Its been awhile eyh? Baru 8 hari tak update..heh. Reasons for it? Hmms..Time? Or its just me who couldn't be bothered..Haixz. Oh wells. So anw, gonna update on my driving lessons and the rest aytes.
So far driving lessons been good. Had learn the U-Turn and kerb-side stopping etc. Oh, my TP on the 4th April..ANd tts a week before I turn 19! Hee. It'll be a perfect early present if I do attained my licence on that very day man..Allah, make that happen yar (:
Life's been good as a whole. Ive learnt that when ur patient for smth u can't gt back then, suddenly things comes in numbers? (omg, is there such an expression :-s..watever ah). Dad's got the Hubstation and OMG its super cooool! Im in control of the TV now and nt the othr way round..hahaha. F.y.i. the Hubstation allows u to pause, record etc THE ur channel that ur currently viewing!! Also got to know that Abang Halim's fine wf me holding on to his D70 as long as I wanna use it. Kinda feel bad a little as that's not mine officially but "so lng as u enjoying takin' pics tts gd"..tts wat he tld me yawz. So woohoo..As u all knw, tt cam dh bynk berjasa..Use it during Kak Nur's weddin' and I even brought it to Batam..Oh, mst importantly, sme of the shots taken usin' tt cam was featured/shorlisted. Speakin' bout shortlisted, I jz created a Facebook profile semata-mata to check wthr my pic is shortlisted for the GEP 09 Photography Competition..And yes2, pic no 2 (refer to previous post) is shorlisted (: Urgh, I had to reject Mr Ganesan's request to be the photographer for class pics as timing tak sesuai langsung! At 1..oh cmn' religion comes frst..Friday prayers man..So initially wanted to ajak Ahmad Faezin's (RJC) to the newly reopend Muhajirin Mosque but he tld me tt he's nt schoolin'..so oh wells. Went there by myself..Its only 3/4 stns frm Bishan..hahs.
Anw, ever seen 5 BMW's lined up together in one strght line? Iv seen one(; And it was yesterday,heh. Attended 'D' division reunion dinner at Aloha Loyang..Did the Chinese 'lo hao'?(any-oh-how je aku ni lol..the tradition where they toss food fr luck, prosperity etc.) OOOhh..gt a ride on Mr Rick's car..BMW 5 Series man..foo! The feel..POWER! Can't compared to any othr car..But getting a ride on Mr Fawwaz's Tuscany also nt bad..Haha. Before I end, I wanna announce tt iv completed reading the book 'Musafir Cinta' on bus 53 at 9.40 a.m.!Haha.
let's make this clear, jz wanna tll u tt there's no animosity between bth of us k. bt i jz feel tt there's nthng to tlk bout rite nw. im happy wf my life..and hope u are too yar(bth of u..) let time heals everthng..Do note tt never did I mention b4 tt the frenship's over aytes etc. hmms.. glad tt u still rmb me in one way or anthr..though u still puzzles me...

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