Friday, August 17, 2007

Over the weeks i've nt been blogging coz my pc crashed!:( Niwaes i feel sooo gd to be bck.


Actually, tis heart of mine hv been rebelling of i don't knw wat fr the lst few wks. The temptation of repeating the pst bad thngs seemed so strong. Nw, i realised hw diff. fr someone who hv fr all his/her time bergulamang wf maksiat find it tough to change. Bt alhamdulillah in my case, my iman is still kept in check by the great man himself;Allah s.w.t.

So take a look here and see wat iv come out wf & hopefully u'll gt the taufik and hidayah frm Allah s.w.t.

Ps. Sorry it's in malay...

Dunia ini ibarat pentas lakonan
Manusia itulah pengarah dan pelakon utamanya
Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah itulah skripnya
Malaikat itulah jurugambarnya
Islam itu jalan ceritanya
Qiamat itulah kesudahan penggambarannya
Padang Masyar...tempat penganugerahannya
Rasulullah s.a.w. adalah penerima anugerah terbanyak
Allah s.w.t. ialah sebagai hakimnya
Syurga ataupun neraka adalah trofinya

The moral of these, life is
short. We never knw when's our turn to leave tis world. So prepare urself wf all the good deeds in life and obey HIS & Prophet Muhammad's teachings. May we have an easier life dwn there...Amin

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