Happy and frustrated. Bah! Well, I'm finally done with my Class 3A module one prac.. Drove to Tampines just now..Whee. But guess I'll have to wait till Jan to resume my module 2! Urgh. Coz all the slots are fully-booked..duh. Have to wait on the 14th Nov to secure places for Jan!! Damn lah.. I'll miss driving for 2 months )):
Anyway, its so freaking frustrating when again, u gt bypassed for something that u feel u truly deserves..Grr. Its sooooo not fair that those bastards got nominated and will be going for their interview for the Hainan trip! Seriously, I hope they don't pass thru the interview,hahs. Their attendance sucks and definitely my GPA is waaaay better than them! Pfft. But in the end, they're the ones who got nominated. Padahal, I'm the frst one u askd wthtr I wanted to go and when I said yes, u put down my name. Next day, u came up to me and told that I wasn't nominated. Like whaaat?!! I'm actually not that pissed bcz I can't gt to go..(This trip u'll hv to fork out $500 of ur own $$ anws..sch will only pay $200..) but because of the very fact that undeserved peeps gt to go and I don't. Rawr.
Life's A Bitch... (sometimes..haha)
Ehks brothers, next outing on Dec! Wanna bring u guys to 2 unconventional mosques in Singapore. The Ahmidiyyah & Shiah mosque amacm? Haha. But Sai's afraid though..takut akidah lari..-_-'..We settle for McRitchie then?
And oh, Atreyu's gig is cancelled! ): Here's my fav song by them anws..
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