Friday, July 06, 2007

B4 u peeps watch LIVE EARTH tmr, i wld like to share some info so u wld be able to understand global warming bttr. Juz nw during geog lesson, i gt to wtch Al-Gore's documentary. * Btw, Al-Gore's son was juz charged of drug trafficking a couple of days tts besides the pnt. The mst impt. pnt is GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! The thng all of us need to knw is the higher the Carbon Dioxide emission, the greater the temp. will be on earth. So we have a part to play. Guess i'll be seeing lots of green peeps tmr *ahacks... green peeps lets kick some blue peeps ass! ehks tts stickdeath! Guess kidding hor..

Tdy, i missed the oppotunity to become al-falah's exco committee*tsktsk.. When i received the msg ystrdy, I was like, "almk syng arr..i gt class!" Its at 7.30p.m so there was no way i could be there. Bt come to thnk of it, there's alwys anthr time & furthemore i too juz joined so its bbtr fr me to take 1 step at a time. *btw, al-falah's located at shopping2 jgk bt don't frgt ur obligations as a MUSLIM.

Also, iv been noticing some frens were moody at times. Yes im fully aware tt we peeps can't run away frm probs... Anthr thng i noticed was when probs struck, we tend to listen to loud music, drown our sorrows in alchols & prhps take drugs. Lt me tell u tt all those r juz temp. relieve...they'll sure come bck at u. Why im saying tis? Coz iv been there, done tt. *doesn't mean i drink & take drugs yaw! ps. i only take PRESCRIBED med. hahaa!

Ok so here's the solution. Do lots of zikir & listen to the Quranic will sooth ur mind. Trust me, when u rmb Allah, Allah will alwys rmb u & provide a way fr u to clear all ur probs. InsyaAllah.Amin.

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