Saturday, August 04, 2007

Phew! Prep exams are finally over. Early in the morning, gt a call frm Fadhil! Tt's sooo random. He asked me wat time remedial starts coz he's in sch and there was no one ard. gosh. Sorry to tell him tt there's no remedial. Poor boy! Ehks u disturb my sleep only...ahacks!

Finally i gt myself some breathing space. Initially wanted to go to BayBeats held at Esplanade bt scrapped the idea. Went to catch Simpsons The Movie instead. It was hilarious. All the aspects frm the environment to relationship issues were present. I strongly recommend Simpsons fans & none Simpsons fan alike to watch it. It is definitely worth ur time & money. x)

Ok, guess i'll update on hw i fare in the prep exams soooon.

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