Saturday, September 01, 2007

I'm very honoured to gt the chance to visit the Internal Security Department(ISD) Heritage Centre juz nw. Fr ur info, Al-Falah yth was the 1st yth organisation to go there. The whole place was highly secured & iv a learnt a lot of thngs durin' my visit. Gt to knw some classified thngs whch i bet othr yths arn't aware of. Interested? Call me fr an interview! haha mcm fhm...

Also, i encountered 2 scenarios on the way bck home frm Orchard mrt to Pasir Ris inside the train.
1st: I gt a stare frm tis dude wf a scar on his face. He was gg out at Eunos Mrt & was lookin' at me frm top to bottom like i was some kind of a Skinhead. Haha! My reaction? I gave a him a gd look bck..hah! tk berani kn buat ape2 kt

2nd: I was so impressed wf tis othr guy's dressing. He was a total trendsetter man! And i really like his shoes & vest. Gotta hv one of those ahacks! sum it upped, todaes great. And nt to frgt, happy birthday to my dad which celebrated his birthday ystrdy(MERDEKA TAU! HAHA) Couldn't fnd time to eat out wf the family..We'll go out soon yar?

And, lastly, Happy Teachers' Day!!!

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