Monday, December 17, 2007

There's plenty of actions & excitements gg on at the weekend the lst two days. There's the big four matches on the EPl whch Im proud to say tt my team, Manchester United won & also nt frgtting the LA LIGA & SERIE A matches where bth Barcelona & Juventus won their matches respectively ((:

And on the entertainment scene, congrats to Hady Mirza on being named the frst Asian Idol..Oh, nt frgtting fans of Chinese serials, Metamorphosis hv been named the bst drama serial at the Star Awards held at Caldecott Hill. I like,hahs. Bt sadly, Fiona Xie was nt one of the top ten female artistes..): Guess its still being dominated by the veterans.Oh wells.At least Rui En was in the list,hahaha.

Hmms. Gt a call frm Ustzh Zanariah early in the morning asking me to volunteer fr Al-Istighfar tis Thurs..Sry, I can't coz Iv given my name to Ustz Yousef to hlp Al-Falah wch will be doin' the korban at Madrasah Aljunied. Poor Al-Istigfar..its like every yr they lacked the manpower! And I don't see myself helpin' out fr any of Al-Istighfar's programmes in the near future as I juz don't like their management. My services are either at En-Naeem or Al-Falah..sorry aytes. =)

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