Man.. was chatting with Aizuddin too yesterday and I asked him hw's raya going along."Awesome" was the reply. Hmms, good for him. Got relatives who's sporting, got lots of jokers(his dad's side)Unlike me. I'm not close to my dad side. Jumpe setahun sekali. While mum side pulak all adik sedaras hahs. What trickles me was, "If ur bored till u rot msg me we cn ctch a movie or wad.Must spend ur last week wisely". Haha, i'll try not to rot. Hurrhurr.
I kinda miss my bunch of jackass clique. Was looking at the couple of stupid vids we made from my hp and yeah, I wanna get back to school!! Its so boring when the holidays are way too long. ):This Thrs, Fri & Sat they're gonna have a chalet at ARANDA Country Club..Hmms.. don't knw whthr I'll go. Tapi dh dekat ni..Tk pegi mcm rugi plk..Maybe I'll jz pay a shrt visit?
And oh somebody, plzzz if u have any job openings, do inform me yar. Most preferred will be jobs on the East side(: Airport will be good..
Anw, here's our second pair of baju raya (:

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