Thursday, July 05, 2007

Alhamdulillah, sejuk rasanya hati ini apabila melihat jemaah yng begitu ramai hari ini unlike hari2 yng lain.*ehks kalau sembahyang tu jgn kerana hari ni oral exam je tau...mst istiqamah! Also im glad to knw tt there is a new grp of jemaah frm some sec 3 guys. Its like im in my finally yr in sch & at least there's someone who can continue our 'legacy' aftr we leave. Jazakhuhairan kasiran...

I wld also like to clear any misunderstandings of labels put on Muslim. Since the Sept11, we've surely heard of all these labels tt sprout out twrds Muslims. They are firstly: Moderate Islam. Secondly: Liberal Islam and Thirdly: Conservative Islam. If someone asks u wat Muslim r u? Ur ans shld be, "Im a Muslim who submits myself to Allah & acknowledges Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. as His Messenger". There r no labels in Islam! We're one! Bt the simple exp. fr the wrd moderate tt r being pt on us is juz simply to differentiate us frm the extremists & radicals. Moderate is use to banish Islamophobia if there's really one...May Allah forbids.

Akhir sekali ape yng baik dtng dari Allah s.w.t dan yng tidak baik dtng dari kesilapan diri saya sendiri. Ana,Al Dhaif Al Fakir Illallah, Assalamualaikum wrb.

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