Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ok tis gonna be very brief. So uv figured it out!Iv read ur stinging comments on ur msn space & im nt nt really bothered to quote all of wat u hv said bout me. Hey r u tryin' to teach me bck? Eg. "Tiada PAKSAAN dlm agama".(La ikra ha fiddin) tts verse 256 frm surah al-Baqarah. Who's forcing u dude? Im completely AWARE tt ur over & done wf ur 'O's so stop bragging. Helloo... iv gt othr frens whose in JC bt all of them are unlike u. They knw how to manage their time well & won't give excuses like u. Lstly quoted: "So,U decide now,whether u want to be A Fren,or A FOE.....I tell u smthg dude,....U won't succeed in life if ur attitude's this way man,by criticising people,juz becoz they didn't do a right thing or didn't follow ur rules or wat u asked them to do,they didn't do......" Ehks lt me push tis qn of urs to u bck! If u don't accept wat iv said, so be it! Im nt one who memutuskan sillaturrahim & mind u, in islam its jengkel utk berdebat.Fikir2knlah...Wat i ask of u is juz a simple courtesy. Is tt so difficult?

Yaw sorry peeps fr my personal post to tt someone... Niwaes i'll be MIA till Allah knws when haha! However do keep on tagging yar?! =)

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