Sunday, November 23, 2008

To my avid readers (cheh,haha) sorry for not updating yeah. Before the new week comes tomorrow, let me type out what I've been up to the couple of days kay. (; And oh, I'll try to make it short,heh.

Tuesday: Went to ITE HQ at Dover for the Shell LiveWIRE Inter-ITE College Enterprise Challenge. Had lots of fun though we didn't win the top 3. Actually, we kinda wrapped up the first session(there were 8 teams) but when the second session commenced (anthr 8), we know that the top 3 position just slipped. Hahs. But it was nice ah as the first & second position was won by College Central Team 3 & 5 respectively (: As usual, my team scored for creativity but lose out on the feasibility part. Oh wells. Not bad for frst year students..The experience gained is most impt. And oh, consolation also gt money yeah. Sidetracked a bit:

"Erms, are u Chinese or Malay?"
"Oh, my mum's actually Japanese & Chinese while my dad is Malay and German(if im nt wrng..). But I'm a Muslim"

Coolness rite! This kacukan gal..damn pretty..Hehee. And when I asked for her MSN, dengan spontannya dia memberikan kepadaku..Hahaha. Power pe? =)

Thursday: Bah! The Trade Challenge in school..Honestly, my mood was like bleah. Damn. Kalau aku tahu.. Ibrahim and I should have juz continue wf our initial plan of selling our mini-pizzas and hotdogs.. Confirm sell like hotcakes! But we have to settle for Rajiv's idea of an Xbox game booth..Whateva ah..Heck. But at least I got to know two fellow metallheads from my school! Hee. On a random note, there's this guy who approached us and started to ask how do we go about wf the business plan..the operation..yada2. And you know what? He gave us his name card whcih beras, Senior Manager of the NUS Entreprenuership Centre! And he's a former ITE student back or what? A sourse of inspiration, I guess?

Saturday: Kinda annoyed as when my Sats are totally free, no one asks me out. But when satu grp dh tanye on tt particular Sat, the rest pn nk 'book' me during the same day. Hahs. So I actually did go out wf my TPS groupmates..Project nye pasal.. As usual, photographer of the day. Went to places that I frequented b4 and it bores me actually. But psl we need the pics kn.. so kite pergilah ke Esplanade, Merlion. Sg Flyer.. then around 5, left them and meet up wf my Pixel Lab mates at Starbuks PS. The rain started to pour. And alamak..the stairs to Old School at Mount Sophia punyelah tinggi.. So reached there.. Viewed the pictures by CS Ling..It was a beauty..Ni trip pun contributes to my CCA of 3 hrs.. Around 7+ eat at BK. I ordered the Bold BK Double Stacker!!! Woohoo..Then chow.. reached Pasir Ris at 8.40..went to Cik Yaya's daughter's wedding..Malas ah nk explain..But wah the majlis..very the Arab! Foo..

Hmms.. after every event where that particular person is involved in, subsequently I'll see her each time in school. Heran aku..Hahaha. If not, I didn't even know that she's a fellow schoolmate! I saw ____ 4 times man on Friday! Shrooms, u shld know who.. The cute gal but muka slalu like stress.(yr 2).hahs.

K dah done. Fooba.

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