Sunday, August 26, 2007

Here i am blogging in tis hour...

My whole Saturday was spent at the Taman Warisan Melayu. I was there frm 1530 till 2330! Was there to help since i gt a request frm Ustz Yousef (YDO Al-Falah). The event was to raise funds fr Madrasah Al-Irsyad wf the help of Al-Falah msque. So tt explains why im there. The afternoons was spent watching performances by Sleeq, Didicazli & Imran Ajmain. After all the entertainment, its time fr us to upped our iman. At 2030, there's a forum on Isra'Mikraj. Its important fr us to realise tt the evnt tt happened to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was nt a mitos. There's a lot of thngs to be learn frm Rasulullah's journey as it's still relevant till tis day. Fr eg. The call for solat 5x a day.

I would also like to take tis opportunity to remind my brothers & sisters bout tis Monday. Its Nisfu Syaa'ban which is also an important event in the Muslim calender. Let us gather at the msque tis coming Monday & recite the Yasin 3x. May all our doas tt day is heard & wishes granted by Allah s.w.t. Amin. So let us nt waste tis glorius nite.

Nt to frgt, Allah s.w.t. will forgive all of us during Nisfu Syaa'ban except fr 3 grps:

1)Those who do syirik
2)Those who continues to drink alcohol
3)Those who loves to instigate others

Naudzubillah himinzalik;May we are nt belong one of these grps...

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