Bismillah wal Hamdulillah
Ahh.. still breathing am I? Haha. This blog seems to be dead again. Well no inspirations to write. Been reading a lot though. Well2 gonna blog the things I've noticed so far..
Trends. Yeah, what I've been noticing lately old trends creeping back into our youths lives. Skaters, man they are everywhere now man! Maybe because its the school holidays now that I start to realise their 'existence'. Oh well whatever.
What I'm trying to put across we humans can't really escape from this thing called 'trend'. Though the trend whatever it may be had long been 'over and done with', but if one individual or perhaps a group should I say start doing that particualr thing that was once popular back then, it starts to creep in like a virus automatically.
Wow~ amazing is'nt it?
Well my intention ws swithing to tumblr bt blm menjadi..ahah
Till Then
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