Thursday, November 22, 2007

Well...was up early in the morning today -____-". Luckily it was worth it as hd to go to the ICA Building fr my passport extension & to make a new IC. Damn tt person who stole my wallet! U gt my $$ wat else do u need? Give me bck my IC larr...And Malay mats out there never fails to pisses me off. Kt ICA Building pun nk cari psl haixz. I was walking pst these 2 red-haired guys & I overheard one of them said,"Amcm, nk sound pe?". WTF. Go get a life!!!

Here's some pics frm the ICA gallery:Guess sometimes its bttr to do some thngs alone. Its faster & easier tt way...The ayam penyet syiok at beach road power seyyh & it only costs $3.50. Worth my $$..kenyang aku mkn sorang2 hahs.

Ahhh...would like to congratulate tt gal MALAY gal frm St Hilda's fr hr outstanding PSLE rslts. Bagus kn bdk melayu kite? Sekolah Cristian tapi bdk melayu angkt! Set record lagi! Tahniah...Hmms, bt some may say,"Alahh dia bdk dari GEP mestilah pandai!" Elitist? Haha tk pe lar...Suatu kejayaan yng harus kita banggakan...

Tapikn, bdk melayu pelajaran improve improve jgk...Tapi kalau buat bende tk sepatutnya kite buat, tu pun kite nk kene top jgk ke? haixz...ironis nye!!!

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