Monday: Well, school reopens..Mendak as usual. No studying..School kecoh as there's orientation for the Jan intake..Oh, sad thing happened early in the morning. When bro went out of the house to go to school, he found out that his Haro bicycle got stolen!!! Pfftt..Damn that mofa..Later in the afternoon, went for my driving practical after 2 and a half months of absence..Pretty ood..Touch-up and stuffs..
Wednesday: Had no intention of skipping Marketing at 9 but somehow terlajak & woke up at 8 instead of 7. haiyah. So decided to go to sch anws for BZC at 10..But as soon as I arrived there, the class was watching a movie -_-"..Baik pe.. 2 jam je gi sch to watch plk tu..But alot of things can be learnt ah from tt good movie, 'the Kite Runner'. (: Then went for driving agn..Man..this time frst part fcuked up..Gained my momentum only after 30 mins.Then coincidentally sms-ed Aziz..He was at Eunos coffeeshop..So met him some catching up and we went our separate ways after Maghrib..
Friday: Something happened that kinda wrecked my mood. Hahs. Shan't go into details ah.. Mistakes happened due to ignorance..Anw, I'm just done watching the 'Battle of Red Cliff'..Gonna watched the part 2 later at The Cathay with Boss, Mr Alfian & the rest of the uplines frm the other divisions..Midnite movie dok.. Time :00.35!

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