Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Wow Im 21 now.. Feels the same though, haha. I wanna GROW please.....argh. Anyways, I have never felt so much responsibility ever before going into my 21st Birthday. Im r referring g to the gift that Wak Hawa gave me...Hmms..Insya'Allah will khatam that for this year Ramadhan..And oh dear is tt a sign for me to return to hafalan Qur'an wf Ustaz Fahmi..?? Coz to me, i wanna atleast 'master' the Arabic language for ease of my hafalan and also I think Im still not ready like I THINK i Was...

Also Im feeling a bit 'terkilan'.. I jolly well know I shouldn't be if I really3 wants to follow the Sufis..Allah! But isn't it jz normal human behaviour..?? :S The ones I don't expect wished me but the ones I expected did not! Sad :/

Oh wells..

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