name! so touched. Hahaha.
Actually, after we left Bik Idah's hse dad dh plan nk balik. -_-" Penat semacam ah..seriously.. And the mood to jalan2 tk dirasakan sangat tahun ini. But eventually, we went to 2 more houses. At one of the houses, while they were talking bout org dh tua2 ni skrng bynk dh sakit2, masuk hospital and stuffs..Tibe2 je berbual psl JBJ's detah. And that led to the topic of LKY. ( Cannot post it here. Kena tangkap aku nanti.lol)
Reached home Maghrib. lalala. Tidur lagi aku ni..Kepala PENING.. then woke at 10 to see my Pak Cik from K.L have already arrived. Played with Firdaus anak-sedara ku..dh besar ko..
OK dh. Terharu jugak dapat sms-es from unexpected peeps. Ingat jgk korang kt aku. Terima Kasih eyh and Slamat Raya to u guys too. Kalau ku tk balas sms tu bukan ku tk kisah tpi prepaid low..And my 'twin', i miss u too. Haha (:
Aah, I got my exams results back! An A for Business Fundamentals and B's for Office Applications & Accountings (; GPA 3.375

Me & Bro (:

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