Thursday, December 20, 2007

Allahuakhbar,Allahuakhbar,Allahuakhbar. Laillahailallah Allah huakbar. Allahuakbar Walillah Ilhamd.

Praise to Allah the Almighty fr tdy historic event. Its the Hari Raya Aidil Adha & proud to say tt I played a huge part in the korban held at Madrasah Al-Junied. Tis yr I totally slug it out unlike lst yr where I hd to only weigh the meat at En-Naeem... Tis time rd, waduh btol2 gue membanting tulang! I carried 21 sheeps wf 19 of them me holding the head=)
Lts strt my journey early in the morning to Sultan Msque. Funny incident happened. Check tis out:

After the solat at Sultan, went ahead to the Madrasah.. here's an intro:

Here's some pics to tell the stry..more pics to come:

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