Friday, December 14, 2007

This may sound contradictory bt Im beginning to feel bored at wrk! Its like my contract ends nxt Sat and Im like semakin malas?!wth. The tght of renewing my cntrct till Jan is being put on hold fr nw. And I was like totally moody workin' alongside aunt Soo Chai. She's really getting on my nerves. Ni tk blh,tu tk blh..ngade2...nasib Cik Anuar ade if nt I gt to do lots of wrk. Cik Siti came to my rescue at 1830 as Soo Chai hd done wf hr wrk. Am dreading to wrk alongside hr on Mon,Wed & Fri...Will only gt to wrk wf Cik Ana on Tue,Thr & Sat..-___-" Gt to knw frm Cik Ana tt Soo Chai mmng perangai mcm gitu. Cerewet! Mentang2 lah dh kerje 14 tahun..Aaaarghh tk tahan aku nk dngr luahan rase dia whenever she's unhappy bout.bleargh.

On the way home frm wrk, had a great conversation wf Saiful & Azhar inside the MRT. Saiful strted the conversation when he said,"Gi balik lah negri kau & bwk skali culture kau balik kt Europe!".He was referring to tis Eurasian guy who stared at him as soon as he went inside the train. And we're like talking politics while tryin' nt to be racist. We three agree tt the Chinese nw are like 'disrespecting' us & stuffs bcoz of their social position nw..Eyh, ingatlah skit ni tetap tanah Melayu yng kau pijak tau! The idea of nuking the Chinese sounds great.Hmms. Im beginning to tlk like Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! Azhar really hates their race though dia ade campuran Cine..He's one rare breed, I tell u..His hatred is darn real as he didn't even study anythng tt hd to do wf Chinese fr Hist,ahacks.. :))

And one funny thng was when I raised the idea of Singapore adopting the 'bumiputra' policy & Saiful ws gg, "Err tu tk pyh psl kau tgk sendiri ah kt Malaysia, org Melayu jadi malas"..Hmms.He hd a pnt though. He even supported Hindraf! Watevalah eyh..

All these talk make us sounds like politicians in the making, doesn't we? kwakwakwawka

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